News - Lets Ramble - Map Voting And Warzone Loadouts- Hyper Rant

angry rant

No, all right, shorties. I'm your host, Shorty Index, and we're going to be back at you with another Modern Warfare 3 article here on shipment, Christmas Edition. Play on the holiday-only maps. I wish they did all the maps; in fact, the state would have been a great map to have the holiday theme on, as it would look like a postcard the entire time you have a big F-off tree in the middle of the actual living room there, all decorated up with some presents underneath.

Snowmen out in the thing that you can knock down and the snowballs roll down the hill, but hey. I got more imagination than anybody at the dev team over at Activision, so I don't really actually care. There's more creativity between my ears than there is over there because they don't think of any of that stuff, like, for instance, whoever decided to bring back map voting, but shorty, we wanted that so bad we asked for it for years; we didn't have to play on the crap.

Maps, yeah, except for now, the map rotation devolves into basically the same three maps over and over again because anytime you pit up, like, run down against anything, nobody votes for it, not that anybody should, that map is freaking awful. Derailed I never even see in my map rotation I keep forgetting it's in the game till one day I leave to go to get a cup of coffee come back in and it's derailed, then I remember why it's no longer in the rotation or really nobody votes for it and it's because the games finish off like 20 to.

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12 and 1/2 minutes later and nobody's really seeing each other cuz everybody's too terrified to move because everybody that plays this game is a giant freaking pansy. Or you just get the same three modes over and over again and get a shipment. Whenever a shipment comes up, people are like, Yeah, I haven't played that map before.

I've never even seen this map. That must be a new map that has never been added to Call of Duty before, even though you've had it in every single game mode since the freaking map was designed. Because all you guys do is complain until you get your camel grinding lobbies, then you guys don't go to the camel grinding lobbies; you guys go to the regular game modes because you actually don't want to grind camos in here, which is actually what I'm doing right now.

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I'm drinking a whole lot of coffee, a whole lot of red Bull, and I'm playing inside shipment because you need to be wired out of your goddamn mind and cracked out in order to play this game mode and actually do it relatively decently at all. We better fix that real quick, because everybody's going to buy skins for War Zone.

I will say that the game's actually feeling a lot smoother and a lot better since the updates, and since the free-to-play weekend, they really ironed out some kinks, but I'm maybe just being hopeful, but we're here leveling up our inside shipment, so at least I selected it. I'm just tired of the map vote; it's the most pointless thing.

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I've also seen it where people have voted, let's say, 10 votes for freaking Afghan out of 12, and then it still picks the other map, so I'm pretty sure the map votes Just an illusion. Once in a while, it works, but for the most part, I'm pretty sure it's just fake, because I've also seen it where everybody votes for one map and it goes straight to the other map.

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I'm pretty sure you have to play every map every so often or something like that. I don't know your conspiracy theorist; I just think everything's rigged, mostly because Activision does rig everything, and I'm not okay with that saying that let me take a quick drink of my red. Bull nothing like caffeine to keep you up to date when you're playing shipment now during this leveling up of my weapons so I can play War Zone better because I have to do that because War Zone's a battle royale that requires you to buy a totally different game to level up your weapons for because it's actually not a battle royale; it's a loadout simulator.

Don't get it, man. Every time you load into a war zone game, the first question is: Should we buy loads? That shouldn't be your first question inside of a battle royale; it should be trying to figure out where to go, but it seems like all you do is loot up cash, go to the buy station, buy a load out, and then you go hunt people down, and then the battles actually get determined by whether or not you've leveled up your guns in the war zone.

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If you don't have the right attachments, well, you didn't M Max enough, so you're going to get completely screwed over by everybody else. I hate losing gunfights when I have the same gun as the person I'm fighting, but because the person whose gun I picked up doesn't have the same attachments as the other person, you die because they're doing more damage or have a higher fire rate.

Battle Royale should be everybody picking up ground loot and everybody fighting with ground loot on the ground; it seemed to work fine for H1Z1. Pubg, even Fortnite. Yet the war zone had to be different, and it was like, You know what? Let's do loadouts, because that makes sense. Call in the most overpowered guns in the world and level up your guns inside of another game, so that's what I'm doing here.

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If you can't tell. I'm getting a little annoyed because I have to do this grind inside of this lobby so I can be a man of my word and not do what everybody else needs to do, which is ruin other people's games inside of the more slower-paced casual lobbies. I will say I'm probably going to have a massive adjustment when I go back to the other modes because now I'm just used to people being at every corner, spawning behind me, spawning inside me without consent, and shooting me in non-stop mode, and it's going to throw me off when I'm not dying every 4 seconds.

I will say that it keeps you on your toes, but it's nice to be able to put down my headset and watch something completely different and think about things like map voting. Why the hell is it even in the game? Who the hell cares what map you're on? You play the good ones, you play the bad ones, and when the really, really good ones come along, you get super excited.

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Voting for the same maps over and over again just means you don't get to play the other half of the maps, and then the same idiots who wanted the map voting system are like this game doesn't have enough diversity in the maps. I'm too bored of playing the same maps over and over again to vote differently, you stupid [ __ ].


Do something different with your life and stop voting for the same freaking map over and over again if you want a shipment. Then go to the shipment playlist. If you want rust all the time, go to the rust playlist, but every time it pops up, man, you just vote for the same maps over and over again and then have the complaints about how I don't like meat.

We still on that grind for our loadout setup so we can actually compete in the battle royale mode Warzone. Which to me is the stupidest thing i have ever heard of, the point in a battle royale is suppose to be everyone on the same playing field but in Warzone you have a battle royale that relies on Loadout Drops that are dependent on what you have done in a completely different game! Second what is the point in map voting if we just play the same three maps over and over again because everyone voted for the same maps. there's no damn point i am on team remove map voting.
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