News - New Massive Cod Warzone 2 Season 3 Update. 6 New Maps, Rebirth Island And More

mw3 season 3

And next up, we have a new tactical, the EMD mine; it will be available midseason. Proximity triggered mine that sticks to surf es once triggered the M shoots out track a device that reveal the enemy location and direction until removed, and finally to finish off we'll begin a new field upgrade called the enhanced vision goggles, it will be available mid-season when it comes to the multiplayer s things that would do it now let's move on to the connected, content, and what this simply means is everything I talk about here will be available on all game modes in Call of Duty let's start off with the new events season 3 will'll see four new events first of all we have the Godzilla and King Kong battle for Hollow Earth event it will be available from April 3rd all the way until April 10th then we have the blaze up event will be available at the launch window following that we have the high trip event it will be available at the launch window, and finally in season we have the new Vortex.

mw3 update

VI Russ main frame event, and alongside all of this, expect additional events for the season 3 Reloaded update. Moving on, as always with the new season, means new prestige. The levels to rank up this season will be no different. Season 3 will start off with, of course, Prestige 10 at level 500, then we move on to Prestige 11 at level 550, then Prestige 12 at level 600, and finally Prestige Master Prestige 13 at level 650.

With all that being said, that would do it for the connected content. Now let's move on and talk about zombies, and be honest, guys, zombies are once again disappointing because, just like the previous season, season 2, everything for zombies will only be available during the season 3 Reloaded update.

new massive cod modern warfare 3 season 3 update

Unfortunately, no new zombie content will be available at the launch of season 3. First of all, the story will continue with Saving Dr. Johnson, and following that, a third Rift will also open. We have new challenges and schematics, and we have the dead with detonators. The golden mask filter and finally the surgeon's baret, and to finish off with zombies, will begin a new warlord, called The Rain Maker.

Unfortunately, this is everything that zombies will be receiving in season 3 of Mon Warfare 3. Regarding zombies, that would do it now. Let's move on to the war zone, and of course, the main focus of the season is none other than the return of rebirth. Moving on from that, we will have a new war zone mode and public event.

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The very first game mode is going to be called The War Zone Boot Camp. It will be available at launch, and just as the name suggests, this is going to be a training match for new players to try out war zone and learn the ropes in war zone before actually deploying into a real war zone match. It will include 44 players, with 20 of them being real players and 24 being bots.

new massive cod modern warfare 3 season 3 update 6 new maps rebirth island and more

Our second game mode is, of course, none other than the Return of Rebirth Resurgence. It will be available at launch, and the maximum play count will be 44. Next up, we have the Rebirth Resurgence loaded game mode, which will be available in the midseason, and this is going to be your normal rebirth resurgence.

However, you can start using your custom loadouts from the start of the match; otherwise, everything is the same as in your normal rebirth revival. Our next war zone game mode is going to be rebirth lockdown; it will be available in the midseason. And basically, this game mode is going to be your normal hard point, but instead of being multiplay 6v6, it's going to take place in the war zone, and that's it.

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Along with all of that, it will begin a new public event called the Rebirth Infill Strikes. It will be available in season, and basically what this new public event is at the start of every match is that it won't happen at the start of every match; it happens very rarely, but there is a chance at the start of every match one of the three points of interest in Rebirth Island, which is Lighthouse.

rebirth island

Prison, and finally the water tower will be absolutely destroyed before the start of the match now you'll have to change the way you play because one of these three point of interest will get destroyed, again this does not happen every match it is very rare that it happens, but every so often this public event will happen following that we have a second public event this time called the go like climb and Punishment it will be available at launch if you guys remember in war zone 2 gag there was a Jugger that would spawn and if you and the enemy in the goolag kill the Jugger then both of you will actually redeploy into the game well this public event is the same two ladders will drop if you work together and climb those ladders both of you will redeploy.

Or, of course, if you want to double-cross your enemy, you can do so; or, of course, if you want to completely ignore the ladder and kill the enemy and only redeploy into the match next up, you have the heavy armor public event; it will be available mid-season; and basically, all this public event is activated at the start of a match that this public event becomes activated.

season 3

Every player will have an extra armor slot, so instead of having three, you will now have four, and that fourth armor plate will be visible above every player's head. Next up, we have a new mission contract called the spy drones, which will be available at launch. Just as the name suggests, once you start this mission contract, you have to destroy some spy drones.

season 3 modern warfare 3

Once you destroy them, you will get rewarded, and it is as simple as that. We move on to our second new mission contract; this one is actually a return. Contract, this time in Resurgence, rebirth Island and there is none other than the Champions Quest it will be available at launch alongside all of that there will be some new and r features in war zone season 3 first of all we have a new field upgrade called the squad rage it will be available at launch and basically this will be a stronger version of the battle rage field upgrade where once you activate it your squadmates, will also get the effects of the battle rage as long as they are within the radius of that battle rage field upgrade then we have the second New Field upgrade called the utility book it will be available mid-season and basically the utility book field upgrade mixes both the ammunition, and the armor plates all into one box instead of using two different ones one for armor plates and one for ammunition.

This one combines them both together; alongside all of that, there'll be a new kill streak in war zone called the forite, and will be available in season, basically what this kill streak does once you use it will show you all the future circles from that point until the end of the match so this will definitely come in handy to plan your way through the rest of the match this kill streak will be very vital in winning you the war zone match and finally to finish off with the new and return features, we have the return of the perk packages.

season 3 mw3

The Specialist will be available in season, and alongside all of that, there'll be some new updated movement for Rebirth Island. As you guys know, mod Warfare 3 and War Zone have the new water mechanics. Next up, we also begin getting the new unsubstantiated. Intel, which will be available at launch now, but unfortunately, they don't tell us a lot about it; most of it is redacted.

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