News - Alert. New Aim Movement Settings Warzone 2 Season 2 Update. Warzone 2 Best Settings Ps4/ps5/xbox/pc

best mw3 settings

And just shoot with r1r2. And then you don't have to do anything with L1 and L2 I think parod might be useful for some people because you're able to shoot the guns at the same time and thus you're not really left in a in a in an awkward reload Behavior where you're reloading One pistol, and you can already shoot with the other one and it's just super weird so I think pair could be useful in that situation I'm pretty good with my shooting control so I just leave it on Independence have more control over it but paired could be very useful you don't want to be in those awkward reload situations where One pistol is reloading and the one other one's already good vehicle camera so that's another new setting that they added with this recent update, vehicle camera recenter short delay I think this is all default here and yeah so those are the new controller settings and now let's move over to my PC graphics settings so here are my PC graphics settings I'll get the console after this section.

Pc best mw3 graphics settings season 2

Pc best mw3 graphics settings season 2

best settings modern warfare 3

We got full-screen borderless, and I'm running an Nvidia GeForce RTX 380 TI. Here are all my specs on screen. If you're wondering what my PC is, I have a 144 HZ monitor and a 1440p screen, so, as you know, I leave it to those sorts of standards. And the only other important setting here is NVIDIA reflex low latency you got to have this on in most cases, you can have on plus boost or off but in most situations most PCS work well with just on obviously you can obviously toggle between all three of them and see what makes your PC feel the best but for me on has always proven to be the one that gives me the most frames and the best feel to my PC eco mode preset I have it on efficiency or you can do low consumption, either one and over here everything is pretty much a personal preference or default so moving on to over to the Quality graphic settings I've got render resolution at 90, just so I can obviously get the most out of my frames as possible because I do play on a 1440p monitor but I also stream and record on the one PC so I want as much frames as possible so I kind of sacrifice my resolution anyways I'm playing on 1440p, so 90s are worth the sacrifice if you're playing on 1080p.

You definitely would want to have it at 100 so you can have the most you know the best look to your game as possible, because the game is going to be kind of blurry for you. But because I have the higher resolution, it can kind of help that way, but if you really need the frames, you can go down to like 90, 85, or even 80.

best settings mw3

I used to play on 80 at 1080p back in War Zone 1, and I used to compete pretty well with that, so obviously go with whatever you think works up scaling SL sharpening Fidelity FX cast, and I have it at 90 or can have it at 100 path tracing plus R construction. I don't really have this on. Vram scale Target: I have it at 80, but if something's wrong with your PC or you feel like you're lagging out too much, you put 90, variable rate weight shading off, and here we go with details and texture, so I recently put my texture resolution to very low, usually I do like normal, and for texture filter anistropic.

I have it on normal. But the thing is, recently with Fortune, there's certain spots on the map where your frames just go down if you're on PC automatically. And I'm just like. I'm not dealing with this, so I just lowered all my settings for that reason, but typically I play on low and normal, but when I get into those awkward Fortune key situations that are on very low and low just because I wanted more frames, hopefully they fix that with Fortune Keep Depth Field, which is off-detail quality low particle resolution normal.

best visual settings mw3

Bullet impacts on persistent effects on shader quality low on demand texture streaming off locer texture streaming quality low. Shadow quality very low screen space Shadows off ambul occlusion off screen SSR off sta reflection quality low tessellation off volumetric quality low defer physics quality off weather good volume is low and water quality is wave wetness and all these settings pretty much help me optimize my frames and still have the game looking decently nice and now when it comes to the view section here on our Graphics settings F of view is going to be 120, it allows me to see as many opponents as possible at you know maximum fov and I'm able to spot somebody out when it comes to ads fi of view though I leave it on Independent a lot of YouTubers are going to tell you they love affected it allows you to keep the 120 fov even when you're adsing.

And I personally am not a fan of that; I prefer independence. The reason for the difference between independent and infected is that when you're independent, your focus doesn't stay at 120 when you're ad. Your fov goes to 80, and you're probably wondering, Hero, why are you wanting a lower fov when you're aiming down sights?


Well, that's the thing I'm aiming down sights for, so that means I'm trying to focus on something, and if an opponent is somewhat far away, they're going to appear a lot bigger and easier to hit, so that's why I like independence. Whereas that affected I'm still at 120 fov and the target's a lot more smaller and it's a little bit harder to hit them for that reason so person I like independent it makes me prepared for any sort of situation within multiplayer and War Zone, but that's the way I like to play so try it out for yourselves weapon Feud of view is going to be wide so that weapon is as small as possible we can see most of our screen third person fi of view 90 for pretty much the same reasons, vehicle fi of view wide makes a vehic smaller so you can kind of see better World motion blur and weapon motion blur should both be off if they're on then the world is going to be blurry, and you might not see somebody like moving around a corner because of your own blurry screen so don't do that it's going to hurt you this is only really nice and like campaign arguably.

modern warfare 3

I just don't know why the game has it on by default film grain zero first person and third person CRA movement at least 50%.

Ps5 best mw3 graphics settings season 2

Ps5 best mw3 graphics settings season 2

And then the rest of this is a personal preference including inverted flashbang do you want the light or you want the darkness but yeah those are my PC graphic settings now I'm going to hop on my console and show you guys my console Graphics settings and then I'll go to my audio settings after that so here we are on my PS5 to give you guys my console Graphics settings which you can then apply to other consoles, but we got on demand texture streaming off world motion blur and weapon motion blur off cuz you don't want any sort of blurriness, film grain zero depth of field off because you don't want the blurriness in the background Fidelity FX cast on and then you can either Max it out or adjust it depending on whatever you want it just makes the game look a little bit cleaner so you can obviously see your opponents better a sustainability I just put Ecco mode preset on off you don't really need to have it on and if you're on PS5.

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