News - 30. Jumps & Spots To Help You Dominate Warzone 2. Highrise, Underpass, Invasion


The first one is from this rooftop right here. You can actually just jump straight across to this ledge and do the same thing from there. Additionally, this one's a little more tricky to hit, and it will require a little bit of practice, but you can jump across here, and from there, you have to try to catch that mantle again.

This isn't going to happen really consistently, but it does take a little bit of practice. But if you can nail it, it's a really effective way that's the lowest risk out of all of them because you're not exposing yourself to the overall in the middle area of the map there, and you can easily just jump across and get yourself up.

Finally, those aren't the only methods; you can also use this sign right here. Come across like this, and from here all you have to do is jump catch this mantle, and there you go. This is actually the best method of getting to this rooftop. Because you don't expose yourself to the entire center of the map, you're only essentially exposing yourself to this side of the map.


So there we go just a few alternatives to get to that rooftop that didn't exist in the original Modern Warfare 2 those are all brand new methods, next in this middle area right here I just wanted to point out instead of taking the stairs up which could take some time and that's exactly the route they expect you to take a much faster route is to mantle here and then just simply jump across there you go that'll get you up to this spot really fast and effectively, and on the flip side of that you can do this but it is a lot more tricky to hit you can't just jump direct from these barrels you can't quite make that jump but you can jump on top of these areas right here and then from here you can jump and catch a mantle but it is a bit tricky it's not the most consistent mantel to be catching, but if you manage to practice it a little bit and hit it effectively, this is just an awesome alternative, to get yourself up onto that area without having to take the stairs.


Additionally, for a fast way up. I'm sure a lot of you guys know about this by now, but from here, you can actually jump right on top of this tank and then, from there, get up here again, just a little bit of a different route than taking the stairs. Then again for all of you OG Modern Warfare 2 players you probably already know about this but this is just a nice little flank route that you can use you can drop off the edge of the map right here, walk yourself around these edges, and then you can use this to get up obviously it works going both ways, then getting inside this building I just wanted to point out you can very easily get to these top areas here it's more so just an area to look out for people camping I wouldn't recommend actually coming up here cuz you're not going to get enough traffic to get a lot of kills you might take the odd guy off guard like once but by the time they know you're there you're going to be in big trouble.


Then, of course, I do want to show how to get into the second story of that building we were just in. Again, this is from the original Modern Warfare 2, and it is fairly obvious, but just in case somebody's brand new to the franchise and they haven't seen this yet. I just wanted to show this off for you guys.

You can work yourself all the way around, like this crochet. There you go. Now you can shoot people coming out of their spawn there, or if this is your team spawn, now this is just a fairly nice way to get a good vantage point over many of the lanes on the map, and you have reasonably decent cover, which is great.

Now let's get into this middle map area, and I've got a bunch of little jump spots that are quite effective. Right in here is a Hardo as well as just an area where people really like to sit and sometimes you have somebody sitting in a corner like this or just something like that watching this doorway, and if you're approaching from this direction I actually find this is a really nice way to get in there just hop onto the top of the railing here and then you just pop yourself up like this anybody in the corner you can just shoot them in the top of the head they'll have no idea what hit them it's just a nice little alternative route, similarly if you're approaching from the other side this one is a lot more risky but you can do it you can jump to this wall right here and again you can just pop yourself up and shoot people on the top of the head and also once you're in this area this is something I do all the time and people for some reason never see it coming, you can easily jump on top of these and just pick somebody off now with these you can also use these spots to get lines of sight in toward the spawn right here this is not bad but just an alternative you can actually pop yourself.

Right on top of this area right here, and from here you can crouch nicely to get a lot more cover, and then when you stand up, you've got a great piece of cover to challenge people. Now something that's quite interesting in Domination is that if the enemies are spawning on that side of the map and they're coming for bdom and they're typically coming through this area right here, you don't really have the greatest cover or any cover really to challenge these people, unless you simply pop yourself over this way and you simply pop yourself down onto the second pipe right here, and from here this provides a nice piece of cover to cover that area, and they're often not going to expect this.

You can also use this to challenge people who are coming this way. You got to keep your head on a swivel a little bit, but it's just a nice little spot that I never see anybody using, and there we go.

Wrap up

Wrap up

That's going to wrap up today's episode of Maps Exposed: High-rise Invasion and Underpass. We've actually covered quite a few maps already, and if you enjoyed this one, a like rating is always appreciated.

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Welcome back to Maps Exposed! This is the series where I take a deep dive into the maps and share all of the most useful and interesting jumps, spots, and lines of sight that many are completely unaware of. Today, I share all of my favorite hidden spots on Underpass, Invasion, Highrise.
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