News - How To Have Fun Call Of Duty Warzone 2/ Let's Get Kicked For Inactivity

angry rant

Come with me, and you'll see the world of Call of Duty: Ground War. Take a look. There's a flag. Go and capture it. There's no spmm or eom, so you'll be able to have some fun again. All right, let's just get into. Ourselves before every match because we can't even hold our controllers anymore.

Yes, Call of Duty, so every once in a while, whenever the spmm and the eomm get a little bit too tight, I decide to jump over into some ground war. Why because it's fun. At least this map's fun. I really enjoy this map. I think it's the perfect size and the perfect amount of different levels that you can shoot from in the perfect manipulation of the map.

Whether you're in a tank or a car or you're a footy, you feel like you can get anywhere on the map relatively quickly. A couple of the other ground war maps are a bit too big or they're a bit too power pointy, but that's fine at the end of the day; it is just relaxing. It reminds me a lot of old ground war, like I'm talking about OG ground war, when ground war was just called ground war because it had more players.

best gamemode

I think now the ground war that I'm talking about is 12 vs. 12, which I think I might start playing too. Needless to say. I'm starting to realize that maybe playing just hardcore and just core 6v6 modes is the problem; the majority of the player base is going to be inside of those modes, and maybe moving out into bigger modes like ground war, invasion, and war, as well as the 12v12 mode, will allow for skill-based matchmaking.

It also has less ability to manipulate the lobby because there's so many people in the lobby that a 1kd bad player and a 1kd good player are going to be in the same lobby. As an example, just because you're really good at holding down a corner inside of a level and I'm really good at running around the map and killing people doesn't mean that our play styles are going to match so well inside of like a 12 vs.

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12 or a ground war, so whenever I'm over here, I just really feel like SP spmm is turned way down, the EOM is turned way down, and the random. And in a way, it's kind of fun that way too, because I'm learning as I'm playing. I also find it's helping to train me to play War Zone because, as I play these modes.

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I try a lot more to get away from the skill-based matchmaking of the E and trying to get away from the sweaty MLG phase optic wannabes. G feel snorting, bath towel wearing [__] in a bucket underneath their chair-level players. I'm having more fun over here chilling with the casuals having conversations, inside the lobby with real people who are just super high, and just kind of just living life.

I don't even know if they know they're playing Call of Duty; for all they know, they're thinking they're now inside of a movie; they're literally in Blackhawk Down in their brains. Man, there are some of these people. I don't even know how they function; they only have two neurons, and they connect once a year to remind them of the rest of the year, but you know what?

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You get to see all the different levels of skill, and that's been my whole point with every SPM emerant and every negative article that's been on this channel, just to say that once in a while it's nice to see different players, if every lobby I get into is the exact same as me personally. Then the game will play the same, the matches will play the same, the campers will sit in the same spots, the people will move in the same ways, and the game starts to feel the exact same.

We don't want that in our Call of Duty; we want variety. The only places I've ever seen an EMP, the mosquito swarm or any of the higher level kill streaks are within this actual game mode ground war, it's just simply not feasible to do inside the 6v6 with the Revenge spawns which are completely broken since the season 1 update the skill-based matchmaking and the eomm, and just the fact that nobody wants to move cuz they're too terrified because of the previous Cod that trained them to be that way so if you're also having those issues come over to ground war go to Invasion go to war go over to 12v 12 check out all those game modes cuz maybe instead of us trying to fight to keep our games the same as they used to be maybe we have to just go play different game modes so then we can experience different experiences.

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That's what I've been doing man and it seems to be working I go play some 6v6, get pissed off the g- feel snorting people and then I come over here and I chill out for a couple games go back in I'm currently just running around the map having fun don't get me wrong sometimes I get absolutely stomped inside of ground war and sometimes I do really well inside of ground war but that's the joy of what gaming used to be on COD when OG players reference things that happened in COD that's the experience that we're talking about in the newer versions of cod you're so protected and you're so absolutely manipulated, into just holding down the one KD that you never really realized that you could have had so many more eventful experiences.

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I used to have a channel called Chrome evil and on that channel I actually met a gaming clan by crapping on them inside of the game they then found my YouTube channel they hit me up they then invited me to the clan I played with those people for 10 years, why because they enjoyed my content they enjoyed the fact that I was better than them and then they wanted to play better and then they added me to their Clan sadly now no none of us talk to each other anymore because they stopped playing Call of Duty because it's no longer the same there's no variation, there's no fun there's nothing to be had here anymore there's nothing to be had if you don't actively seek it out you have to actively try and go find different game modes to play in order to have fun within Call of Duty now and yes that's a bit sad but you know what maybe it's a good thing cuz then we can try new experiences.

One of the main reasons I started a YouTube channel was to relate to you guys with Call of Duty 2 and make content on YouTube so my freaking kids can watch and enjoy it. I've only been kicked by inactivity twice, and that was actually well running around the map, so I just thought it was a bug, so we're actually going to put it to the test now.

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I didn't want it to be just straight camping because I figured that would be the easiest way for the game to go. Okay, this guy is literally not moving. I really feel like, for the first time ever, there's an actual community inside of Modern Warfare 3. Sure, it's a negative community. Sure, we're not really happy at the moment, but that's only because we enjoy the game.

This IS A Two Topic Video! Topic 1. You Want To Have Fun In Call Of Duty Then Lets Play Ground War! Ground War Seems Have Way Less SBMM And Waaay Less EOMM Its Just Plain And Simple Fun.
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