News - Yeah I'm Annoyed - The Warzone 2i Campaign Is So Bad Here's A Rant. Mediocre, Unoriginal & Unacceptable

I'm trying to think that Ghost was very predictable, but still, I would say that the ending was better than this. The ending of this [__] campaign stinks. They go and they kill soap again, and actually. I think they handled it way better in the original Modern Warfare 3, but they don't kill anybody new; actually, they take away a death, so they kill the same person in this Modern Warfare 3 that they did in the original Modern Warfare 3, but the only difference is now you don't get any resolution with Macrov.

mw3 campaign sucks rant

Macrov lives at least in the original Modern Warfare 3, we got to kill Marov; we don't even get to kill him this time. Man, the [__], lives, and they killed the same character that they killed in the original Modern Warfare 3. You can't make this [__] up now that we've seen most of the product. How do you justify charging full price for this action?

It's funny that on my last commentary, like a week or so ago, I got hated on. There were people legitimately mad at me because I made a commentary saying you already pre-ordered Recycle Warfare 3. You knew what you were getting involved with here, and you just found out that you're getting extra additional content on top of the content that you were already supposed to get.

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All I said in that article was that it was a good thing, and people were complaining about it. I said. Listen, this is not bad news, especially when we've gone through a whole year of the most advanced Cod ever, where we were starving for content almost the entire year, finding out that we're getting additional content even if that content is trash.

mw3 is dlc

That is a good thing, but some people ran with that article and took that commentary, like I was saying that news just saved the game; it was the end all be all this. I've seen it. I've seen it a lot in this community. The Call of Duty community is very dense. You have to repeat yourself. I've made articles where I've ranted almost the entire article about a game, a Call of Duty game, okay, but in that article.

I'll take a couple of seconds out and complement one thing that Vinnie War did or Sledgehammer did or whatever with that game, and I'll be like. Look. I really like this feature. I really like what they did here, [__]. I will drop a comment saying I can't believe you said the game is good; it's an entire article me ranting about the game, but because I said that one, I complimented one feature.

All they heard was that I said the game was great. Yo, it's just that it's wild out here, man. Everything I've already said about Modern Warfare and the half leading up to this point, including my articles on the beta, still applies. People are going to get bored of this game very quickly. There's not enough original content; there's no original content.

mw3 is unacceptable

Really, look at this lackluster as hell campaign. Now this campaign [__] stinks. We don't know what we have for zombies yet, but we might have playable multiplayer. We might have the most playable Cod multiplayer we've had in years that nobody cares about man that nobody cares about because of Activision and their [ __ ].

Activision knows that they could just sweep this under the rug; they're just pushing over; it's Microsoft's problem now; they don't care; they don't have to deal with the backlash from this. It's Microsoft's deal now. Multiplayer can be fun if they clean up some problems. I've already talked about in articles and dial back that skill-based matchmaking that matchmaking was just way too much in the beta they got to dial that [__] back but we could have a fun multiplayer here a very generic unoriginal multiplayer but what a fun multiplayer.

mwiii campaign is trash

Nonetheless, having now seen the campaign. I'm not sure what we have for zombies just yet, but still, it's an open-world DMZ-type outbreak zombie mode. We're just leaning more towards that; that's not going to be good enough. Having seen the product now, we know the maps that we're getting; we know a lot of the guns that we're getting; we've seen the [__] ass campaign; there's not enough here.

Man, you want to give us these Modern Warfare Deuce maps in their own dedicated playlist? Modern Warfare Department, and that's cool; it's a good thing, like I've already made a commentary talking about, but it is not enough this campaign. Sucked, it's not good enough. We need more. We need some remastered.

Also read:

Modern Warfare 3 maps We need some of the MW2 DLC maps. You need to bring them all into this game, man. You want to have this Frankenstein [__] game of unoriginality. We need a whole gang of content to justify your price tag, Activision. We need more. This is what we've seen here. This is not enough.

I'll probably drop that tonight, or I'll drop it tomorrow. Just as soon as I record it, I don't even feel like editing it, man. We just need to go make a commentary on this.

Now that I've had a chance to finish this MEDIOCRE campaign with no resolution and no originality copying the same things as the original MW3. The only exceptions is the campaign is significantly shorter and most of the missions are just a warzonedmz hybrid. Rushed, lackluster and poorly executed.
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