News - Warzone: Surprise 1. 42 Update Patch Notes. New Weapon Changes, Gameplay Updates, More

I am baffled that it was not what I fully expected with maybe tomorrow's routine weekly update. When we see the new weekly challenges and new events go live, we'll see some more patch notes. Maybe with that; if that's the case, I'll keep you guys updated. We'll be covering tomorrow's update anyway, but.

modern warfare 3 update

That's rough i'm very surprised and disappointed, and by the way, we also have some bug fixes to go over. Fix an issue preventing tactical and lethal equipment from auto-picking up. Okay, that's a huge one going back to some positive stuff here with like knives and smokes or sexes. If you burned yours and then ran through a pile and there were some smokes and some sexes in the pile of loot, it wouldn't automatically pick them up; you'd have to stop and fumble through all the loot to try and pick them up, so that's really solid.

There was an issue preventing players from shooting their weapon while ledge hanging after picking up a guardian; same deal as multiplayer. Fixed an issue preventing the red outline on the border of the mini map to display when you're actually being able to be seen on an advanced UAV, so just giving you more information that enemies are going to know where you're at fixed an issue preventing one shot protection from functioning in ranked play.

Resurgence So this has been a big problem since the launch of season 3. Players are constantly getting one shot sniped and ranked, but there's no one shot sniper in ranked at all, but some were glitching out and actually one-shotting. Huge problem with the meta there, so that's now been fixed, and now you'll only see retes.

modern warfare iii

There fixed an issue causing too many UAV wait fix an issue causing too many and UAV Towers to spawn in ranked play. I'm just going to say too many UAV towers is what that's supposed to mean. They also fixed an issue that prevented players from equipping unlocked items in the rank overview with the ranked rewards menu, so a couple of solid bug fixes There was the most disappointing meta update; we may have had an MW3, and so far.

I cannot believe that they left the redti untouched or didn't vault Al to the conversion kit at least while they balanced it. I did not expect to have that in today's situation, but regardless, all right, hold your horses. We do have an update on the retti, but it's not the one you want to hear; it's not the one I want to hear because it doesn't include a Nerf for the retti right now.

mw3 1.42 update

I'll get you guys covered with the info as soon as it's out. Those are the new meta updates and changes for today's title update, with all the patch notes broken down. If you are new here or simply have not subscribed yet, every day I get you covered with news updates, patch notes, and meta breakdowns.

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