News - Did They Really Add Ai Bots To Warzone 2 Multiplayer


They're simulations based on time stamps, and that has been established many times over the years. I mean, just go back, play some Black Ops 3, record the gameplay live, and then compare that to the theater mode clip. Theater mode uses the same sort of system as kill cams do, and you will clearly see a mismatch in what you see with the theater mode recording and your actual live recording of that gameplay, so with all of that in mind, that very easily explains this clip, and again, it's a much more likely and very easy to check out for yourself explanation.

Compared to Activision, it added AI bots to multiplayer.

Full teams of bots in pubs??

Full teams of bots in pubs??

That some companies are offering now and again. I'm not here to advertise these services; a little bit of Google searching will allow you to find them, but essentially, there are companies out there now that are taking advantage of these anti-kick AFK scripts. And therefore, people can potentially matchmake against them, especially, of course, if you're reverse boosting your account, which he was doing in order to find these situations. So there we go, the final piece of undeniable proof explained, admittedly not as easily as the other ones, but it didn't take a ton of research to figure this out.

Are ai bots in mwiii multiplayer?

Are ai bots in mwiii multiplayer?

So does Activision or Call of Duty have AI bots in regular public matches for Modern Warfare 3? Maybe, but I've seen literally zero convincing evidence that this is the case.

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I've seen people make these claims in the past as well, again with no convincing evidence, but the main thing I wanted to point out with this article is that I have seen this conspiracy theory spread a lot, and I think at this point it's fair to call this a conspiracy theory since every piece of undeniable proof is pretty easily explained.


How many pieces of undeniable proof need to be debunked before you start questioning the claims and potential motivations of the person who is making those claims? If it were just one piece of undeniable proof, maybe that person just didn't fully grasp the situation; they made a little bit of a logical leap; a bit of an assumption could have been an honest mistake, but when they continue to add up one after another after another after another, now it's starting to look a little bit fishy, like that person is perhaps not being truthful.

And then finally getting a whole lot of views on YouTube because controversy sells, and the money for doing so is quite good, especially in the months of November and December, and there we go. That is going to wrap up today's article. I just wanted to point out that you can't necessarily trust everything you see online, and it can also be dangerous to start from a conclusion and then look for evidence from there to support that conclusion, rather than starting from a hypothesis and then putting the leg work in to do some actual research and testing, even some basic research and testing, and then from there weighing the possibilities. If all of the possibilities you come up with require a much larger logical leap than other potential explanations, that's a good sign that you may not be on the correct path now.

Wrap up

Wrap up

I know that for many people, this just goes in one year and out the other. If you haven't already, I'll talk to you guys next.

Also read:
A common claim I've seen spread all over the CoD community is that ActivisionCoD have added AI Bots to Modern Warfare III multiplayer and I wanted to investigate these claims to see if this is true.
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