News - Claim The Free Blue Monster Energy Operator. Unlock New Free Warzone 2 Rewards

mw3 2023

I mean, I don't know what their partnership looks like there, but I don't mind more free cosmetics, Operator skins, etc. Of course, at first we had to buy Monster Energy cans, submit the receipt on their website, and then you would get extra cosmetics from the operator, Skins XP. And stuff like that, they released more operator skins as well, if you still got those cans there, but I guess they're doing away with that promotion and they're just giving it to us for free just to promote Monster Energy, the different flavors, etc.

Whatever it is, I'm down with it. Why not it's still cool to see just free content overall, even if it's a very similar look to what we saw before. It's free content; I'll take it, and of course, throughout season 3 Reloaded, we should be getting more free content as well. I do want them to lean more into free operator skins because we're seeing a lot of free, you know, weapon camos.

Universal Camos weapon blueprints, which are pretty cool, but having a mastery reward for an event as an actual operator, skin, I feel like would be so much more interesting and rewarding. An operator's skin usually has a cooler look now, depending on how they make it.

More free mastery operator rewards for mw3 events

More free mastery operator rewards for mw3 events

It might not look that cool at all, but I think for the most part people want to see something different, mix it up, and give us more free operator skins. AP part of these event rewards instead of the same type of camo, weapon blueprints that sometimes they're cool but a lot of times they're just not that interesting, and I find myself not ever really using those mastery rewards when I'm actually playing Call of Duty: War Zone or MW3.

New mw3 events better than previous cod updates

mw3 beta

I don't know if this is a weird complaint here, because I do think these weekly, biweekly events we've been getting for this game are a lot better than what we've ever seen in the past. It's just a little incentive for players to hop in and play the game in the past. Of course, if we go back to even like the DLC map pack days before seasonal updates, you would have a good map pack with, you know, let's say a TR game would have a zombie map and four new DLC MP maps, maybe a new weapon as well, but then it would just be no content.

No update for 3 months, and I remember being a YouTuber. You know, back during Black Ops 3, especially where that was a great game, but sometimes in between those DLC updates it got kind of boring. You know what I mean, so I do like now that the events are pretty often you're getting free rewards here, like what they're doing now is still good.

Some may say the quality of the content was better back then, which I kind of do agree, but I got to give sledgehammer, especially props; right now they're doing a great job with the events. The free rewards The MP DLC maps are great as well. Zombie is very lackluster, of course. The campaign wasn't that good.

There's still a lot of problems here, but I do have Sledgehammer props here. It's a complex topic that maybe I'll discuss in a future article. But regardless, that's here for this article. Peace out, guys.

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