News - Unlock Free Rebirth Camo & Keycard Rewards (biometric Scanner Easter Egg) Warzone 2 Season 3

Secret daily keycard rewards found

Secret daily keycard rewards found

I went over the rewards for different rarity levels when you go to a buy station, but there's actually secret daily rewards that are tied to the biometric scanners, so these are separated into six different stages. If you grab your key card every day, you will receive permanent rewards after 3, 7, 12, 17, 21, and 27 days.

Day three for me is actually tonight. You guys might be on day four if you've been scanning these ever since the launch of Rebirth Island. There was just one day that I missed where I just didn't scan a key card for whatever reason, but for 3 days you'll get the need for a hand-calling card. For 7 days, there'll be a 1-hour double XP token.

12 days, a 1-hour double-weapon XP token For 17 days, you'll get the encryption and animated emblem; for 21 days, you'll get a loading screen; and lastly, for.

Welcome to the mainframe camo unlock

rebirth biometric scanner keycards

27 Days you will get the welcome to the main frame weapon camo, yes, a free universal camo that I believe most people will be able to unlock if they've been scanning their key card, about a day or two before the launch of season 3 Reloaded, which is going to be May 1st, so I believe the very last week of April could be the 27th.

Day for most people if they've been scanning their key card.

Bloopers for my rebirth easter egg guide

Bloopers for my rebirth easter egg guide

some bloopers when I was trying to record a guide for the redacted blueprint. Towards the edge of the Harbor Point of Interest, you can't really miss it. You have to use the ID badge to get inside, or we can get shot out of the sky, so that means we have to take three. Awesome, all right, so we have a grenade going off.

Nice, okay, let's kill these guys. First, it is an Enre Squad, and I have a very serious polyatomic key card, and you can turn on the power. There's also a free UAV sitting on the table, which you can gladly use. That was the first step. The second step requires you to go to chemical engineering, which, for some reason, as of today, with the launcher rebirth, everybody is very clearly obsessed with, so safely make your way to chemical engineering.

rebirth biometric scanner locations

Engineering, all right, there you go. Let's be very careful. That's how you do the Easter EG in the form of percentages, so we have 53, 33, 30, 8, and two, and I'm dead. No, you're kidding me. I killed him. I killed him no this one fuing no that was perfect that was perfect go run away run away run away run away Sean, run away.

I'm dead no., watch out for enemies in the area. Jump right through, and you'll see the wooden crate just outside of the map. Shoot it, the ID edge, and the ID. I just forgot to speak, but that is about it.

Closing statements

Closing statements

This has been DK Dynamite. I really hope you've enjoyed it. Peace

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