News - Warzone 2 Zombies Season 2 Reloaded Best Loot Got Even Faster And Easier

I definitely did not need four self-revivals, but you know what? In this game, it's better safe than sorry, and I thought I was going to be dealing with that Mega Abomination. You don't even have to be standing on top of a tall building anymore to get that height. You can actually just continue.


Boost up in the sky three times before you get to pull your shoe, and then you can just boost again. I want to get one of these Mr. Peaks bunnies from the Cod Shop if they still have like the Mr Peaks plushies, I really want one now. Usually, if I were smart, I would have stocked up on some more decoys.

But we're just going to go ahead and drop down on our first one here, and we're going to use our last decoy. I think I kind of just decided, you know what? We have three monkey bombs, so we might as well just get rid of this thing theoretically. The last two should be a breeze, but you never know what these damn ether extractors are.

Man, they like to glitch out a lot, and sometimes it looks like you're doing it, but then again, you're not, and then sometimes it doesn't, like it doesn't pull up the pad, but yet it still works. I don't know if these things are kind of buggy. I wish that they would kind of fix that and get this second one done here, and it was a little bit shaky.


We had a lot of zombies around this one and a pesky disciple that just did not want to leave my ass alone. Yeah, you definitely got to watch out for these guys, especially if you don't have like good armor or like some golden armor on, because those disciples and those manglers absolutely do not care that you got a decoy out; they're still going to attack you.

We're going to come over here and get this very last one done, and luckily, with this contract, we didn't have any issues. I actually went down the other day while doing this contract on the very last ether extractor without a self-revive, and I ended up losing everything. From the Elder Dark Eternal.

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I was so pissed, but I would say that this contract definitely did not disappoint with the L either; we ended up getting a legendary. Another tool out of here and another vr11. Case, so we got two vr11, cases in this run not bad, plus we got our hands on another Elder scz, so you know we're going to be going in there as well, so now that we got all three of these contracts done, let's go boost up and get over to that xfill now for a second because I was right next to this boat.


Somebody told me that there's an xfill underneath the boat, but I wasn't too sure, and I just wanted to get over to that extraction, and right now we're at 6 minutes and 30 seconds in the dark ether, and I think for completing all three contracts solo and then xfill, and that is not a bad time at all.

I don't know why, but there's always so many damn zombies around this extraction. I'm like, I just want to check out my loot for like 2 seconds before I extract, but yeah, not a bad run at all, guys. We were able to complete the dark ether incredibly well. Fast for a solo player plus we got a bunch of really good loot out of here we got that legendary, ether tool we got a couple of pack-a-punch crystals we got two VR 11 cases we got the mags of holding plus we got another Elder sigil So yeah, doing this can definitely get you guys some of the absolute fastest, best loot in Modern Warfare 3 zombies.


I'm going to throw up that load out on the screen right here for anybody that wants to check it out, but yet again. Jack Purifier is really all that matters. I greatly appreciate it. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day, and I will catch you in the next.

Today I made one of my fastest runs in the new season 2 reloaded Dark Aether. We completed all 3 contracts and exfilled in just over 6 mins. Membership Link.
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