News - This Is Exactly Why Streaks Suck Warzone 2

activision sbmm

I hope you're all having a fantastic day today, ladies and gentlemen. When it comes to Call of Duty, one of the most important things that comes to any of these games is the streaks. Of course, you know way back in the day the OG Call of Duty games. And honestly, you know, it might not be for everybody, but it is indeed a massive selling point for a lot of people.

But as time has gone on, the streaks have gotten crappier and crappier, and I'll be honest, you also know the variety of streaks. I do want to touch upon this. The variety of streaks isn't too fantastic. You know, I feel like they keep copying and pasting. Over things time and time and time again I mean it's only so much they could do especially if they're making modern day games or something of that sort we got to wait for something that's near futuristic to get something a bit different, but still you know, just streaks in general have felt so Bland land recently back in the like seriously think of it back in the day you went from Call of Duty 4 you know having a UAV, artillery, well not artillery sorry an air strike and then you know your chopper and then World at War you have a UAV artillery and then dogs and you're like my the dogs are actually crazy I love the streak then you go from what at War to Modern Warfare 2 where you're dropping freaking nukes Ladies and gentlemen.

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I mean, at an absolutely absurd time, the chopper Gunner came out, you know, with freaking care packages, emergencies, and drops. Predator Missiles all the above it was insane the upgrades that we had between those games and then you know after Modern Warfare 2 came Black Ops 1 which completely innovated the wheel again and then you know obviously Moder Warfare 3 then Black Ops 2 all the games all those games, innovated on top of one another and always tried to upgrade the street category they always tried to oneup it you know like even with Modern Warfare 3 when they were still struggling to try to think of something a little bit more fresh they added in the specialist category you know and they had a support Cate like they still messed around with streaks because they knew the streaks were important, fast forward to current date they don't like I feel like the streaks are just like the last thing on their radar when it comes to what they want done.

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In a Call of Duty game, let's get really deep into why the streaks personally stink nowadays compared to, you know, back in their prime when you could actually destroy lobbies if you knew you were to go ahead and grind up and get a streak. First and foremost, you know the second point is a little bit more important, but I do want to throw out this point because I think this does you know have a cause to why streaks suck; they die so freaking fast.

I mean over half of the air streaks. If your team is competent enough and they actually want to shoot them, you can absolutely demolish them. I tell people all the time to stop running the Chopper Gunners and run AC130s. You know, they're in the same category. Before, there were two different categories.

You knew you could have a chopper gunner that came before the AC130. But now they combine them in mod Warfare 3 to be what 12 kills each, or something of that sort, or whatever it is for score, and because of that, you can only pick one, and please stop using the chopper. Gunners use the gunship.


The gunship is nearly impossible to shoot down. I've only had a shot down, maybe twice. One out of you has a good memory, possibly twice, and that's with bad memory kicking in here because I can't remember a second time, but it might have been twice. It's absurd it takes so many rockets, and obviously small arms are barely even going to be able to, you know, touch it, let alone reach the gunship.

That's the way you want to go, but again, it's hard to get there. It's hard to get for a casual player who wants to get something a little bit lower, like a VTO, you know, an attack chopper or something of that sort. Again, they're all useless; they die in 5 seconds. Anybody could shoot it down if your team is competent enough and you have at least three people shoot at it, not even with crazy lmgs, and let's not even get into the lmgs.


The lmgs you one person can put on the lmg and destroy a vetto or a chopper Gunner before it can even put in work on that individual. It's insane, but even if you have three people shooting at it with an SMG, they go down in seconds. It's absolutely useless. A useless streak, honestly. All I use, as you could see in this gameplay, is a UAV Advanced and the EMP, and that's like my main rotation right now because, you know, when I think of assault streaks.

I just don't think of a fun time. Even the Swarm is so much fun, and it sounds so intimidating. But even that, you know, doesn't put in as much work as I want it to, but that leads us into the main factor in why I personally think the streaks stink. You know, the swarm stinks because of the fact of spawn protection.

Now, I do believe the exclusive Ace put out a article saying that the Swarms. Another reason why they stink is because they track your current location, so if you move, it doesn't follow you. Once it spots you, it spots that exact spot you were in, and it only goes there, so basically, it's only going to get a frag if someone is standing still.

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It's kind of weird and lame, but even if that wasn't the case, I think all these streaks stink because of Spawn protection. I know it's rough to say because I know over half the people are going to say, Well, you know, I hate dying to streaks, and I understand it. You know, you have to understand both sides of the story when it comes to streaks.

You know it's fun to use them, but to get destroyed by streaks is a whole different story, and it's horrifying. But if you want good streaks in Call of Duty, that is what you're going to have to deal with. You're going to have to suck it up, and you know, just get destroyed. You know, get ran through, and hopefully your team will shoot down the streaks as fast as possible, but you're going to have to accept, you know, the reduction in spawn protection, and in return, guess what?

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When you get your streaks, you can run through your enemies, you see. It's rough because, again, you are going to have to be able to get destroyed to be able to do the destroying. It's the people who are complaining about being destroyed that are the cause of why we have this extremely thick, you know, spawn protection and the reason why streaks are just basically useless nowadays.

I don't even bother using any of my air streaks. Now, ladies and gentlemen, you know, attack Chopper's vtools. Chopper gunners are useless. Why would I ever bother with any of this stuff? You know, it gets shot down in 3 seconds because it can't even get two bullets off before it's already taken out of the sky, which is completely irrelevant.

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