News - Being Positive About Call Of Duty Warzone 2 For Once

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Ladies and gentlemen, it's Rick, and today I'm bringing you guys a brand new YouTube article. I appreciate you. You guys are the best supporters I could ever imagine having, and you guys just saw the article. I don't have to go into it anymore. You guys saw the proof, and I'm just going to leave it at that.

But in today's article, with all the negative [__]] going on and all the negative [__]] going on in the community in the world, all that [__]] in between, we are going to actually have some positive. Talks about Call of Duty today about some Call of Duty Mod Warfare 3 positive things that are going on within this game, so the point of the article is that I want to see what you guys think.

I want to see if you guys agree or disagree with what you guys think. I get to hear what you guys have to say. I got to hear what you guys agree or disagree with me, so I want to make this article and see what you guys think. We all know what the negative [__] is. We all know that skill-based matchmaking, recycled content, and the UI are all negative.

cod mw3

Within this game, we're not going to go into any more of that; that's the only negative thing we're going to say, but let's get into the positives. Man Number one, the first thing I want to talk about is the positives. Obviously, the movement, the movement, and the gun play all could be packed into one, and what we're talking about here today is just smoother than ever.

It makes me feel like Call of Duty 2019 is back. Everything feels smooth, the guns feel great, and the movement's great slide cancels all that out. Phenomenal; to me, it feels like it brings back that fast-paced gameplay, especially in War Zone, especially in resurgence. Sometimes in Call of Duty multiplayer free-for-all, all that [__] is a little still is still a lot slower by the way people are playing, but overall, this game has been a lot of fun.

The movement just adds to it, makes it enjoyable, and just feels smooth. The next thing I want to talk about are the maps. Now, I'm not talking about the maps that are in the game; I'm talking about the way they were adjusted. The map's colors obviously brought back mod Warfare 2 maps. I'm not the biggest fan of that, but we're not going to talk about that.


But when we are playing those maps, like Underpass, for example, they are very dark, stormy, and gross-looking. If you go back to Old Mod Warfare 2, the OG mod Warfare 2 was very hard to see within that game, but what they did was update the colors and the visibility, which made it a lot easier and better to play in, and I have to get props for that because if I were to get underpass in this game if it was just like OG MW2.

I would probably rip my hair out, become bald, and look like a freaking thumb. It's a lot better, like if you go to old maps or old games like Call of Duty: Ghost Man, you see how dark those maps were. You look like Helen Keller running around there. You could be literally right next to a guy you can't see because of how dark the map is.

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I am so glad they made these maps nice and bright so we can see what the hell is going on. You know, as we start to get older man as we get older, man, as we get older, it is a lot harder to see, so that's something that's very important to me. Positive, awesome the next thing I might get a little hate for my L might get a little people disruptive or disgusted with what I'm about to say, but the health within Call of Duty Mod Warfare 3 Yes, sometimes it feels inconsistent as [__].

I'm not going to disagree with that. Sometimes I feel like I'm shooting for hours upon hours, and now he just turns around, shoots me, and TW taps me or whatever, but when I watch the kill cams, when I actually break it down. I watch my old game plays that I recorded, and I'm seeing the kill cams and I'm seeing what's going on.

Yes, they sometimes feel consistent, but then I watch what happens to me. I'm getting shot six or seven times, and I'm still alive. I'm like, okay, it's not just me getting the hit markers; it's other people. Yes, it could be a fact of life. Or whatever the [__] It's called all that stuff in between, but who the hell knows?


All I know is that it allows me to get a lot better at gunfights, allows the person to have more skill in using the movement and getting around it, and in general. I feel like the majority of the time it's very consistent, and I do. I do like it, man. I'm just going to go out there; that's the one that might get a few people pissed off.

Don't get upset with me. Just my opinion. health man I'm going to say the new content. Obviously, it's a very small sample size. I'm not going to lie. Stash House, when you learn how to play it, is a lot of fun. It's one of my favorite maps in the game. I'm not going to lie on that; it's a lot of fun as long as people aren't using shotguns in general.

The new [__] they are bringing in is a lot of fun, and they're bringing in quite a bit of content within these seasons, and I'm not going to just say that. I'm not going to deny it; I'm just going to actually have an open-eye view of this and say it is a lot of fun. They truly are working their asses off.

gaming article

I wish they had more maps. I wish they had more new content. I wish they had newer and newer maps more often, but it is what it is. I'm going to take it. With how much I want and how many updates they bring, I don't care. I'm just going to take whatever they give us, and I'm going to critique it.

I'm critiquing the new content they have given us, and I'm just going to say I'm very pleased with it. I'm very excited about it. The maps are great, and I'm just going to stick by that and see what you guys think and go into that man's communication. Between Sledgehammer, Games, and the community, Sledgehammer Games has been working their asses off to try to make this game as fun as possible.

They have asked us what we think about guns. What gun should be nerfed, and what gun should be buffed? They asked us all this stuff, especially at the beginning of the launch. They wanted to have a good launch, and they succeeded in that. I'm telling you, they worked their asses off to get this [__] going, and their communication has been beyond.

modern warfare

Above and beyond Infinity Wards, they have probably had more communication within these first 3 months than Infinity W did all of last year, so that, I have to say, has been a huge positive. Nothing is more important than that whoever has created the game, whoever is the lead developer within the game, if they are not communicating with the community, if they are not communicating through social media asking us what we think and asking us what should be added to the game, then how are you going to have a successful launch?

Lot of negative energy, videos, and just people surrounding Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 so I thought it was time to speak about the positive things Activision and Sledgehammer Games have done with this game.
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