News - Change Your Settings "immediately" Warzone 2 Season 3. Warzone 2 Best Settings Ps5/xbox/pc

cod mw3

I don't think this is like the actual Modern Warfare 3's hit marker sound, or it might be, but either you can use this one or you go back to the OG classic MW2 hit marker sounds. I just use the regular. MW3 audio: Our next tab is going to be the interface tab as well. Just helping you guys make the game look a lot better subtitles I do have that default this is like only for campaign so you can just set these to how you want them to look I get a lot of questions and people ask me and my color blind because obviously my colors are different when it comes to Call of Duty and no I'm not color blind I just change like the colors of the players and colors of like the flags, just so the game isn't boring to look at you know espe call been default for so such a long time and now that we have this cool setting where you can just change it to any color you want that's exactly what I did I took full advantage of that and that's exactly, what this tab right here allows you to do you can change any color to literally.

Whatever color you want, you could even create something random that you like, but this is where my colors are set; this is how I like them. I probably will change them at some point, but I do not have any color blind settings on whatsoever; this is just me changing the colors here in the element color tab.

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When it comes to the HUD, you do keep this default to what it is. As you can see from the mini map, make sure you do have that set on Square. I'm pretty sure it does default to square, but if it doesn't, make sure you set it to square whenever you do put it on square. As you can clearly see from the pictures, it literally just makes the map bigger, and you can get a lot of more information just from the Min map being square.

modern warfare 3

Besides it being on a circle, the M map rotation we do have that on allows you to be more aware and read the map a lot better when it is moving. Compass you can have that on if you want I turned that off a long time ago because I don't give two flying shits about the compass, the cross here we have that on obviously we have the center dot as well I did put it to the largest setting so I can Center a lot better if you want to become good at Call of Duty in ter when it comes to terms of aiming, centering is one of the most important things so this setting right here can definitely help you guys get a lot better just with the center dot you can use like the regular Crosshair dot but someone told me that this dot like it shakes a lot so it's not like the greatest thing in the world so definitely using the center dot is the better one, these attach attachment these settings right here pretty much default hit marker visual make sure you have that on of course so you can actually tell when you're getting hit markers, same thing with the damage based hit Market it allow you it allows you to see whenever you get a kill these are very important.

modern warfare 3 aim assist

Player names miss you do have on as well because visibility on Call of Duty is not the greatest nowadays, but this right here definitely does help with the name tag above the head. You can just literally shoot at the a shoot at the name tags and it'll make things a lot easier. A lot of this stuff right here is pretty much default.

In these three settings, I didn't touch the teleporter. Right here is the stuff that you see on the top left. On the screen, as you can see, I removed that and added it back. All I use is the FPS counter. Ser latency and pack loss—that's all you really need, because obviously you want to know your frames.

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You want to know them, and Ser latency and pack laws allow you to see if you're lagging in game or not, but a lot of these right here are default. I didn't touch any of these settings right here, and we're going to keep those flat out strictly as they are. Now we're going to finally hop over to the controller tab for Modern Warfare 3.

modern warfare 3 best controller settings

Obviously, I do play on a controller. I do have a scuff impact. I have two paddles in the back; my right paddle is to jump. Obviously, my input is to jump; obviously, my input is going to be set to controller. Button Layup: We do play tactical flip. I say this every time I bring my control settings tactical.

T is the best way to play Call of Duty, in my personal opinion, especially if you don't have a scarf. It allows you to slide with R3. And it makes the game a lot smoother for you without having to move your thumb a lot. For example, when it comes to the flip option, this right here allows you to shoot with R1 and L1.

R1 and L1 are a lot more responsive than R2 and L2 at the same time. I would say you probably don't need this if you have the SCUF controller and you have the digital click buttons, which I do have, but I'm so used to shooting with R1 and L1 that I didn't switch it back. The default layout is going to be the sick layout for controller vibration.

modern warfare 3 best settings

That's off i don't like vibration if you use it, and if you enjoy it by all means, go ahead, but for me personally, I definitely do not like the dead zone as well. This is basically just how much stick drift you have. This is my dead zone setting, and I do have a lot of stick drift right here. As you can clearly see, I probably should raise my dead zone, but I just haven't.

So you can test your stick D from your control and just adjust it to exactly how you need it, to the point where you won't have stick drift whatsoever. Now for the aiming tab. Or horizontal and vertical recoil vertical sensitivity is going to be 77; I play 77. Religiously, depending on the year, either I do 77 or 66.

modern warfare 3 controller settings

You want to change the advanced horizontal six sensitivity to one for both of these things but the way you do change it which is kind of stupid so that it's a custom then you put it to you know the one setting and then you go back and put the actual setting, that you want it and then it'll lock it to where you can't adjust it at all that's how they did it this year I completely don't know why but that's just their way of doing but yep lot of these sets right here going to be strictly default I didn't touch any of these whatsoever, all them are just going to be flat out set to one because that's just you know exactly how the game came we have do we have the new aim response curve site put a dynamic I seen dashy say that standard is the new one I don't know if he was trolling CU he does troll a lot but.

I'm still going to stick with Dyn. Dynamic seems to be the best one when it comes to Call of Duty, so Dynamic is definitely one you want to use. These say right here a lot is going to be set to default you have aist on, and yep, lot of these right here. I didn't touch one of these settings whatsoever.

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