News - How To Farm Rare Items Easy Warzone 2 Zombies Solo. Warzone 2 Zombies

modern warfare 3

So now you have two options: really, you can go back in and try to keep running other contracts, or you can just pick them up and cancel them because we're only at Pack-a-Punch right now, which is not super high. With got to be fast on that let's see what kind of Critter it is eliminate the mimic we can probably do this with what we got, already guess we'll find out a for sure now before we go there I think what we're going to do is go back to the ammo spot cuz we only have one decoy grenade yet left so remember that's it's going to be another 5, 000 Essence if it was a mega Abomination only being Pack-a-Punch level one and purple I would cancel it but we should be able to take a mimic out with a thermite at purple Pack-a-Punch one pretty easily we're going to go here grab decoys actually our contract's back you see that on the map it's gray out so we're going to cancel this I think, yeah let's cancel it cuz I see it popping up there we go our contract came back so let's run that back again so that actually popped up on my mini map even though it was, gray we're going to cancel that and go run another cargo run yeah so anytime you have an opportunity to run a cargo run you run a cargo run right.

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Again, this is by far the easiest method. You just got to be patient and not panic okay keep refilling those decoy grenades just use one at a time Comm it the timing all that stuff will come and will get much easier as you run it and before you know it you're going to be comfortable taking down the big old Mega Abominations by yourself so this is the strategy I got lucky I got my first ray gun schematic about three or four contracts in ever but I since then I've gotten probably five or six more ray gun schematics I've gotten I don't know probably eight epic ether schematics which is the best ether that you can craft the purple ones.

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I've gotten a bunch of soda cans and all that stuff. Now, keep in mind that what spawns in Tier 3 schematics is different than what spawns in Tier 2 or Tier 1, so you may need to go to a different tier to actually get what you want. Want, so we're going to go and pick up that drilling one, should we?

Yeah, I guess we mine as well. Let's go get the drill. We're going to catch this vehicle out here. Say bye-bye to this, Vehicle; we're going to cancel this contract. There's no way in hell we're going to be running a Tier 3 drill by ourselves. Think, and then if you run out of tier three contracts, then just go run tier two caros or tier two if you're at, you know, Pack-a-Punch 2.

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Go run some Tier 2 objectives if you want to; he's not far from you. Position, why do I not have thermites on? That crap, I don't have thermites; we're screwed; we can't; we can't do that. One, that's not going to work. Yeah, I need my thermites. Hello, all right, we're going to have to cancel this contract, unfortunately, but our other contract is back where we're going to go up high and then jump.


Quick there, you go look up, jump hit it, and this will take you right next to it and just run it back again, and so the more you run these, the more schematics you're going to get. You can do the same thing with the rift, man, because you all get your own rewards from the rift, so it doesn't matter if there's three people or not; nobody's taking your rewards from you.

You've got a lot of people. Here, yeah, don't hang around if you're running this many guys at the level you're at. Trouble boom! Flawless ether Crystal, those are fantastic. You can't farm those or craft those, and there you go, so right here we can. We can change things up a little bit. I'll show you what I'm going to do.

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Do let this thing heal up a little while we wait for that. We're going to go grab this one, so you can just move straight over to Tier 2 if you want. You can go back to Tier 1. Just go back and forth. You don't have to stick to one thing. You're not married to him. Right here inside of here, hey buddy, it's going to take us right back to the gas station we just came from.

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I see we're down to one decoy, so we got to we got to pay attention to what we're doing. Let's go get an ammo box. Now I'm running around in Tier 3 with no armor. Is it smart? No, but you get pretty comfortable after a while. Right there we go. We got the new one, yeah, Yeah so if you can if you can find somebody that you think's doing the same thing, the best thing to do is just invite them to your team again.

You share the reward, so he clearly knows what he's doing. His teammate doesn't know what he's doing, so let's make it easy on everybody. Baby, trying to get the speed one I really need. I yeah, you going to, exit all righto have a good one, man Max, too, so if you're going to Xfill and you got a bunch of essence, you might as well give it to your random teammate cuz he can go use it to buy something nice, do something I don't need anything.

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I got a three-plate vest. I got self-revived. I got everything I need, got onard, and kept the hostiles all right, so what we're going to do this is the mission 1 xfill Without Really Trying, we got all that, and I had a level three armor plate, some other stuff, and I might as well have a good one later.

So also, if you want to save anything and you run out of stash, like I have 104 out of 10, that's not supposed to go to your rewards. Replace everything you want to save and swap it with rewards.

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