News - Best Way To Get Schematics While On Cooldown. Warzone 2 Zombies Tier 3 Farming With No Gear Guide

roffle waffle

And then just start stunning the zombies as they mantle up; it's very straightforward. You've got a PhD at this point, so fire from the dogs isn't going to hurt you, and you can just keep on going, and then as soon as you get overrun, you can hop out of the window and throw a decoy nearby. And you don't need to run inside through the door here instead you can hop through one of the windows as zombies are only going to path through the door and so the windows are going to be a more reliable, clear way to get into the building and you just need to rinse and repeat this once or twice and the contract will be completed another contract you might have in the vicinity if you don't have your weapon stash is the Outlast, contract they are just as easy thankfully and they can spawn in a couple of different locations so keep an eye out in various areas of tier three for them one of the spawns is actually in the same place that the weapon stash is and the strats the exact same and there's another one that is located a bit further away kind of on the opposite it side of the island but again it's a very similar deal just use the rgl to stun zombies and your golden, after a couple of these you'll be able to buy yourself the tier three backpack like I mentioned before and if you get any other weapon upgrades, as you play if you get any legendary wrenches, if you get any higher tier Pap crystals Etc.


Do not use them because again we don't care about kill power with the rgl, we care about stun power and we'll save those crystals for our next match and stockpile, things so we can use them in the future also if you're waiting for your contracts to come off cooldown and it feels like they're taking a while or they're just not spawning in entirely, pick up some of the other contracts in the area such as a bounty contract but then just cancel it straight away and this will open up availability, for other contracts to be able to spawn in do this until the end of your game and then extract nice and simple you should successfully have completed a whole bunch of tier three contracts that game and that will mean that even though your purple ether tool or your Pap 2 Crystal might be on cooldown, in the menus.


Would also be really useful for this particular match so on game start we're going to be looking for a bounty contract, should be really easy with the Lockwood it's a powerful weapon and if you've managed to bring in a crystal or a wrench of some kind use that straight away to give yourself a power boost and doing that Bounty will also again give you a self reses if you don't have one now if when you spawn in there are no bounties nearby you're absolutely valid to just do a deliver cargo, the benefit of having a vehicle from that is still powerful in this match just like it was in the previous one so that is a valid choice too once that's done we're going to go to this loot spot at the southern border of the tier 2 Zone this contains a lot of cash spawns which are really important for us in this match, they're inside and they're outside the big building and you're going to be scouring.


For turbine circuits, especially. But then also, for any extra gear upgrades, you might need extra armor plates, perks, and things like that. Once you're done looting, refill your ammo at the nearest cache, and now you could head into the tier zone, but first, it might be worth doing a couple of extra bounty contracts in tier 2 just for some extra cash.

The good thing about this is that if you're missing certain schematics in your menu, for example, if you don't have jug or PhD unlocked, these will actually only ever drop from tier 2 contracts, not from any others, and so the little method that we're about to do is going to help you farm those, and that's why I said earlier that this would help you farm all the schematics in the game because we're not only looking for one specific schematic loot pool, but actually we're dipping into all the different loot pools, and if you're curious which schematics drop from which places.

I've got a full Ultimate Guide breaking that down in detail that you can click in the description and once again on the corner of the screen, so for farming those contracts. I would pick up a bounty kill target with your now overpowered setup and then just pick the next closest bounty, and then you can rotate into tier three, go to Wonderers, and top up on any perks that you're missing, and then if your desire is to still keep farming for those jugs or PhD, schematics.

Then I would rotate back to Tier 2 and just keep on slapping bounties. They are extremely quick, and especially if you're in a team, they can be crazy fast, but I'm sort of assuming that most of you are solo for this article, so even if you're solo. I would say to do a bunch of bounties and use deliver caros as ways to rotate around the map when you start running out of bounties in your nearby vicinity.

However, assuming that you do want to do some tier three farming in this match as well, once again, the Lockwood has a specific use case that's very different from the RGL, and as such, we're going to play in a different way to maximize the benefits that the weapon gives us. While the RGL was good at stunning zombies, the Lockwood is good at sending them into an early grave, or is it a late grave with a zombie?

I don't know anyhow, but I remember earlier we were looting those loot caches to see if we could find any turret circuits. Now is the time that we're going to use them inside the Tier 3 Zone specifically. You're going to want to look for a bounty contract that's the best thing to use the turret circuits on, and if the bounty doesn't spawn next to a turret circuit on the map, don't cancel it.

Take a look at what the thing is that you need to take down, and if it's a disciple, a mimic, or a mangler. You don't need to cancel you can just kill it with the Lockwood, it's strong enough to do that and if you've rinsed a couple of contracts earlier in your game you should also be getting towards the point where you can get your tier three Pack-A-Punch on the gun if you still need it this is also part of the reason we brought sexes, in because they are really strong on these special zombies, as long as it's not an Abomination, and if it's an abomb sure you could have brought thermite in for example to take out those heads it's kind of a matter of preference but I really like seex here for all the other bounties that you could potentially get in tier three, however if you're having trouble while taking those contracts down you can throw decoys remember use your ether shroud when things get a little bit hairy and if you decide.

Actually, this is taking too long, and it's just too sketchy. You can always cancel; there's no shame in doing that. Just move on to the next Bounty contract and hope that next one spawns next to a turret, and that will get you instant completion. And with all the money in between doing those Bounty contracts, I'd say that Spore Control is really good to look for.

This is THE best way to get all schematics in MW3 Zombies starting from NOTHING! If you're waiting for cooldowns, DO THIS.
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