News - Tactical Waiting Killed Call Of Duty Warzone 2 - Sounding Cool Doesn't Make It Cool

angry rant

So I did a whole game of Terminal, and I only killed people with this gun here in full auto, and it only counted as one kill while fully auto because this gun shoots so slowly that you can't even actually get your full auto kills with this gun without the game thinking you're actually shooting in single fire mode.

This gun is broken. Out of all the guns, this is the first one I found. I'm your host, Shorty Index. And we are back with some terminal gameplay, and this is actually not going to be talking about The Sidewinder, though The Sidewinder does stink and it shoots so slow that people can literally run around in the bloom that gun creates.

That's not the point. This is the terminal gameplay I referenced in that intro clip. By the way, every time you see me kill somebody, it's with full auto, but the game can't register it because this gun shoots so damn slow. But that's not what this article is about. This article is actually going to showcase the fact that this game is boring.

cod commentary

As hell, now you guys are probably tired of all the Call of Duty. YouTubers that have been playing Call of Duty since the very beginning have talked about how the game just isn't the same anymore, and there's this time in Call of Duty where the games are separated by skill. We've talked about this, but every once in a while in those OG games you would get into a lobby where everybody was pretty evenly matched and you'd get what was called a very good game, not good as in there was a lot of kill streaks, not good as in there somebody popped off, but like it was just a good back and forth battle and the game would finish.

To 99 or 199, to 200 on a game of dominance Well, that's what you're going to see here except that I'm so freaking bored this entire time because back then people moved those games because people were R moving, they were jump shooting, and they were doing trick shots. There was just so much going on inside of the game that everybody's just sitting in the same spots the entirety of the game, and I mean that the battles took place in the same spot the whole game, whether it was the metal detectors or the terminals.

cod multiplayer

Fighting over towards, like, the diner, let's call it, that's where the whole game took place. The entirety of the battles took place in this one corner of the map, and it really freaking pisses me off because I'm so sick of these massive maps. Terminal used to be so good. You had the battles down the long hallway, and there would always be two people fighting over there.

You had the guys that were outside just looking for the flanks, and there would be fights out there. Then you had the battles on the terminal side. On the terminal side and the diner side, there'd be a massive battle over there of a few different players, but there was always'action everywhere. It wasn't just in this one location if they were to actually take the metad data, and if you remember, like the old Halo, where you could log on to Bungie.

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Net, and you could see the hot zones in the maps. You could see where the battles were if they could do that and show you where the battles are on Terminal. I guarantee you, it's just that one corner with the odd fight inside the plane you'll see in this gameplay. Man, I'll run the whole damn map.

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I'll run the other three corners of the map. End up back at that spot, and everybody's fighting there. All we did was flip the spawns that were spawning at the escalator. That was it. That was all I went into, and I was trying to like trolls. I was going to do my whole adaptation game. And then I was like, Wait, nobody's moving on my team.

And then I was like, Okay, I'll rush around. And I was like, Wait, nobody's rushing either. And it just became a stand-in spot in the fight. Call of Duty has lost all sense of competitiveness. I don't give a crap that you guys say it's a competitive shooter; it's not ranked play. It's a joke. It's the exact same as casual play, but now you get a symbol for the Esports, Major League Gaming Alpha Beta male, whatever you want to call it, bans 95% of the game, so that's just a crop of [__].

cod mw3 review

Because there's no diversity, there's no variance; it's just do this, and that's it. Everybody uses the same guns, everybody does the same thing, and everybody has the same perks. We don't play on this map because it's too hard. We don't play on that map because it's too hard. We can't play on this map because it's too hard.

That's what eSports is. Call of Duty eSports and other esports seem to be just fine, playing pretty much anywhere. Yes, there's going to be stuff that gets banned, but Call of Duty especially bans everything. There couldn't be an order that I'd rather watch than Call of Duty, but that's the world that they've created.

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Call of Duty itself has created the game experience and the player experience to such a refined level that when you get into this game that goes from 100 to 99, it's boring. No longer does that mean that the players are having a massive battle epic back and forth; it just means that the skill-based matchmaking got the lobby so fine-tuned.


That there is just no diversity in the lobby; there's no change in the lobby, and to be honest with you. I feel if I wasn't using the sidewinder. I think I could have done a hell of a lot better than I did in this game because it was that boring and most of the shots I missed were just because of this gun.

I'll hit the aim button 6 to 8 weeks later; by that time, the players have already moved if there was a definition of the 21st rule. It would be this gun. This is the reason why they have that rule as police officers. Needless to say, I was exceptionally bored, and the whole time I was playing this, I was thinking of ways that I could have made it more fun, but I just couldn't get there.

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Their team wasn't moving, my team wasn't moving, and then when we did move, it just ended up flipping the spawns to the other side. I think what they need to do is start if they notice that there's a hot zone on one side of the map. If people outside start spawning the teams outside, why even make these maps?

modern warfare

If the entire fight's going to take place in one quadrant on another map, just make a terminal where it's literally the terminals, the diner, and the escalators. That's it would we see a change? No, there are whole sections of the map that aren't touched, and then if they are touched, they're just there because some guy can't play the game and he's camping it like the guy who camps behind the baggage collection center and just looks straight down the lawn ramp for the plane.

Yeah, that guy or the one who's going to sit outside and just have a hard scope. The diner-like storage area there is just boring, man. I would love a full reset where we rearn our stuff, but that won't ever happen because some crybabies are going to be like, But what about the number beside my name?

Hope You Enjoy The Video! Now it has to be said that no matter how cool you make it sound if you stand still for longer then lets say 30 seconds Just as a rule of thumb then you are in fact a camper. This Problem of people Tactically Waiting is killing Call of Duty. THIS IS A YOUTUBE VIDEO.
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