News - Warzone 2 Sbmm Is Now Affecting Everyone

cod modern warfare 3 sbmm

I hope you're all having a fantastic day today. Now ladies and gentlemen we all know that Call of Duty has been suffering from skill-based matchmaking for a hot minute now and it's crazy because a while ago used to be a topic that you wouldn't hear too often yeah people would discuss it but nowhere close to as much as people are discussing it now current date and I would say that started right around Modern Warfare 2019, it's insane it popped off and it's probably one of the most talked about things revolving around Call of Duty you know across the board whether you're a commentary Channel you know a gameplay Channel or you're just a casual player a Casual Gamer sitting back trying to play a couple of matches after work no matter who you are people just non-stop discuss skill-based, matchmaking, but sadly.

This trend that's been going on within Call of Duty is leaking to other sources, ladies and gentlemen. Boy. I do stream pretty much daily as well over on Kick, the streams usually go live around 1 p. M eastern time, and we always do open Lobby, so if you guys are looking for some teams to play, you know, just from some friends to squad up with by all means hop into the stream and first come, first serve.

If you see a spot open, you're welcome to go ahead and join it all, right? So, ladies and gentlemen, I was going ahead and scrolling through Twitter, and I saw a post from Drifter that said Sony was just granted a patent for skill-based matchmaking. In single-player games, there may be a future where you can't choose your difficulty but rather have to let an algorithm choose it for you.

cod mw3 sbmm

Of course, this isn't exactly skill-based matchmaking. Drifter, you know, explains this, but it's still, you know, matchmaking. It is going to basically see how you, as a player, are handling the challenges within the game and whether you are performing too well or going ahead and underperforming.

It will basically change your experience accordingly. And with this system again, it's mind-boggling that this is the future of gaming. I know a lot of people are going to say this doesn't mean anything; it's a single-player game, so who cares as long as it's not a multiplayer game where multiple different people are getting affected and, you know, manipulated, and you know they're being forced into lobbies that are just hyper-sweaty?

You know they can't have any casual experiences. All the enemy opponents are basically identical to their tier, if not better than them, while their teammates are severely under their bracket. You know, matchmaking, especially in COD, has been a disaster for the player base, and I know a lot of people are going to look at this and say it's not the same.

cod sbmm

You know, these are single-player games; it's not what we're dealing with when we're talking about 6v6 and Call of Duty, but I beg to differ. I think this is a massive mistake, and it's going to cause gaming to just take a direction. Hard game because they wanted to play that, and as you know, going to buy a casual chill game, they went ahead and bought that because they wanted to casually vibe and chill on the game.

Nobody wants an algorithm for mix-determining. If they should be playing higher-tier AI bots or if they should be playing a bunch of weak AI bots, let's even look at it from a very casual perspective. What happens when you buy a game? And again, just like with Call of Duty players, you're going through a long day at work; you had a long day at class; all you want to do is kick back and relax.

is sbmm in

You don't want to have to go ahead and sweat and compete, but you have this algorithm incorporated into the game that is going to make sure that you go ahead and compete because the second you start performing even just a slight bit better, it's going to take that as basically a threat and that you need higher competition, and that's how the single-player games are going to go here, not just multiplayer where 6v6 and it keeps trying to put you against, you know, the ultimate competition.

Now we're talking about just simply going against AI you can hop into a game of like Assassin's Creed and you know you could just be kicking back enjoying the game vibing then out of nowhere the enemies are 10 trillion times more difficult because you started to basically play the game just slightly better you know and that's going to be bad when it comes to the Casual players's experience because again, if a casual player hops on the game typically there are multiple ratings that they could pick they could have it on the extreme low end where it's a really easy recruit mode or they can play really high on the highest difficulty you know and they can play hard but the player gets the option to do that you know.

is sbmm in modern warfare 3

Basically, what Sony is doing here is taking away that option for their games; they're there will be no you know difficulty option. You will hop into the experience, and you'll play what you have to play. Every game will have a soul-like dynamic, except again, Souls games aren't manipulating you like that.

You know their games are meant to be hard, so they're always going to be hard, whereas here, it's not like that; it's not like you're buying a game and you're going in with it being hard right out of the gate; no, it's just going to be a game where it's just going to be fluctuating, between easyahard and easy hard, and you'll never know what you're going to go ahead and enjoy, and even for the games out there that don't have the difficult ulty settings, you know, and I'm not talking about Souls games where they're like strictly hard, no.


I'm talking about games where you slowly progress; you know you start off and the game is pretty easy, and you know the further you go, the harder it gets. You know certain side quests might be harder than others, and you know what you're getting yourself into, but you know it gradually. It increases the difficulty over time as you start to play the game more and more and understand things.

Once again, this whole system ruins everything about that. You know what happens when you get to the final boss, and it's supposed to be difficult, and you know you gradually built your way up there. You feel good that you're up there, and it's challenging, but the more you play it and the more that you get whooped, the boss gets easier and easier.

Where's the satisfaction of finally overcoming that boss? You know you worked so hard to get to that point. I don't think the difficulty should change in any way, shape, or form, and the same thing with the beginning of the game is what happens when you start out, and maybe you're performing a little bit better than other players might perform at the start, and the game has to be instantly hard, throwing you into the mix of very difficult challenges where you barely even have the bearings of the game yet because you're just starting out.

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