News - Bams Permabanned Call Of Duty Warzone 2 For Cheating

If we don't start taking harsher actions against these cheaters, it's only going to get worse from here, ladies and gentlemen. There's a whole generation of kids coming up watching their favorite loser streamer cheating a article game, and they're going to go figure out how to do it just like them. It's not a natural skill for most of these people.

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This generation that's coming up after them is going to watch these [__] losers, and they're going to go get cheats, and it's going to get better and better for the cheaters because they're going to find ways to do it even more and more and more. We've already explored multiple ways that they do this on the channel to make it harder to detect.

I just go like this. I see thousands of people a day. I play hundreds of hours of Call of Duty, and I could go 10 to 15 hours without ever saying anything about anybody in the lobby, and then there's just that one guy. All of a sudden, one guy out of the thousands, I versed. There's something up with this.

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This guy seems a little bit too good, and boom, that's the guy who's cheating. I report one guy, and all of a sudden, like 2 days later, I get a message: the guy you reported was cheating. Crazy how, out of thousands, one guy B did the same thing with War Zone. You can play War Zone for hours and you're fine, and then all of a sudden you push one team and say.

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And in the kill cam, you can see them rotating, based on my position, wild now. Of course you're going to have the people that play The Devil's Advocate; they got well, it's more like they play the devil's [__] slow kid, because they're going to come in here and they're going to say Bam's not cheating; they're going to come in here and say some people are just really good at article games; they're going to come in here and they're going to try to defend them in any way that possibly can; or they're going to play the other card.

I don't like your idea of having harder bands, because if I get caught in that CU and I'm an above-average player, then I'm going to get taken out, and then what do I do? Appeel it; you have nothing to worry about; then you'll appeel it, and it's not that big of a deal. Grow up this whole cheating pandemic is getting out of hand, and there needs to be harsher actions and people like bams who Fain, who don't know what's going on, nuke their goddamn careers, or any other job on the entire planet.

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If you were to get caught cheating at it, you get fired and are not going to be able to get a job in it again. Nuke, these people nuke them off the plan. I could care less if they never made another dime from gaming. You only got to where you got to because you are cheating, while everyone else is out here doing the grind legitimately.

You cut in line by using cheats; you're making money that other people could make by getting sponsorships, which other people could do legitimately, all while cheating. So you deserve to have everything taken from you. You deserve to lose your Call of Duty account. You deserve to lose your Twitch account.

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You deserve to go through the stress and the punishment of your actions; every action has a consequence, and just banning them is not enough anymore. If you get banned while streaming Call of Duty, you should also be banned on Twitch, and I'm sure that's something that Activision and Twitch could figure out very easily together anyway.

A special thank you to our channel members; you guys are [__]. amazing, and as always, I look forward to seeing you guys in the

Hope You Enjoy The Video! Another Streamer Banner But Of Course The Anticheat got it wrong, because you know the program designed to find cheaters and banned them just keeps banning innocent streamers.
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