News - 20. Secret Tips Sweats Do To Drop High Kill Warzone Wins. Rebirth Island Resurgence Tips And Tricks

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This is my hell [__] big, nut, and then you go and watch your favorite streamer and he's dropping 20 kills like it's nothing. Meanwhile, it seems like no matter what you do, you just can't get past five kills, and you're just dying over and over. well if you want to stop dying to the sweats you got to become the sweat and today I got you guys tons of tips and a little walkthrough of a 20 kill game in his sweaty Lobby teaching you exactly how to beat him how to get higher kills let's go ahead and get into it all right guys so right here for you I have a 20 plus kill game play on vondale, now the first little tip for you guys is going to be with Landing notice how we land in the action off the bat I always do this if you want to get higher kills you got to be landing at the hot spots so on this map dead center right here where I'm landing mall is a good spot Stadium rebirth Island a really good spot prison block or control, center it applies to all games all maps so first thing we try to do here we try to find a gun off rip ideally that should be your objective every time but be ready to Pistol somebody in the, beginning, notice how I didn't climb the ladder right.

That's on me. I literally heard the door opening, and instead of looking at the door, what do I do right there? I look completely away from the door. You got to be aware, man. If you hear a door opening, check where that door is. So right here for the regain, we're trying to land somewhere a little bit more safe, a little on the safer side.

Whenever you want to regain, you have to land a little bit safe. If you land right back where you died, chances are game over happens all the time. I've been learning that I've been working on that as a player. Whenever you die, man, reset that crappy land somewhere where you can get your stuff.

get more kills rebirth island

Together, immediately we get a little gun we don't have time to get everything going perfect so we're going to go push using these zip lines around the map is a great way to push, drop down catch an easy kill shoot the guy shoot the guy in his back and we noticed that guy was chasing after somebody so we're going to go look for the other guy that he was fighting, up notice how I'm looking before entering all the way dropping into the area the using cover right there sliding behind the, cover slide out easy shots could have bad one thing you'll notice about how I play the game is I'm always looking for information I'm trying to see where are the players I'm not just sliding out in the open I'm not just running at them I'm looking all the time I'm looking like where are these guys once I get the information then I, push, guy pushing me out of nowhere right here nice little drop.

how to get 20 kills in

Shot, in a rough situation right here, we're going to pop the stem. We're using the cover the best we can to kind of, you know, play off this right here, playing off the cover, peeking up and down constantly to kind of get a little idea of where they are. I notice there's a guy up here. We're going to slide the corner right here, boom, and we just lose that.

Holy still, I really don't know how I lost that. I mean, I think this guy shot at us first. If we look right here, I don't know. I really can't explain that, One, but for the regain right here, pay attention to what we do. A lot of you would have gone right back for that loadout. I know that guy's going to camp and kill me on that loadout.

If he kills me once, he could probably kill me again, especially if I get a pistol. So I'm going to drop the ego, I'm going to land in, I'm going to reset, and I'm going to buy a load-out PDS station. You see that I always grab those things that are key to clutching the victory—not for kills, but for clutching the victory.

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I was going to buy a gun really quick. I was going to get a load out, but I heard a player close to me say we don't have time to buy a load. Out listening for his footsteps going to slide the corner right here boom, shooting, already shooting that's a little tip for you guys if you notice that notice how I'm already shooting before as I'm going around the corner I'm shooting it's called pre firing I know that guy's going to be there so I'm just going to be shooting where I think he's going to be.

Anticipation, that's the biggest tip y'all; it's called centering and anticipation, knowing where your opponent is going to be, like what's their next move kind of having that lined up, like where is this guy? He's probably just standing here at this door. Most players are the same; it's not hard for this guy to kill right here on this.

Guy, he's just laying there freest kill ever, right, and I'll tell you guys, when I get demon lobbies, I get demon lobbies a lot. This Lobby wasn't a full-on bot lobby; I mean, look, we're getting shot at, but it wasn't a demon Lobby; it was a pretty decent Lobby. I'd say most players in here have like one 1.5.

how to get more kills rebirth island

KD, so yeah, hear a guy sliding, but I know there's a guy on the roof with me still using this cover see I'm snaking right here I'm constantly laying down jumping back up to kind of see where this guy is kind of playing with him boom, get that shot got to get ready for this third party now got to get my reload going, kind of taunting him with the Peaks right there kind of slowing them down, getting ready for him I know this is a sweaty player so I got to get.

Aggressive i would have won that fight I would have won that fight but I got sniped right there unfortunately we got sniped we're on a rooftop, carar 98s everywhere, once again I'm looking at this load out I see the guys still camping there loadouts are death traps it's just the truth loadouts are going to get you killed they're just always going to get you killed especially the free Loadout so we're going to go back to our other Loadout it's a little tip for you guys I like to do, is what I sometimes do I buy a load out I'll throw that load out down and then I'll buy a gun and then push that way if I die I can land right back on my load.

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Out, aiming in right here, we see there's a guy on the roof looking at my mini map. You can see the red dots. Look at the red dots. You'll see when they pop up, constantly learning to boom. Look into that mini map, constantly keeping your eyes on the big tip for you, noticing exactly where he is.

We're going to be going up here. We know it's safe right now. This guy dies. He hears a little splash in the water. I'm just going to kind of check it over. There guy dropping in here, High Ground man. I'm telling you, High Ground, you could see everything from High Ground. Boom, look at those easy, easy shots.

20 Secret Tips Sweats Do to Drop High Kill Warzone WIns! Rebirth Island Resurgence Tips and Tricks.
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