News - My Top 10 Best Attachments Warzone 2. Add These To Favorites


So for me, with that in mind, I actually don't use my favorite slot on this because I just know I can scroll backwards and get to it really quickly. After that, for muzzles, we have the Z35. Compensated flash hider and with this one we get good benefits to our recoil control for both vertical and horizontal, although this one doesn't help with gun kick it also barely hurts our aimed down sight speed which is nice and we get the additional benefit with this of a shorter radar ping when you fire this so it's not a full-on suppressor but when you fire your diamond won't appear for enemies on the mini map for as long as if you're using any other unsilenced, option so that does make this solid Choice as well and I think it's a good candidate for using a favorite slot, then we've got the Jack BFB muzzle on my list and this is one that I personally don't use too often cuz I don't like showing up as a big arrow on the enemy mini map and I don't like that Arrow lingering for a long period of time, and on top of this there's a pretty big aim down sight speed penalty.


However, this gives by far the best recoil control out of any single attachment in the entire game, and that's just something that can't be ignored, and I'll often use this on a really inaccurate gun. If I want to get that recoil under control significantly, then I will go with the Jack BFB. However, this is one of those things where you'd be completely wasting a favorite slot on this since it appears first on the list for muzzles by default, and this just leaves us with one last muzzle that I tend to use on a fairly consistent basis.

This is the S37.C DL breacher device, and this is one I'm going to be using on most of my hipfire and tack stance builds. if I'm building specifically for those things. This one's just a no-brainer because it's the only muzzle attachment that helps in these areas, and we get a nice bonus with this, which is a one-hit melee if we're just using the butt of our gun. Since this one does appear in a bit of an awkward spot on the muzzle list, I actually do like using a favorite slot on this.

My favorite underbarrels

My favorite underbarrels

So there we go. Those are my top seven most commonly used muzzles in the game. Now let's get into the next most important category of attachments. This is the underbarrel category, and with this, the first one I want to mention is the Dr6 hand stop.

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This one is excellent for general improvement to your handling and mobility without hurting range or recoil, and as a result, I'm putting this on a lot of my more aggressive builds. However, it does appear early on in the list, so I'm not going to waste a favorite spot on this. After that, we have the SL skeletal vertical underbarrel, and you'll often see me using this one because not only does this give a nice benefit to our vertical recoil and our gun kit control, it also improves our aim-down sight and sprint-out times, which is pretty rare.


Usually, you don't see an attachment helping with both recoil and handling stats, so when I have a gun that needs a bit of help with that vertical recoil control and I want it to be a more aggressive build as well, this is my go-to option, and I always have this one favorite. Then, if I'm looking to use an underbarrel to help with horizontal recoil, I tend to lean in the direction of the ftac sp10, angled grip, because this one gives us a great horizontal recoil benefit.

It's also worth noting that we've got a very notable improvement to our idle sway, and the only downside to this is that it hurts our vertical recoil control a little bit now with this one. I really like pairing this with the T51R ability break since it more than offsets the horizontal recoil reduction that we get from that, and with that combination of attachments, we're getting amazing recoil benefits without ever touching our aim-down sight speed, and as a result.

I would definitely consider this as a favorite option. Then after that, we've got the brewing and heavy support under barrel, and this one gives us an excellent benefit to gun kit control and horizontal recoil, which tends to be really well suited to a lot of the Modern Warfare 2 guns in this game, and while this one does hurt our aim-down sight speed by a noticeable margin, it's just often your best choice.

If you have a gun that has a lot of that gun kick, if it's bouncing around a lot side to side, this is generally going to be your best option to get that under control, and it's also worth noting that this helps a bit with our firing aim stability, so for me, that one is often a go-to for my Modern Warfare 2 gun, although I don't use it too often for the Modern Warfare 3 ones, and then finally, this leaves us with one last underbarrel that I really like using a favorite slot on, which is the Brew and Bastion angled grip, because this is the one I'm going to be using again on all of my hipfire and Tack stance builds.

This one helps a lot in those areas. This is often the best attachment you're going to get to help with your hipfire and your attack stance, and since it's roughly halfway through the underbarrel attachments. I like using a favorite slot on this just to save some time, so I'm not scrolling nearly as much.

The 10 that i have added to favorites

The 10 that i have added to favorites

So there we go. Those are the top underbar bars and muzzle attachments that I tend to lean toward when creating my builds again. Just a reminder: I will sometimes branch outside of those I'm not saying that everything that's not on this list is absolute trash or anything; it's just that these are the ones you'll tend to see most often.

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And this is the list I've got for the top 10 attachments that I personally use in my favorite slots on.

We need more favorite slots

And this is where I want to bring up just a little bit of feedback and a little discussion at the end. I really hope we can get some more favorite slots in this game because 10 is not nearly enough with how many attachments we have available.

I'm not too sure why we have a limit of 10. I'm sure there's some logical explanation for that, but it really just seems like it's not even nearly enough, especially when you consider the fact that in many of these cases, like with some of the muzzles, for instance, you can have a muzzle that has the exact same name for an assault rifle and for an SMG.

Wrap up

Wrap up

I'll talk to you guys

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Modern Warfare III has hundreds of attachments but on 10 "Favorite" slots to use so today, I wanted to share my list of best attachments that I use frequently and that I feel you should consider using a favorite slot on.
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