News - I Completed 100 Tier 2 Contracts. This Is What I Found. Warzone 2 Zombies

Contracts completed

Contracts completed

Rewards per contract

Rewards, this is nearly almost perfectly two rewards per contract, and right away you can tell the difference between this and the tier one results because in tier one you only got 1.3. rewards per contract, so this is definitely a step up, and this is really interesting to think about because when going and doing tier 2 and tier three contracts in our brain, of course you want the rewards to be better, but part of what makes them better is that you get more things, more acquisitions, and this is definitely something we're going to be noticing once we get into the tier three and dark ether rewards too, and this is how those 208 rewards were dispersed.

Total rewards

Total rewards

You can see we got 58 perk cans. 29 ammo mods 12 Kazmir, three Wonder weapons 19 uncommon tools 14 rare tools Three epic tools one legendary 10 pack-a-punch crystals—that's important. We'll get back to that one pack, two, one pack, three crystals, Seven rare kill streaks Four epic kill streaks 11 self-revives Now this is interesting.

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The self-revive is actually a guaranteed drop on your first contract that you complete if you are playing solo, so that is going to skew our results here just a little bit. Of course, there are six medium Ru sacks, five large Ru sacks, 10 two-plate vests, and one three-plate vest, for a total of 13 schematics.

That number, I think, is actually higher than it should be because, as I was doing one of my last games ever, I got so lucky with three back-to-back schematics. We're going to call that.

Reward % per contract

YouTuber luck, and because we did 100 contracts, turning all of these into percentages is really easy. You just add a percentage sign to the back of it, so think about this number as if you're going to do a contract.

This percentage is exactly the probability you're going to get. Whatever item you have, you have a 14% chance to get a blue tool; you have a 29% chance to get AMOM mod; you have a 58% chance to get a perk ; and the thing that jumps out to me is that we have a 133% chance of getting schematics.

Schematic % per contract

Schematic % per contract

This is incredibly cool because I did get lucky and get those three back-to-back schematics, but as I was doing this test and inputting all of these numbers, the schematic percentage was approaching 10%, and I guarantee you, if I played more games.

I think the schematics would get closer and closer to 10% per contract. The reason I believe that is because that is the exact percentage we found when doing the Threat Level One contracts. We did 50 Tier 1 contracts, and of those 50 contracts, we got five schematics, meaning that there was also a 10% chance per contract.

Reward % per reward

Now, you might not think in terms of a percent per contract; you might want to look at this data set in terms of a percent per reward. So this graph shows you all of the rewards that you have and what percentage of those rewards is going to be Whatever item you can see here, a third of these items are going to be perk cans (14%), of them are going to be about 10% are uncommon tools, and you might be thinking Donuts: legendary tools pack two crystals pack three crystals three plate vests that have a 0%. Chance well actually the graphing, website that I used for this didn't have like half perents or decimal places but I imagine anything like the legendary tool or pack 2 or Pack 3 Crystal would have a less than 1%, chance of being rewarded to you even though it's, 100 contracts that we completed there still is the chance and in all honesty it's probably very likely that some of these items like the legendary ether tool like the Pack-A-Punch 3 Crystal have less than a 1% chance of actually being awarded to you now if you're more of a pie chart or should I say dut chart type of person I have this for you now it's a little bit more, cluttered because there's a lot more items that you have rewarded to you in tier 2 which is definitely really interesting and definitely a perk of doing more contracts in tier 2 But yeah, it's kind of hard to read, honestly.

Worse than tier 1

Worse than tier 1

Now you might think, as many of us do, that Tier 2 rewards should be better than Tier 1. However, there is one noticeable thing that is actually worse in Tier 2 than it is in Tier 1, and that is Pack-a-Punch One crystals. When we did our threat level one testing, we got nine Pack-a-Punch One crystals, which were 50 total contracts.

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And now in our threat level two testing, we have done 100 contracts, and we only got 10 Pack-a-Punch One crystals, only one more than the 50 contracts we did in Tier 1. This means that the likelihood of getting a Pack-a-Punch One crystal in Tier 2 is nearly half as likely as it is in Tier 1 now, which I got incredibly.

call of duty

Lucky in my Tier 1 contract testing, or incredibly. Unlucky in my Tier 2 contract testing, or that's the actual percentage difference between Threat Level 1 and Threat Level 2 of the Pack-A-Punch 1 Crystal It's definitely a weird design choice to make that crystal less likely, whereas for the Pack-A-Punch 2 crystal, as you can see, we only got one Pack-a-Punch 2 crystal in the Tier 2 contract out of 100, only one crystal that seems fairly light if you ask me, and the only other item that was less common in Tier 2 than it was in Tier 1 is the green ether tool.

That being said, it was still ever so slightly different in Tier 1; you had a 20% chance of getting a green tool; in Tier 2, you have a 19% chance. In terms of your total contract rewards, the green tool in Tier 1 would get about 15% of the time, and in Tier 2, you would get about 9% of the time. However, that actually makes sense because in Tier 2 you want to get better rewards, which means less of those kinds of surface level rewards like those green tools because the blue tool is way more common in Tier 2 than it was in Tier 1, so you can see the progression of the game pushing you into that higher and better loot, whereas the Pack-A-Punch one Crystal just becomes less common and doesn't replace it with a Pack 2 Crystal at all, even with the Pack-A-Punch 2 and the incredibly lucky Pack-a-Punch 3 Crystal that I got on my last game.

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I only had a 12% chance of getting all of the Pack-a-Punch crystals in Tier 2 versus in Tier 1 with only the nine Pack-a-Punch crystals. I had an 18% chance per contract of getting a Pack-A-Punch crystal. I'm pointing this out because the Pack-A-Punch crystals I have felt ever since launch are incredibly rare—not just the Pack-A-Punch 2 or Pack-a-Punch 3, but all of them, and this really supports that now we've talked about what's less common and what's more common.

Better than tier 1

Better than tier 1

Well, actually, most things are way more common in Tier 2 than they were in Tier 1.

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