News - Activision Just Did Something Horrible With Sbmm Warzone 2

Or it can mean that Sledgehammer is preparing for a future season or a future content drop because, let's be real, here's something that the community has been waiting for: non-disbanding lobbies. So how can you get more players back into the game? Well, the mid-season event is already going to be hyped enough because it's going to be content within the event, but what can make people really last in the mid-season event a bit longer?

modern warfare 3 sbmm

Because usually they don't last that long, you know they die out pretty quickly. What can make people last longer? Well, let's actually try out Nisp and Lobbies. This could have been just a feature that was accidentally dropped in the game; they removed it and didn't say anything about it because obviously it's planned for later and they didn't want to spoil anything, and we'll see this actually in the blog post, you know, maybe for the mid-season event, and they'll actually experiment with this.

That's more of a realistic thing that's probably going on here than my Tin Foil Hat Theory. Do you think Activision is purposely trying to hide this feature so they can use it against us and say they did add it in and it wasn't successful, or do you think it was a hidden feature that wasn't supposed to drop yet and it's going to come later on, or was it too bugged and it just simply didn't work and they need to take it back so they can make it better?

modern warfare 3 sbmm details

You post daily here at 8 in the morning Eastern time, and if you are interested in any of my live streams, I do that pretty much daily as well over on Kick, and it starts around 1:2 p.m. Peace out.

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