News - Warzone: New Best Close Range Meta Loadouts After Update. Warzone Best Weapons

Mobility across the board, although if you want to extend the range, some princeps are a good option too, and they give you those clean, grow-iron sights. 50-round accend mag is very basic, then I go for the light stock here with those better ad speed, better strafe speed, and general movement speed benefits.

There's too much fun with this thing. Like I said, it's been my favorite SMG for some time, and it's so good.

Warzone best chimera sniper support loadout


This season, alongside some of the other close-range meta options, I'd like to include some sniper support choices in the close-range meta as well. There are actually a few MW2 guns that hold this category down pretty well; the Chimera, for instance, is a great choice.

Really good ttk, in the close to mid-range, relatively easy to use as well, so initially here I don't love the irons. I don't hate them, but I feel like I'm way more accurate when I do use an optic, so for instance, an ELO site would be great, and a glassless optic would be great as well, whatever you are most comfortable with there.

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45 ricin mag is the max in this case, and that works nicely. I go for the angled underbarrel here, which helps out with that horizontal control, and only hearts are vertical; that's it, which is not a huge deal for close range. No ads, cons Nothing like that going on Vorpal Barrel gives me better range, better control, and slightly better strafe speed, which is a nice little trio going on there, a little bit of something, everywhere in terms of the STA boost there, and then we also got this M35 compensator yet again.

Warzone 3 best fr avancer sniper support loadout

Warzone 3 best fr avancer sniper support loadout

For an MW2 gun like I said, this really does well holding its own Hey, everyone wanted to take a quick second and chat about my friends over at Gfuel. If you're looking to stay focused, energized, or just hydrated, they've got you covered all around with their normal tubs, their hydration tubs, and their cans.

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modern warfare 3

Now the advancer is another great close-to-range option as well, relatively easy to use, and it's got good DPM, like good movement for a rifle all across the board. It's checking the right boxes here again, irons. I'm a little bit iffy on it, so if you want to use an MK3 reflector, a slate, or a glassless, go for it.

I find myself to be more accurate with that, especially when you get into like 25 30 40 m ranges. The 60 onic cin mag is going to be a little bit slower for some close range, but 45 with the fire rate isn't as much as I'd like to have, and the 60 is just that added safety net, so I'll sacrifice the mobility for that personally, but that's up to how you want the gun to feel.

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I actually really like the choke-angled grip in this case; it gives me some better strap speed and some better movement speed, and it also attacks the horizontal recoil, so some nice combination benefits there. Barrel has better control and better velocity on here as well, and I also go for the Cassis break just to make the weapon really easy to use across the board and pretty consistent once you get the hang of this thing, and it will knock players pretty quickly.

Warzone best ram-9 loadout after update

Warzone best ram-9 loadout after update

Now, while it was nerfed, the Ram 9 is still a decent competitive option for the close range here.

While it's ttk won't be as crazy as it was last season, it's still right up there with some of the better choices, especially in its first damage range or so, so as long as you're playing aggressive with this thing, it's still going to be able to knock players away and compete with the other top-tier SMGs and other close-range meta options.

Just fine, surprise surprise, we got the Z35. In the DR6 hand stop, I do go for the imperator light Barrel here, especially now that it's extending that effective damage range that's so important post Nerf to get that better.

Warzone 3 best wsp swarm loadout


Out to 12 m in this case 50 round accin mag very basic and then I do just like the consistency of some better control on this especially with an iron sight build so I go for the 3.4, pad stock personally just helping out with some general control across the board there it's easy to use it's not going to be as good as it was in season 2 but it's still a good choice and because we saw Nerfs to things like the ram 9 for instance the Swarm is indirectly a little bit more competitive, really this thing is the most viable in its effective damage range which is only about 8 m with this setup on it but if you're in those 8 m, yeah this thing is nice plus we got the 100 round drum which I love it's so Overkill and I say this all the time 50 is realistically the more competitively well-rounded choice, but if you have 100 rounds to spray and prey.

I think you should do it. I also go for the 2023 Nidar on here yet again. The Reckless 90-long barrel is super important because it does extend that effective damage range with that fast ttk, so this is what really gives it a chance to compete. Then again, Nob Brainer here is the M35, compensator, and the Dr6 Hand Stop once more, and then lastly, here is the Amr9.

Warzone best amr9 loadout after update

Warzone best amr9 loadout after update

Yes, it was nerfed. It's not going to have that absolutely nuts ttk in the close range or even the long range anymore, but it's still going to be competitive in the close range and even in the mid-range.

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This does extend beyond a lot of other SMGs in that category or that area in particular. Here, this setup is still going to be a little bit more aggressive, though, so you can compete while you're running and gunning Z35, compensator, yet again. In this case. I do go for the skeletal vertical grip; this will help out some with your vertical control, your general gun kick, but also the ads and the Sprint of Fire, which is a nice little double benefit to their control and some mobility all in one.


50-round extendag is very basic. the ELOS site glassless slate, whatever optic you're most comfortable with, then I go for the buffer tube stock. It helps out a ton with that. Mobility across the board hurts the control, but honestly, it's not that noticeable, especially with an optic on here, and in the close range, it won't be too difficult to navigate whatsoever, so the close range meta has a lot of really good options.

Right now, there are a few standouts, but for the most part, it's very well balanced across the board, with some sniper support and, obviously, solid SMGs. Pretty much all the MW3 ones under Rival can hold their own pretty well, but that is going to do it for this one. Peace.

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