News - Warzone 2 Is Some Serious Trouble

I think they would gladly push it off on the community, blaming us for, you know, making a bad game or something or giving bad feedback. And instead of acknowledging the fact that they just rushed out a product and people aren't stupid enough to buy into that, you know, like I said, even with it being $50, it's hard to even encourage anybody to buy that.

I still think $30 to $40 is perfect; you know, that's what I can definitely encourage, but for a DLC version of Modern Warfare 2 that upgraded everything, that is what you know the price tag would be for me to pay, and you know, once it gets down there. I can definitely encourage it, but for the time being.

modern warfare 3 2023

You know you got to you got to weigh the pros and cons, especially with how management will handle this franchise in the future. With these numbers, we have no clue what that's looking like, but ladies and gentlemen I do have one last thing for you guys a different perspective to this overall picture here it was posted by the ghost of Hope and honestly it does make a lot of sense and you know I want to throw it up here just so we can go ahead and cover both sides of the picture here but he said I don't think people realize, that 38%, off 1.2 billion which is what mod Warfare 2 made in its launch month is still a 700, million launch month you know for a game that was in development for around a year and a half and likely having a much lower budget than that of Modern Warfare 2 it's likely seen as a success and honestly you know that makes a lot of sense, you know a lot of these other games have a much bigger budget you know a lot more time to prep formulate something.

modern warfare 3 new sbmm

And even though it didn't have the best-received campaign, it still outsold both Black Ops Cold War and Vanguard, and Microsoft might look at this and say, You know what? You know we cut the cost; we made just as much money as you know we made before, and also, you know, the multiplayer is getting some love from the community down the skill-based matchmaking makes a better campaign, and honestly, those numbers will probably.

Skyrocket, But, Realistically, I don't know if they're going to look at it like that. I don't even know if these people care about this game in general; they probably just look at the numbers; they see a decrease, and they think to themselves, Yeah, you know, we screwed up. All the reviews are saying that the game is horrifying—the worst one ever.

modern warfare 3 new sbmm info

How do you think Microsoft is going to go ahead and look at this overall picture? Do you think that they're going to be positive and say that this is a win because, obviously, the price was cut, they didn't have to, you know, put forth as much money, and they still made a great return, or do you think that this is going to be a problem and they're going to see this as, you know, just not a victory because they couldn't win the previous game that means therefore.

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