News - Full Solo Warzone 2 Zombies Easter Egg Guide Unlock All Schematics Easily. Warzone 2 Zombies

modern warfare 3

Cyst, and you'll see that there's a purple pill bottle ready for you to take you can finish the me you can finish the nest or not it really doesn't matter it's irrelevant as long as you have the bottle go find another ether tear anywhere on the map hop through it and guess what, there you go this time it's a green ether tear in the middle of the sky, head through that, and this is going to change the purple pill bottle into a gold one another high value Target will pop up this time it's tier one which is easy feels so good to go do a tier one after you do a difficult tier three had a little hard time finding it went to the next room and then we got it boom contract started, so now for this one we had a mimic but it was level one and let's just say, it was a little easy with the weapons that I had Oh wait we're, done, basically one tapped them with the machine gun gold pill bottle is yours now we have three of the four necessary items we have the lock diary we have the golden dog collar and the gold pill.

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Bottle, the last item is the security Cameron obviously we have to make it gold for this one you need dead wire on your weapon and you have to kill an orb I was running out of time in the match you can see only got 3 minutes left but I found one in tier three and I couldn't resist it was super high risk but I really wanted to do it the big old monstrosity, showed up trying to kill me we were getting pounded but I had to get this golden security camera before the match ended just cuz I wanted to I was driven at this point finally get the kill was super excited run over and what do we find, yay we now have the purple security camera now because I had so much money I went ahead and bought a juggernaut for the next round when I was going to put all the things on the island all right so now you have the security camera but guess what you have to make it gold surprise, so go find one more ether tear and go through.

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It, and this time it's an orangish, ether tear in the sky, so go through that and guess what happens: a high-value Bounty contract pops up this time it's going to be in tier two, so we already did a tier three one, we did a tier one, and now this one's tier two, so again, if you have purple Pack-a-Punch 3 or gold Pack-a-Punch 3, it's going to be easy, so we pick that up and we go fight them this time it's a, disciple, but because our weapons are so flipping, strong a Kimbo wasps by the way wsps, boom.

Goodbye, make it easy, and there you go. You will now get the gold security camera. We have all those items that we need now to activate the actual portal for tier 5 and tier 4, so if you run out of time like I did successfully xfill, so you have all those items, there you go: gold dog collar, gold journal, gold security camera, gold pills.


Now you're going to go back into the match and go to the island on the south side of tier three; it's the island where that giant storm is hitting. You cannot miss it. Here you'll see four different pedestals, one of which is going to be the journal. Pills, the lightning, which will be the security camera, see, they all match what they were right, and finally you have fire, which is going to be the dog collar, the molotov.

Now what I did was bring a juggernaut in first because you have to fight a mega-abomination on this tiny little island, which if your solo is pretty difficult, so I dropped the jug before I placed anything else, knowing that once this guy spawns. I can delete him, so here we go, journaling on. Cryo, pills for brain rot, you can see it light, up camera lightning, and finally dog CER for fire.

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Now they are so hot that the portal's about to activate. If you beat this Mega Abomination, you have this portal permanently unlocked. Check it out, though; it's so flipping cool. They did such a good job with the graphics and special effects in this game. I love it all right. Let's go through the portal—no mega-abomination—and then we get to work.

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He's a chunker. Say hello to my little friend. You don't like this, do you? You didn't know I was going to bring a juggernaut to the party. Where'd you go? You think he can run away that easily? Hell no, you going to die, boy, you going to die you over, dog, yeah, take that little. Puppy get, some, let that finish up and get all your items, get a Flawless ethereum Crystal yes please, everything else was kind of weak which is okay whatever but the big thing you want once again the reward Rift your first sigil the sigils are what you have to collect to be able to go into the dark ether there's sigils and there's Elder sigil sigils will take you into a tier four area and sometimes you'll get schematics and different high level things the Elder sigil you'll use actually on the opposite side of the rift and those will take you to tier five and you get guaranteed schematics you're talking the golden armor plates, dog bone, and The Ether.

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Blade so you can go and activate that if you want or you could fill here, you can take sigils and elder sigils out and store them in your stash to bring them back later to come back with the crew. I decided to go solo because we were having fun on stream. I ended up getting a couple contracts done solo; we even killed the mega-abomination right off the rip.

And then we ended up dying, which I was totally fine with, but the point is that it is now unlocked. Now, when you run tier three contracts, you have a chance to get regular signatures so that you can bring you and your squad into the tier four or tier five zone like this, all right now that we've opened the portal.

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The goal is to get to Tier 5. In order to do that, you first have to run tier four, and you're looking specifically for Elder sigils, which allow you to get into tier five. I'm not going to show you that in the article because it's exactly the same as tier five, just easier. So once you have your Elder sigil, you're going to go to the back side of the dark ether Rift, insert that Elder sigil, and you will go in Tier 5.

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There will be three contracts; if you complete them all, you are guaranteed to get the golden bone schematics, the golden armor schematics, and the ethereal blade plans unlocked. It's not that hard if you follow my article. If you're solo, skip the escort contract and come back in and run the game.

If you have a team and you work together, you can totally do it, so regular sigil. You can spend it here; that's this one, but if we're going to go to Tier 5, this one would be nice. That, all right, bunnies, where you going there, you go see so that those are your contracts. You got one up top, one on the bus out there, and then one close by over here, so what we're going to do is something a little different.

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