News - This Is Why You're Missing. Warzone 3 Sniping Masterclass

Keep in mind that this Legend is accurate for a 1, 000 m/s bullet velocity, which is exactly tuned for my cat AMR build that I just showed you. I also went to a plunder match with Lola to show some examples of where to lead from different distances in different settings. I tested a 50-meter shot, a 100-meter shot, a 200-meter shot, and a 300-meter shot in three different environments.


These are important scenarios to pay attention to because the more you familiarize yourself with these shots and environments, the more likely you are to hit the shot that counts when you're in the war zone. If it's beneficial to you when you see an enemy in game and can't tell how far away they are, place a ping down either on them or near them, and that ping will show you exactly how far away they are right at the top of the diamond.

Reference this with the legend, and you've got a shot, Hit. Once you master leading shots on people that are relatively standing still, you can start to tackle people that are moving horizontally or flying out of the sky. These shots are tough to consistently hit, and even at the highest level, I only hit around 50% of the shots on people in the sky.

The best tip I can give for floaters is to shoot a shot and then look at the bullet. The trail for that shot is in front of where they were, behind where they were; use that reference to guide your next bullet, and so on and so on. The more you practice this moving maneuver, the better your shots will end up hitting someone who's moving horizontally on the ground.


The same guy that I showed you earlier will suffice; if they're within 75 meters, tap them on the head, but if they're further, then the same distance that you lead up and down, or, in other words, vertically, the same distance you need to lead left and right, or horizontally. With a good foundation of the basics, it's only a matter of time before you're hitting shots you never thought you'd hit consistently.

Remember to reference the legend. Let's talk about our next category, peeking. Effective peeking is a very underrated part of being a good sniper. Peek out in the open, and you're immediately laid out by someone with an AR or an LMG. Peak through a really small vantage point, and you're more than likely going to miss your shot.

It's all about finding that balance. The best thing that a sniper can do is end up in a power position or at a height of some sort, so that they can't really be taken advantage of. There is something to learn from this, though. A good sniper looks over their team, so make sure that you're consistently on top of buildings or structures that have a good vantage point over the battlefield.

warzone 3

A lot of people complain about sniping but don't realize that when you run a sniper, you give up an entire range of damage, making you super vulnerable. If you run an SMG in a sniper, what are you going to use in the mid-range, and if you run an AR in a sniper, what are you going to do in a close-range engagement to remedy these issues?

I've made three sniper support options for you to run, so when you're rotating from point A to point B, you're able to defend yourself properly at all damage ranges. First, I've made this HRM, which dominates in close-range and mid-range engagements. This is definitely my top pick for Sniper Supports currently.

Second, I've made this BP50, which, as an AR, inherently does well in the mid-range, but this gun specifically does exceptionally well up close. You can also put this gun in Tax Hance by aiming down your sights and meleeing, which gives it a super fast play style, and lastly. I've made this Striker, which is one of the most underrated guns right now.

warzone sniper

It's a submachine gun, but don't be surprised when you're beaming people out of range. Hoping into our last section of the article, I have a couple more tips to improve your sniping ability right off the bat. First, the number one method to bring attention to yourself is to run a sniper when you aim down sights.

You create a big glint that is hard to miss for enemies on the battlefield. This is why it's exceptionally important to always have a self-revive. The self-revive for a sniper is the single most important item in the game, besides the air strike. Remember to gather $4, 000 as soon as possible and head to your nearest station; alternatively, you could open medicine cabinets in the bathrooms of buildings and hope to pick one up that way.

warzone tips

Also, remember when you're sniping that another sniper could always be eyeing you. If you move left to right often but never too consistently, it could be hard for enemy snipers to pin down your spot before their cover is blown, throwing in the occasional Crouching or being prone could also throw them off, but acknowledging your surroundings is the most important part of being a sniper.

When someone shoots at you once they've blown their cover, you can immediately prepare to return fire. One way to consistently know that you're being looked at is to run on high alert. This perk is available in your fourth perk slot, and whenever people look at you, you will trigger an orange radius around your screen.

This is a sniper's paradise, as no longer are you going to be snuck up on or shot without first having some sort of inkling of the fight. All in all, remember to accurately pack for your sniping trip. Reviving precision air strikes, mortar strikes, other kill streaks, and field upgrades will be very useful for yourself in the battle.

The growth recently has been incredible, and I really can't thank you guys enough. I'm really looking to get more consistent and good content for your viewing pleasure, and comments and feedback really motivate me until next time,

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