News - How To Have. Perfect Aim. Warzone 2. Improve Your Accuracy Easy Warzone 2 Gameplay Tips


If you guys are like me and you kind of struggle to shoot at longer distances, maybe you have to tap fire at long distances or you have to stop firing because you can't control that recoil when you get to those really, really long distances. Well, you might want to listen to this article because I did a lot of things.

I changed a lot of settings. I changed a lot of ways on how I play to actually be a lot better now. You might see some people who have laser accuracy at super-long distances. Well, I'm going to be honest with you guys. Some of them are probably cheating. Let's be honest, there's a lot of them in COD right now, but some of them are legit, and when they are legit, you could see the accuracy, and you could just see the amount of skill that they have.

Maybe you guys want to get to that level as well, so we're going to get into it. I have six tips plus a bonus one for you guys in this article that's going to help you remain more accurate at longer distances, hit those shots up close, win those gunfights, and actually beat your enemies 99% of the time, so let's get into it, guys.

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If you could drop a like on this article, I would truly appreciate it. What is your favorite weapon for long-range gunfights? Mine is—I don't even know how to pronounce it—but it's the pulley mod or something, whatever it's. Okay, that thing is just insanely good, but let's get into the first one.

So the first one is actually going to be in the settings. We're going to get that out of the way first. I feel like getting the settings out of the way first is the best way to do it, and there are two things that you want to look at in your settings. One of them is going to be your ad sensitivity, and the other one is going to be your dead zones, so your dead zones are actually pretty important.

A lot of people kind of ignore these, but one of the main things that you want to be looking at in your dead zones is your left stick. On your right stick, you want to have it set to zero, and on your left stick, you want to have it set to 40. The reason you want to do this is because rotational aim assist is going to help you out a lot once that's set to zero.

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Putting it at 40 only helps you with movement and stuff helps you be quicker, but when we put it at zero. Rotational aim assist the second you touch that left stick it's going to take effect and when you use your left stick to aim rather than your right stick you're a lot more accurate the aim assist is a lot stronger so when you strafe in a gunfight left to right that's a lot more important than using that right joystick, to control your gun and all that kind of stuff so that left stick with rotational aim assist is going to do you guys a lot of good definitely do that now your ads sensitivity and I'm going to skip over the actual sensitivity because that doesn't really matter that has no effect on when you're aiming down sights or anything like that so it doesn't really affect many gunfights It's pretty much just hip fire and how you move and turn, so set your actual sensitivity to whatever you're doing and whatever you feel; honestly, there's no reason to actually change it if you're comfortable where that is, but the ads, sensitivity This one is a little more important.


I recommend that the higher you go in Zoom levels on Scopes, the lower you put that sensitivity at a base, Weapon when you're using just the iron sights; I like to have it at around. 9095 for the ad sensitivity, now the higher I go, if I go to like a 2.5-time magnification, maybe I'll put it at 85, or 0.90, or 090, and just kind of play like that, the higher you go in Zoom levels, like an eight-time zoom, you might want to have that down all the way to 70 or 75.

The lower you actually put this number with the higher zooms, the easier it is to actually control those guns at those longer distances, so that's really important. That's the setting, guys. Let's get out of the settings. I feel like there's not much else to say about it. Well, there's one more thing that I quickly want to mention in settings.


Turn off controller vibration, all right, if you play with controller vibration. It doesn't make much of a difference, let's be honest, but there is some micro movements, and your thumb is going to be moving a little bit with the vibration, and it could mess a little bit of your accuracy so if you want to turn it off I keep mine off personally and I just feel like I play so much better and I'm a lot more accurate with it off now the next thing I want to talk about at number two here is to learn how to actually snap onto enemies, and this one is really important, okay, using your crosshairs.

Instead of your eyes, which are actually really good, and actually your eyes and crosshair, it should be like a one-man team all right, like you should be working with it at all times, and the reason for this is because, let's say, there's an enemy, and you don't really know where they are, but they're hiding in a building and stuff.

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Well, you want to have that crosshair either pointed at the door or at a window where you think they're going to be coming out of this way. Let's say you have your crosshair pointed directly at the window. The second it pops up, all you have to do is click on the ads. And start shooting, and you could have that crosshair pointed there as you're running, and the crosshair, by the way, is those four little lines in the center of your screen, with the dot in the middle.

That's pretty much it. That is what you want to use, as your eyes are always there. Obviously, you look at the peripherals and stuff like that too, but it's actually really important to use that and kind of aim with that a lot of people a lot of times. I see people running around with their crosshairs pointed at the floor.

That's awful because if an enemy pops up in front of you by the time you actually point upwards and start shooting at him, he's probably already got you down to half health, so you're not winning that gunfight. Make sure that Crosshair is your ice next time you want to go. Well, number three here, I should say, is recoil control.

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Okay, recoil control is probably one of the most important things in the game. I'm going to get more into this afterwards on one of the bonus tips that I want to give you guys, but in terms of recoil control with weapon patterns and all that kind of stuff, the best way to control recoil is attachments, all right?

We all know this: a lot of people think that, like on SMGs and stuff, they have to make it faster; they have to make them quicker; and all that kind of stuff. What I like to focus on SMGs is, well, at least in terms of stock and rear grip on the weapons; that's where I focus. In most of my ads. I focus on my sprint of fire and stuff like that, and if the gun has too much recoil.

HERE ARE SOME TIPS THAT I DO IN CALL OF DUTY MODERN WARFARE 3 AND WARZONE BATTLE ROYALE TO MAKE MY ACCURACY 10x BETTER SO I CAN STAY ALIVE LONGER AND WIN MORE GUN FIGHTS! Some of these tips may take a while to get used to, but they are really worth it in the long run if you wish to do better in Call of Duty MW3 AND WZ BR! Good luck and go get some sick gameplays.
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