News - Top 10 Best Guns Warzone 2. Dec 2023



Now the thing about the MCW is it doesn't have a ridiculously, good time to kill potential with body shots at least it actually kills a little bit on the slower side with body shots in saying that it's an incredibly, accurate full auto gun that's just super easy to use you don't really have to account for a whole lot of recoil with this so it's really good at those longer ranges just due to the fact that you won't be missing shots where other people will be missing shots with other guns and then on top of that within that maximum damage range just like with the hoger 26 all you have to do is mix one single head shot in with body shots and now you have a really fast time to kill at 252, milliseconds.

So this is just one of those guns where it's super easy to use and very easy to control, and if you know that you need to land that headshot up close, you can be very competitive even against SMGs.


As for number two on my list, this is the house. 556 and with this gun, it's also incredibly accurate.

modern warfare iii

I wouldn't say it's quite as accurate as the MCW, but it still holds its own just fine, even at extremely long ranges. And with this, it's just a very consistent gun. That's the thing I like about this: you don't need to make sure you're landing torso or upper torso shots or anything; you can shoot them anywhere in the body and you'll still get a very solid time to kill.


Additionally, its maximum damage range is excellent in this game at 36.8. M and that's where it's going to be a four-shot kill anywhere in the body and then in the minimum damage range you're killing noticeably faster than the MCW, while still having a very accurate gun on your hands so just for overall consistency, versatility and ease of use the hoger 556 is an incredible gun in this game and this is even after the Nerfs that we saw to this gun it used to be a four shot kill at any range but even now when it drops off to a five shot kill it's still a very solid gun no matter what the range is and then finally this leaves us with number one on my list and I'm sure many of you guys can guess this just due to the fact that it hasn't shown up yet and it's got to make the top 10, this is the bass b battle rifle and this gun has an insanely good time to kill potential to the body for anything that isn't an SMG.



In the first two damage ranges, so all the way out to 44 M, this kills in 270 milliseconds. That's faster than nearly all of the SMGs in the game and not only that in that maximum damage range which extends out pretty far to 35 M, you can shoot them anywhere in the body so it's a very forgiving gun it doesn't matter if you shoot them in the toe or the upper torso you're still getting that 270 millisecond time to kill it's also quite an accurate gun it has solid enough handling for a battle rifle and I've just found this gun is really hard to beat especially within its four shot kill ranges, because none of the assault rifles can really reliably compete with a 270, millisecond time to kill and while some of the SMGs can they've got like a third of the range potential as the bass B and they're also typically a lot less accurate than the bass B so that's why in my opinion at least this is the best gun in Modern Warfare 3 currently .

Final thoughts

Final thoughts

And with that that's finally going to wrap it up for my top 10 list at the moment in Modern Warfare 3, now I want to say there were several guns that were really close to making this top 10 list it was a bit difficult to narrow it down to just 10 so I know some of you guys might be thinking like why wasn't my favorite gun on this list just because a gun didn't make this top 10 list it doesn't mean that I think it's a bad gun I think there are many guns in this game that are very usable and just fine, but this is where I wanted to speak a little bit about overall weapon balancing, as well in the game's current state I think there is a pretty big gap between the best guns in the in the game and the worst guns in the game, and in my opinion since we have a generally slower time to kill overall.


Rather than nerfing the good guns, like my top three guns, for instance, in this game. I would much rather see them buff up the weaker guns to bring them closer to the level of the better guns in the game, and I think that really makes sense with the generally slower time to kill in Modern Warfare 3.

If we were in a game where the general time to kill was really fast, I would be on the opposite end of the spectrum. I would say that I'd rather see them Nerf the better guns to slow things down a little bit and match the weaker guns in the game, but in this case. I'd rather see them buff up the weaker guns for Modern Warfare 3, and I do feel there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to general weapon balancing.

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That's not to say that there aren't a bunch of very good and usable guns. A like rating is always appreciated, and don't forget to subscribe for more. If you haven't already, I'll talk to you guys

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