News - Is The Wsp-9 Any Good Warzone 2. Stats & Best Setups

If you look at the advanced stats, you'll see that it doesn't actually change our recoil values, whereas the WSP Classics Factory stock will improve all of our recoil values. In saying that, the thing that this duster heavy stock gains is aiming idle sway and firing aim stability, which is a very important stat, especially with a gun like this, and through multiple tests and combinations of attachments.

I actually found this duster heavy stock was the better option for recoil with this particular combination. And with the setup aside from recoil, most of the other stats are identical to the base version of this gun, aside from our aim-down sight speed, which is increased by 40 milliseconds. So this is quite a slow, aimed-down sight speed for an SMG.

modern warfare iii

But this setup's designed to be treated much more like an assault rifle, and in that case, this is very reasonable. So there we go. That's my more accurate build with the WSP 9 if I want to hang back a little bit and try to pick people off.

Wsp-9 - stealth build

Wsp-9 - stealth build

Next, let's have a look at my stealth build. With this one, we're using the WSP infiltrator barrel, which has an integrated suppressor on it, so it'll keep you off the radar. We're using the XRK Edge BW4 hand stop for the 32-round magazine.

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The Marauder rear grip and once again that duster heavy stock Now, with this particular build, we still have a reasonably accurate gun in our hands. This is definitely more accurate and easy to control than the base recoil. We also managed to get a very slightly better aim-down sight speed at 238 milliseconds.


The same thing with our sprint-out time: it's very, very slightly faster than the base recoil. Honestly, this isn't going to be noticeable, but at least we're not making this any worse, and this is already great by default. Unfortunately, we will be losing 10% of our damage ranges, but that's okay because this is designed for pushing aggressively and trying to flank your enemies while staying off the radar, and personally, this is my favorite method of running the WSP 9.

Wsp-9 - broodmother .45 acp build

But finally. I did want to make a setup with that Broodmother 45 ACP kit, and with this particular one, we're using the Hiss short light barrel, and that's primarily to take care of that big aim down sight penalty that this kit brings, and then on top of that, we've just got the Mark 3 reflector, the Duster heavy stock, and finally that Marauder rear grip, and with the combination of all of these, our aim down sight speed is effectively the same as the base at 239 milliseconds.


Same thing with our sprint out time pretty much the same as the base, but that's a good thing because that's for very fast our time to kill potential excluding that open bolt delay is 270 milliseconds, which is very nicely improved, and honestly, this is a reasonably accurate gun. After the first shot that you fire, there is a big jump after that first bullet, and there's really not much you can do about this, but that's okay; that's just something you have to compensate for, and just realize that this isn't going to be the best at taking those really long-range engagements; you generally want to keep yourself close to mid-range.

Final thoughts & wrap up

Final thoughts & wrap up

And with that, that's going to wrap up today's gun guide on the WSP 9. As for my thoughts on this gun, it's okay. I've definitely found some success with it, and I have found enjoyment with it as well, but I just often find myself in situations where I get the jump on an enemy player and yet I still lose the gunfight, simply due to the fact that when you combine the open bolt delay with the time to kill potential, it's just too slow, and the other guns will simply beat you out even when you get the jump on them, so I don't hate this gun, but I also wouldn't consider it to be a very competitive gun, generally speaking.

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I'm going to perform much better with many of the other guns in the game now. If you enjoyed this one, a like rating is always appreciated, and don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already. I'll talk to you guys next


Welcome to Modern Warfare III Gun Guides! This is the series where I dive deep into the stats of a gun and share the best attachment setups based on tons of testing and data collection! In today's episode, we're breaking down the WSP-9 and its Broodmother . 45 Conversion Kit.
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