News - Best Boots To Use With Ninja Vest Warzone 2

Then let's talk about that reduced refresh time, and what I did here in this clip is I tax-sprinted until I ran out of tax Sprint, and then immediately I was spamming to get back into tax Sprint as soon as possible. I measured the delay that it takes to get back into tax Sprint while doing this, and it's pretty much the same with or without these running sneakers.


However, what I noticed is that during that 2C time we're regenerating a lot more tax Sprint, and when we get back into tax Sprint, you're able to maintain that for no noticeably longer when using these running sneakers, and that's pretty much it for the running sneakers; they're pretty basic and straightforward. However, this is also very beneficial because this is the type of thing you can take advantage of on a very consistent basis, unlike the previous boots we've looked at so far, which tend to be a lot more situational.

Stalker boots

Stalker boots


Now let's move on to the next pair of boots. These are the stalker boots which I was really excited for with this game but unfortunately they're just not as good as I hoped they would be and with these ones they just state that they increase your strafe and aim down sight movement speed so taking a quick look at it right here with our aim down sight stay speed we are able to cover this 20 M distance noticeably faster with stalker boots, and this will also apply when hip firing you will strafe in a hip fire faster with stalker boots as well however something I wanted to point out here that doesn't quite line up with what the description States is this doesn't help with your aim walking movement speed unless you're strafing so unless you're moving laterally it doesn't actually do anything for you your aiming movement speed while moving forward is exactly the same as if you don't have these stalker boots and therefore it's only going to help you with side to side movement, now in the game's current state with stalker boots it will boost our aim down sight straight speed by 20%.

Which may seem like a nice boost, and it is a noticeable boost, but it's nothing too crazy; it's definitely not like the stalker perk from the original Modern Warfare 3, and then, based on my testing, when we're not aiming down sight and we're strafing, we're moving roughly 13 1.5% faster, at least with a striker SMG in my hand.


And just to take that one step further, I wanted to show you guys what this looks like from a third-person perspective. This is what it looks like when the enemy isn't using stalker boots and they're using a base striker with no attachments. And now this is what it looks like with that exact same setup but now they've got these stalker boots equipped, and you can see they're definitely moving a little bit faster but it isn't anything too crazy here so stalker boots are unfortunately not nearly as good as I'd like to see them however if you're going specifically for a strafing build where you put a bunch of attachments on your gun that are designed to improve your aim walking speed and then you stack that on top of soccer boots that can definitely give you a pretty solid straight speed overall so there is definitely some potential with these boots at least, and this just leaves us with lightweight boots and with these it improves our movement speeds across the board so our base walking speed is about 6% faster our Sprint speed is about 5%, faster our aim down sight forward speed is about 2.75%.

Lightweight boots

Lightweight boots

Faster, which again, the stalker boots don't even help with, and our aimed-on straight speed is about 4.7%. Faster, so not nearly as fast as with the stalker boots there, but we do still see an improvement to our stay speed while aiming down sight, and then something that I hadn't tested until this article, but I was really surprised to see is our swim Sprint speed, so if you're swimming and you activate like a Sprint essentially, we actually swim 30% faster with these lightweight boots.

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This is a massive improvement. You can see that the difference is night and day, and I really just didn't realize it was that powerful with swimming, but at the end of the day, if you're playing 6v6, you're probably not going to be swimming too often because most of the maps don't even have the ability to swim.

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However, it is just something I wanted to point out: the lightweight boots are excellent because they're always working for you as long as you're moving. The lightweight boots are doing something to help you.

Final thoughts & wrap up

Final thoughts & wrap up

And with that, that is going to wrap up the breakdown of all of the boots in this game. I've got my silent footsteps covered. Which boots will I go for? Well, it generally depends on what kind of play style I'm aiming for. Like I said, if I'm stacking really heavily into aim walking movement speed attachments, then I will combine that with the stalker boots and the ninja vest, and I actually find that can make for a really nice build if you do that.

However, I would also say both the lightweight boots as well as the running sneakers. Those are both excellent for getting around the map faster, and I would say those are also a solid choice to combine with the Ninja Vest. Unfortunately, when it comes to the tack pads or the climbing boots, in my eyes, at least these don't provide enough of a benefit on a consistent basis and in a wide variety of situations to ever really consider using them, and like I've been saying essentially since the beta of this game.


I'd really love to see some improvements to some of the other boots in this game to improve their viability and their competitiveness. With the covert sneakers and also just with each other in general. If you haven't already, I'll talk to you guys next

Up until the launch of Season 2 in Modern Warfare III, the Covert Sneakers was the clear choice in the Boot category but now we have the Ninja Vest which opens up the viability of the other boots so today, I wanted to share a full breakdown and comparison of the boots covert sneakers excluded to find out which are best to use alongside the Ninja Vest.
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