News - This" Is Warzone 2 Without Sbmm & It's Amazing

modern warfare 3

Surly might be nostalgic, but like. I don't think any of those articles are any good anymore, like going back and watching articles. I'm not even joking about last year; I'm like, I don't like that article at all. What was I even talking about? You know, it's one of those things where you're always going to be your harshest critic, and therefore you always think you're getting better and better and better.

I do think I'm getting better here at YouTube, but. I mean. Modern Warfare 3 has just been that game that has historically had low interest from the player base, and that's scary, and I think Activision is scary. I think Activision is hopefully working towards trying to alleviate that. Have they said a single thing since that blog post?

No, they're not going to say anything after that blog post. We might hear something like several months from now or something like that, but overall, I just don't think they're ever really going to talk about skill-based matchmaking again. I think they did it because all the news media and all the media coverage surrounding it kind of forced their hand when they came out and said that they were going to talk about it.

modern warfare 3 honest review

They kind of realized they pretty much had to talk about it; otherwise, they were going to continue to get that bad press. They waited like two or three months, they waited for Microsoft to take them over, they waited to lay off 1900 employees, they waited for season 2, all those announcements like they tried to bury, the skill-based matchmaking, conversation.

modern warfare iii multiplayer

They did put it out there, and they did say some interesting things, a lot of which they honestly thought were [__], but at least they came out, and they acknowledged some aspects of skill-based matchmaking. Even going as far as to put in like little q&as and things like that but I just don't see them ever actually acknowledging it again but then again I never thought they were going to acknowledge it in the first place and then eventually they did that so I've been proven wrong in the past and I would love to be proven wrong here about this, but ladies and gentlemen as we now get closer to the very end of the game here I started to really suck towards the end of this match I was so panicked about just being on the hard point and getting there because like it really seemed like if I was not there we were going to straight up lose it, but Nate dramatic replays he was on a nuke streak believe it or not he said he like died like one off a nuke or something like that which my best kill streaks like 22 in this game for crying out loud, but he died off his nuke and then once he eventually did that he started playing the objective and it just kind of goes to show.

If you're facing six clones of yourself, you're not really going to have an impact really whatsoever, but in a match like this where everyone got in here pretty much based on connection, we all had pretty low, relatively low ping despite the fact I was streaming and just looking at the score, like Nate and I went together.

149 kills to 20 deaths with 19 defends and like 3 minutes and 42 seconds on the hill compared to everybody else on my team, which look at this man like level 50s, level 39's, level 19's, and level 37. The other team had a level 20 and a level 28 of level nine; look at their names for crying out loud, like Freddy7.


Czech 07, like Kingx Slayer 71, are normal Cod players. This was straight up like just normal 10 B10; we jumped in and got into a hardpoint match on rundown, and it was a blast, and this is what Cod could be if they get rid of skill-based matchmaking, but it goes back to the whole discussion; I'm not calling it in particular, but like the godhead 9999, or whatever on the other team went 16 and 34, he's only level 28.

Activision sees that, and they're like, No, he's only level 28, and he went double negative. We need to get that man some kill stats; otherwise, he's going to put down the game, not want to play it anymore, and not buy our shop bundles. Holy jumping cish, we got to do something to save this man, whereas in reality, we were all like Ed at one point when I first started playing Cod back in 2007.

mw3 gameplay

I was Ed, and there were other people in the lobby that were doing dramatic replays and buck balini, you know, and I would see their scores at the end of the game compared to my score and think to myself. Holy [__]. I've got some learning to do. I want to be able to do that, and that's what inspired me to get better at COD.

That's what made me fall in love with the franchise—watching that progression going from a terrible player to a good player—and it was a blast, and here I am all these years later still talking about those good old days because of how impactful and how important they were to me, and other people aren't going to be able to have that experience.

If Call of Duty keeps trying to handhold them again, guys, try out 10 V10. I know I'm probably going to shoot myself in the foot here by saying that, so now 10 V10 is going to be flooded with a bunch of sweaty players for my articles and stuff like that, but I don't care. Try out 10 V10. I promise you, it feels a lot better.

mw3 honest review

I'll be in there, and if you're running into Buck Baggalini, say hi in the chat, and I'll respond, man. But ladies and gentlemen, that is all for this article here today. I hope you enjoyed it. Leave your thoughts and feedback on your experiences. Leave your thoughts and feedback below.

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