News - Top 5 New Overpowered Loadouts Warzone 2. Best Warzone Ranked Classes. Season 2 Meta


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Now, kicking it off with the first attachment, we're actually going to be running a muzzle, and it's going to be the VT7. Spitfire suppressor L this is going to be undetectable by the radar, and it's going to give us a boost and recoil control bullet velocity and damage range if we go ahead and pull up the details really quick for you guys you can see right here range is getting a huge bonus and our recoil is also getting a decent bonus as well and it's going to boost our damage just a tiny bit and this is going to be very good later on in this build with the second attachment guys we're going to be running a barrel and we're going to be running the MTZ.

Precision black Thorn Barrel this is going to help with our recoil control our aim walking speed and our gun KCK control so let's go ahead and put up the little scenery for you guys to see and we're not getting really too much on the barrel but let's go ahead and move over to the next attachment for the third attachment guys we're going to be running a under barrel and it's going to be the brew and heavy support grip this is going to help with our gun kit control our aiming idle sway our horizontal recoil and our firing aim stability, if we go ahead and pull up the details on this one though you can see a big bonus going up for our recoil control, we see a little bit going down on the vertical recoil and the ads speed but trust me this thing is a demon and I know you've seen Pro players use this we're going to be running the stock and we're going to be running the exf.

best warzone 3 loadout

Close Quarters assault stock this is going to give us a bonus on our recoil control and our gun kick control we go Ahad and move this up you can see a big bonus for recoil and accuracy going up as this is a laser to be using in war zone, so for the last attachment it's going to be a little bit of a weird one so kicking it over with the last attachment you can see the full build right here and then we have a conversion kit on this is going to be the Jack, heric.

Carbine kit the reason we're running this carbine kit is because it's going to allow us to have 30 rounds in the mag. The reason why I'm running that is because I don't have to waste an attachment on just a magazine to lose a lot of, let's say, mobility handling and recoil, but I can run a conversion kit that will actually boost it a little bit and give me plus 10 in the mag.


So if you want to run a conversion kit, do it that way. If you would like to remove it, you can always swap it out for a magazine and run the 40-round mag, but like I said, it's going to boost those stats down quite a bit, especially ads. Reload movement speed and Sprint of fire and if we're playing war zone we're going against a lot of sweats on ranked so we want to be able to have the most amount of ammo in the most efficient time to kill moving over to our second weapon guys we're going to be talking about the HRM, 9 now everybody does know this weapon and this weapon is a demon to be using whether it was for season 1 ranked, or if we're moving over to war zone but let's go ahead and get started in today's build on this so to kick it off with the first attachment guys we're going to be running a barrel and we're going to be running the thorn 90 barrel this is going to help with our hitfire and tag stance spread but obviously we're not doing a whole lot of tag stance unless we are sliding.


It's also going to help with our ad speed, our Sprint to Fire speed, and our Sprint speed in general. This is very good mobility, built on the submachine gun for close and medium-range gunfights, but let's go ahead and pull up the details. We can see a little bit going down on the accuracy, a little bit going up on the handling, a lot going up on the mobility, and a little bit going down on the recoil control, but we'll cover it with the next attachments.

So moving over to our second attachment, we're going to be talking about the muzzle, and we're going to be running the Zeum 35. Compensator flash hider this is going to help with shorter radar pins obviously when we're playing ranks we don't want to be on the radar too much and get third partied this is also going to help with our vertical recoil our horizontal recoil and our firing aim step ability, we go to pull up the details on this one you can see a huge jump for that recoil control because we are using a submachine gun so we want to have the most recoil and accuracy we can have moving over to the third attachment we're going to go ahead and talk about the under barrel and we're going to be running the xrk, edbw.

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For hand stops, this is going to help with our aiming walk speed, our movement speed, our ad speed, and our sprint of fire speed. We go ahead and pull up the little chart board for this one we're going to see a huge boost in mobility and handling, so this is going to be a great attachment for you guys to run moving over to our fourth attachment we're going to be running a magazine obviously we're playing war zone we want to have the most ammo possible, less reloads, less time to take away from gunfights especially if we get third partied so we're going to be running that 50 round drum mag and for our fifth and final attachment we're going to be running a stock and it's going to be the folding stock this helps with our recoil control our gun kick control and our firing aim stability, and that is going to complete the build for the HRM and you can already see we are way over what we should be for recoil control on a stock HRM M class and you can see even on the bonus with the stock we're insanely, too high with recoil.

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So this is going to be a demon from medium to close ranges. We'll go ahead and pull this even into the firing range to let you guys test it out. We're standing up, getting a little bit of a close gunfight, maybe getting a little bit of a medium gunfight, and it just absolutely beams if we were to go ahead and crouch, then go for a gunfight.

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