News - Call Of Duty Hates Good Players. Warzone 2

It even happened to somebody who was the other host. In the first clip you saw, I wasn't even the host of the game; he was the host. There was no reason to leave that game; we were both going crazy, and he had to leave or get kicked because of the servers being disconnected. The [__]] we were doing—do you mean servers got disconnected?—everything was going fine; it's 2024.

This is not how the internet works. I don't know, man. Activision is just the biggest joke of a company, and it is so obvious here, and I can't wait to continue exposing them. I don't need them on my good side. Why would I need them on my good side? It's a waste of time. All the top content streamers and all the real cheaters out there can be on the side of Activision.

modern warfare 3

I don't care. Go take the money. I ain't doing this for money. I'm doing this to be right. I'm doing this like a normal person to make this game try to be better, but of course, unfortunately. Activision doesn't want to do that; they just want to stuff money in their pockets. Ah, it is what it is.

I'm over it now, but I'm here to expose them, and I hope everyone else has experiences like this. You guys have a great day.

Call of Duty Activision continues it's hunt in stopping good players from dominating multiplayer lobbies. They have now made it to where sometimes you will get disconnected from a server while doing good. It is another tactic to try to save SBMM and EOMM in Call of Duty and it is NOT fair.
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