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mw3 zombies season 1 patch

Making sure that enemies will continue to spawn and they don't want us to reach an xville and it doesn't hit that super climactic moment where you're fighting all the way to the end they want to make sure that they bring that back now if that isn't worth a thumbs up then I don't know what is but I'm so happy that they heard us and they're being so clear about it but they're also so in general going to be hitting a ton of stability issues of any kind of mode of this nature, it's tough until you get it out in the right environment there's all sorts of crashes and things the team is working around the clock to identify and fix as many crashes and stability issues as possible and making sure that those problems that come in the first minutes of the match whether it's a disconnect or you just fail to matchmake you want to make sure that they actually preserve the items that you're going to be bringing in so you're not losing, any of your Acquisitions and that is a massive thing that they want to focus on now All of those qualities of life are coming with season 1, which is amazing.

mw3 zombies season 1 secrets

But there are more coming during the season where all XFs will increase the number of enemies that will be spawned, which is amazing, getting us a bit closer to what it was like with that launch experience, but they're also going to make some changes to the final XF, which is going to receive a significant boost to the enemy count and enemy types that are there to make it a truly intense final fight because, at the moment, it feels extremely easy and very anticlimactic.

And then the development call ended with Kevin Drew simply showing us a new icon. Now obviously, I couldn't record the development call, so I can't show you the icon. So what on Earth could this be? Could this be a new boss to take down within the map? Is this some new multistage? Easter egg that's not a quest but is a mini one.

mw3 zombies season 1 update

I really don't know, but it seems like they're really littering and sprinkling. There are a ton of secrets within season 1 outside of everything that we're officially getting, as well as what Tryo taught us today about some of the more intricate secrets and updates coming, but the quality of life is obviously a massive source of relief for all of us as stability and server issues are probably the biggest priority.

That we want to see fixed in zombies because it really is something that has affected all of us at some point and continues to do so, but really, really exciting stuff. And what they said on the story missions is that what they're doing with Act 4 with the launch of season 1 is really going to set the standard for the post-launch content offerings, especially when it comes to the narrative side of things, which is really exciting, and the slide included like a full-screen image of AA Jansen with the purple, dark EA eyes, which looked like a cut scene shot, so we're definitely looking like we're getting at least one more story CGI, a cut scene with season 1 and Act 4, as well as how many missions that's going to be.

mw3 zombies season 1 updates

I have no idea, but we have a lot of content coming, and I'm really excited for it. I hope you guys are too if you want to know even more about season 1. I dropped an exclusive article earlier of actual season 1 gameplay, including all the new maps, the new weapons, and the new zombie operator skins coming along with the full battle pass.

Exclusive NEW MW3 Zombies Season 1 Secrets Updates Coming directly from Treyarch.
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