News - Call Of Duty Warzone 2 Season 3 Is Very Out Of Touch And Kind Of Sad

I don't know, man. Maybe do some weed, and they went and nailed it. That's what you like. Do you like weed? We buy our skin that you like weed; they sold you your likes selling you what you like. Do you like weed? We buy skin that kind of has weed on it. It kind of does. It kind of doesn't, because we have to walk a fine line where we can say it's not weed, but we know it's weed, so you can pay us $20.

modern warfare 3

Buy the battle pass and get a bunch of other generic skins that also have weed on them. You can really run around looking like you've got weed. We're literally going to have an execution where, when you die, you turn into a joint and fall to the ground. It's not that quirky, fun, or unique. We're also going to have an execution where they blow smoke through a barrel, and it kills you with weed smoke.

That's pretty cool, pretty awesome. I think that's super cool. Did they even think about content creators when it came to this? Did they think about it? me even saying weed in this article is going to get it demonetized. Imagine showcasing it like that. Yeah, there are just drugs everywhere, all over my stream.

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Who watches streamers children? What do streamers do to promote their CH channels? They buy the latest skins. What are the loser streamers going to do? They're going to go buy the weed stuff, and they're going to play up how cool it is to their children's audiences. Then those kids are going to go buy the weed stuff now.

modern warfare 3 2023

I know the other argument I've gotten so far is that, because I'm pretty opinionated on this one, don't confuse bad parenting with obligations. Of a design like the article game companies, yo, it's not bad parenting; it has nothing to do with parenting you. Morons, parenting has nothing to do with the fact that there's weed in the game, and the problem is that Call of Duty is so popular that no matter how much I try to hide it from my kids, which I wouldn't be that strict of a parent, no matter how much you try to hide it, they're going to find a YouTuber that's playing the game, they're going to go watch Twitch, and they're going to do any number of things, like.

So let's just admit it: We all played Call of Duty before we were 18. They're playing Call of Duty before they're 18, if you think you [__] Morons think for one second that Call of Duty did not do this intentionally—to market this towards children—because they know children think weed is cool.

modern warfare 3 slow gameplay

Drugs are cool, man. They're the only [__]] people on the whole planet that can't buy it legally, so they still have that whole, like, you know, thing where they think that the weed's cool because it's illegal only illegal for them once they hit their legal age of whichever state or province that they live in, they can do whatever they want.

We lost its coolness years ago, and if you're sitting here thinking that this is still cool, my God, I could not want to be your friend more. I could not want you to be around more. You sound terrible. You sound like a [__] loser. This is pathetic. I'm amazed i'm actually shocked that there isn't more pushback on this.


I'm shocked, like, is Tim Hatman going to run around in his blunt suit to his children's audience? Is Nick MKS going to do that? Think about it: you can't swear in your articles, and you can't harass people in the article game. Just break this down on a Call of Duty level: You can't talk [__]] in the article game without getting banned, you can't complain about the article game without getting chat banned, you can't do anything at all to hurt somebody's feelings inside of the article game at all per period, or if you get [__]] banned, you have to think of everybody and you have to sign an entire NDA agreement or not, but you get an agreement saying you won't do XYZ, and you got to be respectful at the very same time.

This game protects everyone. Make sure nobody's feelings get hurt. It's like here's drugs; here they are next season; we're going to crack; I hope you like dumpsters; you're going to have a dumpster skin where you can be homeless. Rick, who lives in a dumpster, pushes his cans down there, and we're going to have an execution with a rusty spoon.


Have another one where you light the crack on fire on the spoon, then you suck it through the glass tube, and you blow it straight at them, and then they die from an OD. Wouldn't that be fun? We're going to have a paramedic, and the paramedic is going to come in, and they're going to give you Naran, right in the chest, and that's going to kill you because sometimes, you know, kids, you OD, you can't be brought back, and then after that, we're going to do a poverty season where everybody just gets to be poor.

Yeah, us, it's so stupid. I don't really care what this article is going to do. I stand by my points. I'm not buying the battle pass on the principal man; this shit's [__] stupid. I do think, genuinely, that if you're an adult and you think this stuff is amazing, you're a [__] loser. I think if you're a kid and you think this stuff is amazing, it's only because it's illegal for you to lose this lust of the second you can [__]] buy it legally.

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If you dislike this article, I don't really care. I had to stand by my principles and my own stuff. I use medical marijuana to help with my own issues, but I don't base my entire personality around that. I'm saying ladies and gentlemen like it or don't like it. Have a good day.

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Hope You Enjoy The Video! Season 3 is waaay out of touch and could not prove more that these developers have no idea what and who their community are.
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