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modern warfare 3 tips

I will tell you one thing that you really want to focus on is that when the obj timer in hardpoint is down to 10 you know when it's telling you to rotate, not all the time it depends on you know where you're at and the situation but nine times out of 10 you're going to want to get the heck out of there and rotate as fast as possible because if you don't and you know that I'll tell you right now nine times out of 10 the majority of the team always sits on the hard point you will easily give the enemy team spawns and then you run into moments like this you know where you have to play a little bit of catch up when you could have the actual obj itself, but again you could tell by the mini map the mass major Joy of our team was slugging along too so it wasn't Volby just here you know the whole team was coming behind because we're all so focused on the obj, when everybody should have been.

Rotating, there was a death there. I mean, honestly, I didn't really pay attention too much to that death over there, so let me just rewind real quick and see how he pushed up. Here, see, that's a hard one because you know you could see one of our teammates spawning back here, so that's just one of those deaths that just absolutely stinks.

modern warfare 3 tips and tricks

The only thing that you could really say is situation where you know situational awareness. Usually, I'm pre-aiming a lot of the stuff when I'm moving around, but it's tedious, it's tiresome, and I don't blame him for that one at all. You know, there's literally no way you could have read that. Anyway, good holes, though nice location.

I see moments like this, though again, the way I play personally, really realistically, you only need a couple of people on the OBJ; you don't really need that many people on. There, see, the next play looks like he's looking at the mini map, studying a bit, and figuring out the next path he wants to take.

Again, a lot of the deaths are just simply because you're not in; that really is what it is. To summarize, you see perfect, beautiful, you see when you're set and you're positioned and you're ready to go, you drill, you're beaming, but a lot of these deaths are just, you know it's just either you're mantling.

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Your slide is canceling your hop again. That's the downside of having a game with a lot of movement: people think you have to use the movement when you don't necessarily have to use the movement. There are times and places to go ahead and take advantage. Again, not an angle I would be personally holding because you could see that a lot of your team is already spawning here, and honestly, going this way.

I probably wouldn't even take back either, seeing that the mass majority of your team is pushing this side. I would be pushing the middle. I want to just rewind a little bit more to see what's going on here and where everybody else is positioned. yeah, just out of this look, I would have probably been pushing the.

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Backside, to help keep pushing them out, cuz you could tell by the mass majority of the red dots that they're spawning up over, there see yeah the red dots just keep building and building and building I could see where you got confused a bit though because it did look like the spawns were going to stay over on this side where you're at I could totally see that, but a couple of those scans revealed like four or five players and when you see that many players spawning on the opposite end even if it does look like the spawns are going to flip probably they're going to go where the four to five people are spawning at that's too many people to be a weak, spawn again just mini map awareness it's all good it was hyper focused on the one angle to hold it down for a squad which is.

Smart, okay, it's all good again, just a lot of people on there a lot of this time a lot of these times I'm usually flanking around. Target is when our team has a really hard hold on the object. I'm looking at the mini map for routes to get back plays, and I'm trying to figure out how to push the enemy team backwards.

You know, TDM and all that stuff. Yeah. I'm more about holding power positions, but in hardpoint here, it's all about holding the obj and finding ways to push them closer and closer to their spawn so they can't move without flipping it for your team if you want to make it as challenging as possible.

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Possible again, a lava just comes down to looking at the right locations and the right lanes; that's all it is: taking shots. Again, flanking is very useful in these moments. Man got to remember it's a far left side of the map with water that you can swim in on the far right side of the map. Map, nice kills, you know it's a few more up there, he's playing smart, yep, pre-aiming in little bow, the aim and reaction time, you know, that's all it is.

mw3 tips

Whenever you're in a scenario like this, got to understand you see all the red dots in the back and this is all map knowledge again I don't know how well Vol be knows this could be like his first time playing the map who knows who knows how many times he's played on this specific map here but this all comes with map knowledge seeing that the red dots are spawning in the back of the map there and turning this corner you know you just have to know simply that over here is a ledge that you're going to have to aim up towards, aiming toe level was a little bit rough you know because I can see what he was trying to do he was trying to aim like it was going to be someone on a head glitch behind the stairs when in reality it's not really anything there the people are going to be up on the deck there that's all it is but again map knowledge is very.

Crucial very, very crucial studying and knowing the lanes, knowing exactly where people are going to come, parts of the map—all that stuff is very, very important to know, but nonetheless, he's still playing very well. He's got 17 bodies right now. Drilling, he's been playing, obj, you know, checks off a lot of important things in my personal opinion when it comes to playing any Call of Duty game.

Nice play there turned on him now you know it's going to be a heavy spawn there taking it slow yep there you go you know it's going to be a hard left yep, beautiful, take your time you see I'm more focused on them back there because you don't have any teammates behind. Again, all it comes down to is mini-map control.

mw3 tips and tricks

You see that the majority of your team is up in the middle. Honestly, you should just let them handle it because you could have done two things on this play right here. You could either you could either hold this lane, those guys are hopping off, you can keep drilling, or you could have flanked the guys in this room right here by killing off these two eventually and pushing up slowly and taking them out and helping your team take the actual.

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