News - Is The Longbow Overpowered Warzone 2. My Thoughts & Breakdown


The conclusion that I'm drawing from this is that it appears the longbo was actually initially coded as a marksman rifle. I believe it was meant to be a marksman rifle at first, but then they transitioned it to the sniper rifle category, and it maintained Marksman rifle level aim assist, so it has very normal aim assist for like regular guns in this game, whereas generally with sniper rifles they have a totally different style of aim assist that isn't nearly as sticky or strong as what we would experience with like an assault rifle, for instance, and this right here.

I think this is one of the key differentiating factors with the longbow. Obviously, it only applies to the controller players out there, not so much with the mouse and keyboard, but this is the type of thing that would go a long way toward making it quite a bit easier to hit your shots on a more consistent basis.

My thoughts & opinions

My thoughts & opinions

When you have this Marksman rifle-level aim assist , that's where I'm going to wrap it up for the objective comparison. Now let's talk a little bit about my experiences playing with as well as against the longbow, both with and without the Jack Tyrant kit, keeping in mind, of course, that my experiences may differ from yours.

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For some people, I totally believe that they run into a whole lot of Longbow Lobbies where there's plenty of people in each Lobby using long bows on a regular basis. That can largely depend on the region that you're playing in the game modes that you play and also your skill level, which could come into play as well, whereas for other people, they may not see Longbow users much at all, or at least not good Longbow users, and in my personal experience, while I have been seeing more and more Longbow users.


Recently, as this topic has continued to spread throughout the community. I haven't really found them completely taking over most matches. I have had the odd game here or there where I've got like three plus enemies using a longbow, and that can definitely be a frustrating game to be playing in, so I think it gave me a glimpse into what some people are experiencing, for the people that do play against longbow users a lot, but in general, for me, it hasn't really been like a game-breaker; it hasn't been a massive issue.

It's not one of my top complaints so far, so if you were to ask me, do I think the Longbow is overpowered, like a big game-breaker right now, and definitely needs some big Nerfs? I would say no, probably not now. Part of that might just be down to your definition of being overpowered. I don't like using that word too loosely; for me, overpowered means this is a severe problem that needs adjustment right now, and I don't think the Longbow is at that point.


However. I will say that I think the longbow might be a little bit too powerful, and I definitely wouldn't be opposed to at least some adjustments to it as long as those adjustments don't completely destroy the longbow. And just to go a little deeper into that thought, if you put the longbow in the hands of just an average player in the game, it's unlikely that they're going to perform better with that longbow than they will with an assault rifle or an SMG, for instance.

So there's definitely a certain amount of skill that's required to be really effective with the longbow in this game; however, when you run into a very competent sniper in this game with a longbow, that can be an incredibly frustrating experience, and therefore, perhaps, this skill requirement. It needs to be bumped up just a little bit on that without totally destroying the gun, because, to be clear, I don't want quick scoping to go anywhere.

It's a fun play style that can be very enjoyable, to challenge yourself, and also to just change up the way that you're approaching the game and the way that you're playing things by being aggressive with a sniper rifle. In saying that, though I do think if you are going to be quick scoping, it should be something that requires a certain level of skill to really excel at, and in the game's current state with the longbow.

What i'd change

What i'd change

I think that the skill floor for using the longbow effectively is just a little too low in its current state, and I would like to see that bumped up a bit, and the first thing I would do to achieve that goal is give the longbow the same aim assist as all of the other sniper rifles in the game; you shouldn't have aim assist when in hipfire.

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You should only have that when aiming down sight, and it shouldn't be as strong as a marksman rifle; it should be just as weak as the other sniper rifles in the game. Sincerely, I think that would be a really good start without totally destroying the longbow. However, if I wanted to take that just a little bit further, I think the other adjustment I wouldn't mind seeing is bumping up the Flinch value a little bit.

I don't think the longbow should have the lowest amount of flinch in the S category, especially since you're going to be using it in close-quarter situations. Where that little bit of flinch really doesn't mean a whole lot, so I wouldn't be opposed to them bumping that flinch up so it's more in line with the other sniper rifles in the game; in fact.

I wouldn't mind seeing it go all the way up to where we're at with the KV inhibitor, because that would at least provide a bit more counterplay to a longbow user, so if you start pumping some shots into them because you took them off guard, it's less likely to be able to get that quick and accurate shot off on you before you can even finish the kill, and I think those two things would at least be where I would start with a longbow, where that wouldn't completely nerf it into the ground in my opinion.

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I think it would be a good start, and then I'd probably monitor it from there and see where things go. I don't think that would be too much of a Nerf; perhaps that wouldn't be enough of a Nerf, but I'd rather see some incremental Nerfs to eventually get it into a nice balanced state rather than completely nerfing it into the ground, so then it's just useless.

Wrap up

Wrap up

And there we go. Those are my thoughts on the longbow situation in this game.

I don't think it's quite as broken as some people make it out to be, but I will also acknowledge that it's probably a little bit too powerful in its current state, and I definitely wouldn't be opposed to some minor Nerfs just keeping it in check a bit more. A like rating is always appreciated, and don't forget to subscribe for more if you haven't already.

I'll talk to you guys next

A hot topic in the Modern Warfare III community lately has been the Longbow sniper rifle and many are claiming that it's game breaking and overpowered in its current state so today, I wanted to compare the Longbow with the other MWIII sniper rifles and then share my thoughts on whether or not I feel it's overpowered.
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