News - Warzone: The Major Season 2 Reloaded Update

All warzone season 2 reloaded content & updates

All warzone season 2 reloaded content & updates

I've got you covered with news updates. It is always seriously appreciated. Now initially with war zone here we're going to see a couple of new gameplay updates happening across the board so with this first up we do have the research vessel dropping and this is going to be like a new mobile POI, on fortunes keep specifically, so with this there's going to be ascenders that you can actually Ascend up to get onto the ship itself, it's going to have like its own sort of safe Zone in the gas so if it's sitting on the edge of the gas line it'll actually extend out and create a further safe Zone like as a bubble around it which is pretty cool there will be UAV Towers on this extra loot you can gear up with a buy station and whatnot so you can really use this as a tactical POI, to take players off guard or you know use this as a place to maybe escape to if need be it'll be a fun little POI update I feel like we're also going to see the bunker buster kill streak, which admittedly.

modern warfare 3 new weapons

I'm not super excited about it because I feel like it's going to be really annoying. Think of it as like a mortar strike, but it's going to be one that is able to destroy you through multiple floors of a building. If you drop this on a three-story building, it's going to land and do initial splash damage to those in the area, but then it's also going to do gas damage at the same time that'll actually affect multiple floors on the inside, so you can be at the bottom of a building.

I think you're completely safe from an aerial killstreak, and it's still going to hit you this is going to be pretty crazy if you can save this for late game you know if there's a team posted up in a choke point and it's a building and they think they're safe with cover you drop this on them they're either going to be forced to burn their gas mask or to move it's going to be a really interesting play for certain styles of gameplay, and lastly, we're going to see The Return of the Portable Decontamination.

modern warfare 3 season 2 reloaded

Station here as well, so this is obviously something that we've seen before in, you know, previous iterations of War Zone. It's your own safe space in the gas. You can throw this down, and you have a temporary bubble of, you know, safety. It won't harm you if you're in it if you're inside the gas, so it can be really clutch for certain gas plays.

Based on history, I almost feel like there's guaranteed to be some kind of gas glitch going on when this gets implemented. Hopefully it goes smoothly, but I'm just saying that every single season it seems like we've got some new kind of gas glitch, so this could certainly be the culprit of a future one, uh.

New season 2 reloaded weapons & events in mw3 & warzone 3

New season 2 reloaded weapons & events in mw3 & warzone 3

That's for sure, but then we get into the last bit of information here for season 2 reloaded, and this is in regards to essentially the universal content stuff that will affect multiplayer zombies and War Zone alike.

The big stuff here is the two new weapons. The first one is the SOA subverter, which is going to be a brand new battle rifle available via a weekly challenge. likely dropping with season 2 reloaded. This will be a 762, hard-hitting battle rifle, so definitely one that could be a contender in the overall meta.

Our second one is a little bit less competitive, but still fun. It's the soul rendering melee. This is basically a sword; you can actually go into a stance like this where you're almost in a defense mode in a sense and then use it really quickly, as a melee, so it'll be unique in that sense; it'll have some different animations.

modern warfare iii

But it's still a melee at the end of the day, so nothing too crazy there unless you're a big melee fan, obviously. The other big thing happening with the reloaded update is the start of some of the new events. We've got a handful of events planned for the post-season 1 reloaded update. Obviously, we're in the midst of things like the encrypted boot camp.

The Walking Dead events are going to be coming up here just prior to March 6th, but then post-March 6 with some of the other updates, you're going to see that decay's realm event, which includes those different, you know, decayed multiplayer player maps. Then there's also going to be a dune rule of fate event coming up as well, so some more specific content and rewards will be based on those, and then, of course, on top of all of that, we're going to have different gameplay updates and gameplay fixes.

mw3 mid season update

Meta updates are happening with season 2 as well, so we'll see buffs and nerfs with various different weapons, a lot of fixes and potential, gameplay adjustments to certain features, or other things like that, but that stuff will be revealed fully in the patch notes. But all that being said, that is going to wrap things up for this one.

And if you're new to the channel, you want to guarantee that every single day you are always up to date with all things going on in COD. Peace.

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