News - 2 New Guns, Vortex Maps, Sbmm, Spawns, More. Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded


One thing I will say is that the matchmaking definitely has felt different throughout the holiday season, and it almost seems like they may be doing a little bit of AB testing with the matchmaking in the background and have been doing that for a little while. Perhaps I'm off on that, but it definitely seems like things have been a little bit different, or maybe it's just certain playlists that have been different.

I've noticed with the hangover 24/7 playlist, for instance, that, in my experience, it felt like there was basically zero skill-based matchmaking in that whatsoever, like it seemed like true randomized matchmaking, whereas other game modes felt very different, so I don't really know what's going on with this.

All I know is that we should be hearing something regarding their matchmaking. At some point before the end of season 1, and after that, when it comes to some of my hopes, once the developers really get back into the swing of things, this is the tier aftermarket part. I hope they can fix this because it's still completely unavailable.


Nobody can use it at this stage, but I'm very interested in checking it out, doing a article on it, and sharing some stats with you guys. But I can't do that until it becomes available, which it currently isn't even if you've unlocked it, and then finally, when it comes to my primary issues with the game.

I've just got to say there's still plenty of room for weapon balancing and maybe some perk adjustments here or there. I definitely think some of the perks could be brought up a little bit, and that gap between the best guns and the worst guns could probably be shrunk by a fair amount right now. I'm hoping they end up buffing the weaker guns rather than heavily nerfing the good guns , but that's basically just where we're at right now with this game.

Wrap up

Wrap up

It's been a pretty dry few weeks of the game in my experience, and that's just primarily due to what they did to the spawns. Like I said, that just really hampered my interest in the game throughout the holiday season, and like I said, I don't really expect any major changes throughout the holiday.

This is something we've learned over the years, and it just makes sense. The developers, of course, are humans too; they deserve their holidays. I'm sure they had a crazy crunch period leading up to the launch, and therefore, of course. I'm very forgiving when it comes to nothing really changing over the holidays; that's just fully expected at this point, and I think that's totally fine, but now that the holidays are over.


I'm just looking toward the future and hoping we see some key changes and fixes here, because, honestly. I just want to see the game get back on track because I felt like they had a really good base and things were playing quite well up until the spawns basically just fell apart. I'll talk to you guys next

Now that the holidays are over, I wanted to share a recap of everything playable that we can expect to see coming throughout the rest of Season 1 of Modern Warfare III as well as some of the hopes I have for things to be changed soon.
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