News - 5 Things You Need To Do To Solo Queue To Iridescent On Warzone 2 Ranked Play



This article is hopefully going to be for you. I'm going to be covering five very important things you're going to want to try and take on board that I've learned myself this season. I've done a lot of solo Q in this grind, and I've learned a lot myself, so hopefully I'm saving you guys the trouble of having to learn it the hard way in the fact that you can literally watch this 10-minute article and get all the information I've gathered over many, many stressful sessions of MW3-ranked play.

So I just want to highlight the reason why ranking play as a solo queer is hard to start off with, and the biggest reason that comes to mind for me is the fact that you lack information, you don't get coms from teammates, you can't give coms to teammates, and as a result, it makes the game really quite difficult.

That, mixed with the fact that you might all be playing the same role, makes life really, really hard, so let's say, for example, you loaded in your team, you've got four solo queers, and every single one of you loves to play a fast-paced sub roll that's obviously not going to work in the grand scheme of things, and as a result, you're going to really struggle to win, and so those are two of the main hurdles, but I'm going to be covering a bunch of other things as well, so stay tuned. The first thing I want to highlight is probably the most important.

Keep composed

Keep composed

Don't lose your mind now. It's easier said than done, especially when you're a passionate Cod gamer. Don't lose your mind at the end of the day; it is just a game. Control what you can control. Do not worry about what your teammates are doing if you lose.

As long as you did your best, that's all you can ask for. I know this is a very petty thing, maybe patronizing. But that's the general; that's the gist of it. If your teammates are doing some work at Rogue, let them do some work at Rogue. Don't get pissed off with them, because you're only going to make yourself angry.

Control what you can control; if you can't control it, don't worry about it. As soon as you lose your head at things your teammates are doing, you're likely to play less well, and that'll obviously impact your ability to play well, and then the game's going to think you're crap, and then you're going to get less.

So focus on your game and ensure you're playing the best you can, where possible. An easy way to mitigate this is to learn how to play different roles. As I say, one of the limitations you do have as a solo C is that you might find that all your teams are playing the same role; you're all fast-playing subs, for example.

Learn to play different roles, know how to be a good AR player as well as be able to be a sub-Slayer player, and just fill the gap where you can, and that will help you sort of ease that sort of frustration. You do get well at gaming, but yeah, at the end of the day, you want to make sure that you're not worrying about your teammates doing too much.

Use their intelligence; they're giving you the best of their ability, but if they're doing things that are absolutely stupid, don't go into the game chat and have a go with them. It's going to lower morale, and it's not the best thing you want to be doing.

Increase the sr you get

Increase the sr you get

Now we're going to touch on how to increase your hidden performance rating, which is what the SR tool uses within the MW3 rank playay. If you haven't seen my article on it, feel free to check it out. It's actually the most popular article on the channel, so it's quite easy to find, but realistically.

Sr is based on what the game thinks of you; the hidden performance rating is, so you need to use this algorithm to your advantage. If you go terribly negative, the game will think you're worse than the players in your lobby, and it will chalk your Sr completely. Make sure you play very selfishly so you don't fall into the SR trap of getting 30 per win and maybe even losing 30 per loss.


You don't want to get into that sort of trap, and you don't want to fall into that whatsoever. If you're B, let's say you're halfway through the game and your teammates are absolutely milk in, and you know for sure you're going to lose because you have, as I say, the worst teammates in the world. Just play for kills, play for a higher score, and increase your KD Lev if your game's already going to be a loss, and you can guarantee that is going to be the case.

Obviously, don't do this every game, because otherwise you're just never going to get a win. But if you know the game's already a loss for you, play for kills, play for KD, be annoying, and do what you can to boost your score without milking your KD, because at the end of the day, that's the biggest gist of how you are given a higher performance rating in the background.

The game will then recognize this, and even though you even though you lost it's not going to punish you as harshly as you would if you went 20 to 40. And you can bottom of the team, so you're less likely, as a result, to be deducted. Moris are or losses but you are also when you do get your wins because you even though you lost you performed well in your losses you do get a lot of Sr for when you do win it does remember recent game so yeah play the algorithm, try not to go neg or ter neg's fine slightly neg's fine as long as you're getting a decent heill time but you don't want to be those bottom two players in the leader board because otherwise you are just going to get chalked for Sr and you're not going to be able to get up to that next rank, a nice little tip I have more lot similar to snd and this is an easy way to boost your score is to grab bomb be the person who slides to the bomb grabs the bomb because a plant is, as much Sr as much score as a kill and it can be that it can be the difference in from being this you know the second place in the leaderboard to your team to be in fourth so make sure you're grabbing the bomb an snd and that's just one example of how you can really boost that, score .

After successfully solo queuing this season I decided I'd share some insight on how you can improve in this area! Let me know if you have any questions - enjoy.
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