News - X4 Quad Pack-a-punch Glitch On Wonder Weapons (in-game Weapon Duplication) Warzone 2 Zombies


Over the last week or so, I've been testing all the Wonder Weapons that are in Modern Warfare zombies on the Red Worm boss fight. I wanted to see if any of them were viable enough to actually bring in and fight this worm and win, and the answer is yes, one of them is awesome, and it is now my go-to strategy, like I will always bring this one in.

It's amazing there is a catch, though. The Wonder Weapons on their own are not great in the boss fight, and I would never bring any of them in. But there's a glitch you can do that increases the damage of the Wonder Weapons, and so we tried it on all four Wonder Weapons: the vr11, the ray gun, the scorcher, and the Wonder Wolf, and only one of them held up in the boss fight, and the other three sucked, and the one that is amazing, when you glitch it out and increase the damage, is the Wonder WF.

This thing just melts everything in the boss fight with all of the elite bosses. And the worm; it's incredible, and the method that you use to increase the damage of these Wonder Weapons also duplicates them, so you can just hand these weapons out to other players, and you don't need to duplicate them in the tombstone or anything, and shout out to Bman.


I think he and his crew are the founders of this method. He showed a article of how good the vr11 is when you increase its damage, and yes, it's good against enemies in the game and really good against Mega Abominations, but you do not want to be bringing in the vr11. In that red worm boss fight, it does absolutely no damage, which is pathetic.

First. I'll show you guys how to do this glitch to increase the damage and duplicate the weapons; it's really easy, and then I'll show you guys what this Wonder Wolf can do to these enemies in this game, and then also the red worm. You're going to need three things for this juggernaut: a Wonder Wolf and a legendary tool.

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The first thing you want to do is make sure you have all that on you, and then go to a safe place. I like to go to the South Arch area in the Red Zone. This is one place they haven't patched yet, and you can stand safely, but you do have to watch out for meat. Throw down your Juggernaut and have it ready to open, and then place the wonder weapon that you want to increase the damage on in your second slot, and then put another weapon in the first slot.

warzone 2

It doesn't matter what that is; then throw down both weapons on the ground so that you're holding no weapons, and then pick up the Juggernaut and get into it. Let the Juggernaut run out, and when it does, you'll see that the wonder weapon that was in your second slot that you threw on the ground is now in your hands; the one on the ground is now duplicated and can be picked up by any player in the game.

The duplicated one in your hand has been stripped of its rarity, but it doesn't really feel like the rarity is still there; you can't see it, but it allows you to put on another legendary tool, which beefs up the damage of the weapon even more. Technically, the weapon now has two legendary rarities on it and has double damage as well, and I'm kind of calling this a quadruple Pat because that's really the only way to explain it.

warzone 2 zombies

I feel like this thing is doing at least the damage of a quadruple. Pack-a-Punch, or what you might experience, and maybe even more, but yeah, you are able to put a new legendary tool on it, and you can use a crystal on it to triple Pack-a-Punch it, or you can take it to the Pack-a-Punch machine and Pack-a-Punch it as much as you want.

You can also drop this weapon and give it to other players, and it will keep that high damage rating. One thing you can't do is travel to other areas. With this weapon, you can't go into story missions, and you cannot go into the dark ether once you get in there. It's like, What is this weapon? This isn't a legitimate weapon, and it will take it from you and give you your fists.


So if you want to take this into the dark ether or wherever, make sure you do the glitch in the dark ether. This thing absolutely shreds in there because it kills like the mimics, the manglers, and the disciples. So fast, and that is why it is so good in the red worm boss fight because you melt all of those enemies that are coming at you while you're trying to fight the red worm, and then on top of that, this thing takes huge chunks out of the red worm, so I'll show you how this thing handles not glitched out and then glitched out, so I'm in Tier 3.

This is a non-glitched-out Wonder Wol in Tier 3. It takes about four shots to kill a mimic, but once you glitch it out, it looks like quadruples, depending on the amount of damage that it can do, and it will oneshot all the mimics even if it's a contract. Right here, this is a tier three disciple, a contract.

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This thing has a lot of health, and I kill it with one shot. This is a very tanky enemy, and I feel like this could be a good boss to test weapons on to find out if it's going to be any good against the Red Worm, and as expected, it did a great job; it was like five shots and it was dead now. We've had regular weapons that would do this amount of damage, but they've nerfed all of those, so here's a workaround.


And then, to further illustrate how much more powerful the Wonder Wolf is glitched out. I glitched out a ray gun, so this thing is, you know, considered quad duple p, and I was thinking maybe one or two shots, but it wasn't; it took multiple shots, so definitely not as strong. I also tried this glitch, Ray Gun, with all this extra damage in the Red Worm boss fight, and I was not impressed whatsoever.

When you use the Wonder Wolf, it moves that health bar and the ray gun, but not so much now that there are other players shooting the worm and helping with the damage. But yeah, with this ray gun, I would never bring it in, and even like the enemies around the map that are coming at you, they were difficult to deal with.

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I'm not insta-killing them; they are running me over. So now here's the redworm boss fight with the glitched-out Wonder World. This thing is again considered a quadruple of paths, and we're also in a Tier 2 zone, which means this is the hardest redworm boss fight you can get. We are already taking chunks out of this red worm.


There's only two of us with the Wonder Wolf, and the other player has just a regular, SMG, or something, but yeah, we are moving that health ball really rapidly. Also, anything that gets in your path is going to be dead in just a moment. A mimic kind of gets in my way. I wasn't even trying to shoot it, but it was just in the line of fire and it got melted, but yeah, you will be killing everything.

In this boss fight, nothing will touch you, even though we were in Tier 3, and this is the hardest redworm boss fight area. It was the easiest because of these Wonder Ws, and yes, they will be patching the hell out of this for people that are struggling with this boss fight. This could help you out before it gets patched.

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Zombies. Here is how you can duplicate wonder weapons with out Tombstone. You can also give them x4 Pack-A-Punch power. MW3 Zombies Glitch Glitches, Legendary, Pack-A-Punch, Crystals, XP, Rank, Duplication.
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