News - Warzone 2 Zombies - Easy Way To Get Guaranteed Legendary Aether Tool Acquisition

best way to get legendary tool in mwz

Today we're going to be talking about legendary E3 tools. Legendary E3 tools are definitely one of the main things we all grind for. The reason is because you can make your weapon absolutely overpowered by mixing the Flawless Ethereum Crystal with the legendary tool. You can make your weapon absolutely overpowered, as you're going to be able to pack-and-punch your weapon to level three and have your weapon legendary.

easiest way to get legendary tool in mwz

Now some of the things that you can actually do to form four legendary tools are what we're going to be talking about—four different things right here. Now, number one, we have the dark ether; number two, we have the Red Zone; and number three, we have the infested stronghold. And number four we got things that you might not know with number one with the dark ether we're not going to be doing that one just because a lot of people don't have access to the dark ether and then for the solo players if you guys still haven't problem with the dark ether, or even unlocking that I will be doing a article for you guys on that again if you are not comfortable going to dark ether by yourself or you still don't know how to get around the dark ether or do the contracts in there this is why we only going to focus here on the rest, okay so once you come to the Red Zone you want to focus on quality speed you want to focus on efficiency to be able to actually grind and farm some of these tools, the reason is because the quicker you can get contracts done regardless of which one it is the more of a chance you have to actually do that now first things first let's talk about EET and infested stronghold so ethernet.

Infested strongholds are one of the most underrated things to do. Right here in the Red Zone, I have seen a lot of people just completing contracts. You know, fighting the Mega Abomination and things like that, which is fine; we're going to touch that in a minute, but infested strongholds are so hard, especially if you do the solo because you don't want to get trapped in there.

I do recommend everybody come in here with at least two to three self-revives. That's definitely going to keep you alive. Also, if you can place the center gun right outside the door, there's going to be a lot of zombies popping out, and on top of that, you're going to have zombies coming from different directions, so you definitely don't want to stick in there the whole time.

easy legendary aether tool acquisition

Try to, you know, destroy all the nests you want to come out of once in a while and destroy a few eggs. Step out, do the same thing over and over, go in there, kill a few zombies, come out, and just do that. Do that thing over and over again. The reason is because if you get trapped in here, you're going to get sworn by a whole bunch of zombies, and that's pretty much game over for you, and at the same time, you don't want to use all your sales.

Revis right here because you might need it at a later time. I mean, you can always buy another one at the Bu station, but still, before we continue here with the infested stronghold, let me say a few things about the contast. So as far as the content, I recommend you guys do the Outlast, the weapon stash, and the mega-abomination anytime you get them.

easy legendary aether tool farm

Target The bounty for the Mega Abomination definitely does it. She guys get a sentry gun or anything like that. You don't have to use your weapon to destroy the Mega Abomination, but if you do destroy the Mega, he's definitely going to give you one of the best Ls, especially a legendary one, as well as delivery cargo.

We all know that one's easy and fast, so once you complete the activity, make sure you guys open the large envelope to cash. The reason is because this one is going to have the epic old legendary ether to, as you can see right here, we got a legendary ether to, and this is what we are actually farming for, so ether nest and infested stronghold are very underrated in the Red Zone.

You definitely want to farm those because you can get things from raw ethereum crystal to refining ethereum crystal to flawless ethereal crystal. Make sure you guys do those mega-abominations, especially the random ones, not the ones with the contract. Sometimes they're going to drop legendary tools, and sometimes they're going to drop rare items.

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You guys should definitely do this. This is the number four right here. This is the one we're going to be talking about right here. So I'm going to show you guys exactly how to get guaranteed legendary ether now. As you guys know, there is a mission. There is a mission in Act 3. If you guys have not completed this mission, make sure you do it.

It will guarantee you a legendary ether to now remember after you complete the mission. You can just do it over and over again, but I would say that even after that, you can go and fight that specific boss, and he will drop a random drop every single time, and one of the drops that you might get is the legendary ether tool.

First things first, we're going to go ahead and purchase two sentry guns, and then you need a gas mask to actually complete this, yes, because we're going to be doing the storm patrol. This is going to guarantee you a legendary experience, too. Yes, Storm Coler is one of the ways you can farm for legendary tools.

guarantee legendary aether tool

A lot of people don't know that this one is specifically, obviously, from a mission called the closing time. You guys need to go to Act 3. You guys select this mission and then go to the storm and go to the storm color. Now you have to complete three different objectives right here to actually guarantee this drop.

Basically, one is entering the storm. The second one is to defeat 50 zombies inside the storm, and last but not least, defeat the storm, Coler, so you're going to go ahead and place two central guns on opposite sides. After that, just wait for the central guns to start doing the work, and then pretty much eliminate about 50 zombies in the air, but make sure you guys keep moving.

Do not stay still because these zombies are very aggressive, and this is one of the reasons why we are using this weapon. This is a specific weapon because we got 400 rounds per wsp. Swarm is definitely one of the best weapons to use against the storm caller because it doesn't give the storm caller any chance to heal or draw any energy from you.

how to find legendary tool

Now the central guns are going to be doing a lot of the work, especially with the zombies. All you have to do is focus on the storm color, but at the same time, to complete the other part, you have to go ahead and destroy about 50 zombies, which is not going to be that hard; they're going to keep responding.

Todays video we going to be looking at how to get guaranteed legendary aether tool easy in MW3 zombies. thank you guys for the support, thanks everyone from your boy Ji.
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