News - 2 New Guns, Vortex Maps, Sbmm, Spawns, More. Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded

cod mwiii

So in today's article. I kind of just wanted to touch base, bring everything together, and share what we can expect to see throughout the rest of season 1 as well as some of the things that I hope we're going to be seeing once the developers are all getting back into the swing of things after the holidays, because for a little while now.

I've just kind of accepted the fact that nothing's going to be changing over the holidays. This is pretty normal. Usually the developers take some time off, and we don't see any major updates over the holidays, so a few things have been sort of piling up, and I'm hoping that they can be taken care of.

Vortex maps & gameplay

Vortex maps & gameplay

But before we get into that section, let's just go over the things that we already know about what we can expect going forward for the rest of season 1, and there's actually something brand new coming tomorrow, and this is Vortex, which is going to be a new game mode on reskinned versions of the existing maps in the game, so we have Satan's Quarry, which is a reskin of Quarry tetanus, which is a reskin of rust, and SP Four Yard, which is a reskin of scrapyard.

And we actually got to check this out at the sledgehammer Studio before season 1 launched although the Embargo for this was yesterday so we weren't allowed to upload any of this gameplay until now and while we didn't get to play the unique mode that's meant to be coming where it's like free-for-all and there's a ray gun that everybody's fighting over kind of like the golden gun from Golden Eye for instance, we did get to play some regular modes on these maps and I think it's kind of cool at the end of the day it's just a reskin though so it doesn't really feel a whole lot like brand new fresh playable content to me at least but I am definitely curious in that new mode that's coming with the ray gun so that's coming tomorrow but that's not the midseason update that's not our season 1 reloaded update instead our season 1 reloaded update, should be coming likely next week on the 10th, however based on recent history in the past few years it seems like a lot of things often get delayed a little bit after the holiday so I wouldn't be completely surprised if this doesn't come until the 17th of January.

When will season 1 reloaded be?

New guns & map coming

New guns & map coming

But as of now, I'm kind of expecting it on the 10th, and with this update for playable content, we're expecting the HMR 9 SMG. And this is described as a high-fire rate SMG with excellent handling of mobility, and then we also have the stack evolver LMG. And apparently, with just a simple attachment swap, you can turn this from 762 to 556.

So that's great to see we've got two new guns basically right around the corner for this game. Also, Rio, a brand new 6v6 map is going to be coming with the ID season update, so that's some more playable content to be looking forward to.

Ranked play & more modes

And another big thing that we're expecting at some point throughout the rest of season 1 is ranked play, and while I expect it's going to be launching as the ranked play beta, we usually see that for the first little bit it will be really nice to have rank play available for those that are looking for that style of gameplay and want to actually be rewarded with a rank rather than just having a hidden MMR like we have in regular public matches.

And then finally, as far as playable things go that have been confirmed throughout the rest of season 1, it looks like we can expect headquarters, team gunfights, and infected, and I know we currently have a version of infected that's like a holiday version. I'm pretty sure we're going to be seeing actual regular infected players coming to the game soon, and I hope it plays better than that holiday version of infected, because I just wasn't really a big fan of how that played out the balance between the infected players and the survivors, which was completely out of whack in.

My hopes after the holidays

My hopes after the holidays

It has been confirmed that we go That's just a recap of all of the things that have been confirmed that we can definitely expect to see throughout the rest of season 1. Now let's move on to some of the things I'm really hoping to see. Once the developers really get back into the swing of things and we get our initial patches coming off of the holidays, these are mainly just like the big things that I feel have been kind of holding the game back throughout the holiday season, and number one on my list is a huge one: the spawns.

Now for those of you guys that missed it a couple weeks ago, I made a article talking about how it seemed the spawns got worse in this game, like in Domination, especially. I noticed a drastic difference in how the spawns were behaving; they weren't anchoring to the flags that you hold nearly as much.

modern warfare 3

We were seeing a whole lot more midm map spawns and just really nonsensical spawns, which made it suddenly very difficult to read the flow of a match, and I'll admit that since that happened, my interest in this game has dropped significantly. It doesn't play the same anymore at all compared to how it was playing before that happened, and so this is actually the big thing that's been holding me back from really grinding this game out throughout the holiday season.

Because the pre-patch domination spawns were in a significantly better state; they weren't absolutely flawless; they weren't perfect, but the general logic actually made sense, and the general flow of the maps was far better than whatever changed a couple weeks ago, so that's honestly by far number one on my list right now.

I really hope they can get those spawns back into a good place so I can really enjoy the game at the same level again, because it just hasn't been the same as for the next thing that I'm hoping to see, and we can expect to see. I should say that the developers are talking a little bit more about matchmaking.

modern warfare iii

This is something where, right around the beginning of season 1, they released this statement here basically just saying that in the coming weeks after season 1 launches, they'll make matchmaking a part of their ongoing discussions with the community, and it's been four weeks since they made that statement.

Although there's still more of season 1 to go, they didn't say exactly how many weeks or anything, but they did mention it throughout season 1, so I fully expect at least something from the developers that will go into a little more detail when it comes to matchmaking. At this stage, I honestly don't know what to expect.

I don't know if they're going to be making any changes or if maybe they're just going to share some data and insights with us and say this is why we use the matchmaking system we use in either case. I'm definitely eagerly awaiting what they've got for us when it comes to this, even though I'm also just trying to keep my expectations low here.

Now that the holidays are over, I wanted to share a recap of everything playable that we can expect to see coming throughout the rest of Season 1 of Modern Warfare III as well as some of the hopes I have for things to be changed soon.
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