News - All 100. Season 3 Rewards & How To Unlock Them. New Ranked Play Content Warzone 2 & Warzone


This is DK Dynamite for a second article here for you guys tonight talking about the 100+ different rewards you can unlock in season 3 for multiplayer and even War Zone-ranked modes. For those that want additional article coverage of multiplayer War Zone and zombies, even CDL and ranked play, plus we got plenty of tweets every single hour on Detonated.

Map pool update for ranked play

Map pool update for ranked play

Twitter But first off, when it comes to new maps being in rotation, for multiplayer rank, it was confirmed by Tra a couple of days ago that both Vista and XP departures, brand new maps that got added in season 2, have been added to all competitive game modes in MW3, and they were only supposed to be live until Friday.

March 29th, so yesterday, but luckily, as of yesterday, the maps are going to remain in rotation for the remainder of the weekend, so continue providing them feedback if the maps feel good in multiplayer right ranked or if they should be removed from ranked before the start of our third season, but yeah, definitely expect more coverage over on Deton's Twitter about the CDL scene.

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Lots of ranked updates will be provided as season 3 officially begins.

When does season 3 ranked start

But Like I mentioned before, when it comes to how ranked play works, typically a new season does begin, and then for a good couple of hours, the playlist for ranked play is offline for both multiplayer and War Zone. A good couple hours later, the playlist should go back up, but it was confirmed in the blog post that rank play does begin during the launch window for season 3, which probably means a few hours after the start of all the new content for every other mode.

If that changes and it gets delayed by a day or two, I will keep you guys posted with more information.

All multiplayer ranked rewards

All multiplayer ranked rewards

Well, starting off with the rank rewards for MW3 multiplayer, as you guys are probably aware, but in case you weren't, we do have the following rewards: you can get various cosmetics for hitting certain ranks while playing multiplayer, specifically. So as you will see, for something rank five, you get an operator skin and a calling card.

At rank 10, you get a camo and another calling card, and as you progress towards the other ranks here, they'll just be calling cards, and then sometimes you'll see an emblem or a charm weapon decal. I got some pancakes right here in the form of an emblem, and you can progress through rewards all the way up until rank 50.

modern warfare 3

So there's two camels total here, two operator skins. Some pretty cool rewards you guys might have already unlocked, but in case you haven't, just keep in mind that these are the rewards for hitting certain ranks while playing multiplayer rank play. I don't believe these will end up being refreshed at any point in time, but if they do, I'll of course make a follow-up article to this one.

Season 3 ranked win rewards

Moving on to some other rewards, these are for hitting certain amounts of wins while playing rank play throughout season 3. Let's go and open up this image in a brand new tab. So for rating five wins, you get the sticker, and for 10 wins, you get this really cool blueprint, obviously for an AR or a battle rifle.

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25 wins, you get this really cool-looking charm, which does say rank play right on it, as you can see, and then for 50 wins, you get to hold this L emblem. I believe that's an emblem or a weapon sticker. I'll scroll down and read exactly what it is in a second, but then for 75 wins, this beautiful-looking loading screen, which is derived from the artwork that you saw in the season 3 blog post, and then for 100 total wins in ranked play for season 3, you will get this universal camo.

Obviously, blue is the theme of our third season, hence why the camo has a blue theme on it. I am really happy to see this. These are the brand new rewards for multiplayer-ranked play in season 3 and are exclusive to the third season. Right, you can't get these rewards once season 3 does come to an end in early June or something, and yeah, they do mention that competitor. That icon is a sticker, and then yeah, the Rival 9 is what the blueprint is for the charm decal loading screen, and then yeah, the ranked veteran weapon camo.

Season 3 skill division rewards

Season 3 skill division rewards

But then, when it comes to skill division rewards, inside. Multiplayers, in the third season of ranked, as you will see, you get bronze, silver, and gold, and then as you hit higher and higher divisions, they'll be better and better rewards, kind of just color palette swaps of the same rewards that you've probably seen for a while, especially in seasons 1 and 2, very similar-looking operator SK what we got before, but yeah, as you can see, you got Platinum, you got Diamond.

Now before we continue, I just wanted to remind you about Mitch {687}, where you can get assistance grinding camos nukes or schematics in MW3. These do not use unlock tools or any banable methods and will actually help you play the game. Mitch Cactus is also supported by Trustpilot, with over 10,000 Bei reviews. You can use Go Dynamite for a limited time to save 5% off your order.

All warzone ranked rewards

All warzone ranked rewards

But now, when it comes to war zone-ranked resurgence, obviously you're aware that Fortune Keep had support for this mode as of last season, but I don't believe you could continue playing that map for season 3, which is war zone-ranked.

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I think it'll just be Rebirth Island. I'm sure you'd probably prefer if they kept both maps in rotation to keep things fresh so you don't get stale playing one map over the other for a long period of time, but there still isn't any word as of yet on big map ranked play or ukhan. Battle Royale support.

I'm not sure when that's coming or if it is, but at least you could play Rebirth Island when it comes to season 3's ranked Resurgence experience. Starting off with the specific ranked rewards, very similar to multiplayer, you can get these rewards just for hitting certain ranks while playing Rebirth Island, so you could see various calling cards. A vehicle skin emblem weapon decals a charm, this funny-looking go emblem, and towards the bottom left for rank 30, you could see a universal camo following rewards related to your match placement as well as your kills and assists finishing on top 15 25 times and the top five 25 times.

Season 3 placement rewards

Season 3 placement rewards

Finish first at least once, and then for kill and assist challenges, get 25 kills or assists, 100 kills or assists, and then 500 kills or assists.

That's quite a bit, but you have an entire season to do these, not just half a season like we saw before, so you should be able to get them done at the end of season 3. You'll be awarded skill division rewards that represent the highest division that you attain during season 3 or an active placement in the top 250 division.

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