News - New" Mw3 Launch Updates. New Changes, More Maps, New Challenges, Operators & Much More (cod Warzone 2i)


Sledgehammer Games decided to give us a little bit of a tree in the form of a blog post. As you guys know, it has been a barren wasteland of news and information regarding Modern Warfare 3 ever since the beta ended, but today we finally got new information from a couple of different blog posts. I'm going to be breaking down all of that here in this article today, so let's cover some of the basics first.

It hasn't changed at all since the end of the beta up until now, but they did say that the first big patch for Modern Warfare 3 will be there at launch and to expect patch notes for that on launch day. November 10th, so we're definitely going to have to wait and see what changed. Going from the beta to the full launch of Modern Warfare 3.

On top of that, some pretty basic stuff here: we're going to level up in that game from levels 1 to 55 to unlock all the base multiplayer, and zombies load out items. They did not mention anywhere in the blog post about prestige mode, so I imagine that with the implementation of Seasons, we're going to have just a simple seasonal prestige system yet again, which is disappointing, but the ranks are going to be 1 through 55, and we're going to have challenges.

cod modern warfare 3

On top of that, here is what the challenges look like: It's pretty similar to what we saw back during Modern Warfare 2, but we have daily challenges for weekly armory weapons operators as well as calling cards; now this is where the article actually gets interesting. Here We Go season 1 they're talking about like the first season of Modern Warfare 3 like we already know at launch we get all 16 OG Modern Warfare 2 maps you know levels 1 through 55 we're going to be going through and getting all the new weapons all the new attachments all the new perks and killstreaks and things like that but season one, they're going to be adding some very interesting things here so just straight from the blog post itself, it says expect a robust.

modern warfare 3

The first season of content for Modern Warfare 3 when it launches in early December, now as of right now it looks like season 1 will launch December 5th if you just simply look at the Battle pass that we currently have in Modern Warfare 2 the battle pass is going to end right around then December 5th, and keep in mind your battle pass from Modern Warfare 2 if you decide to get it is going to carry over into Modern Warfare 3 so when that game comes out you can continue to progress the battle pass even while playing Modern Warfare 3 but yeah tentatively, right now season 1 is pretty much set for December 5th of 2023.

And it's going to be led by the arrival and integration of War Zone with the new Zikan, a big map, so people might be excited for that brand new map for War Zone as well as War Zone launching in general, but in terms of multiplayer. In season 1, we're going to be getting three brand new 6v6 multiplayer maps, and then they say additional maps and modes that's interesting, and then they say an impressive selection of free and premium content, including free functional weapons, which will be revealed in the coming weeks, so pretty basic right there.

modern warfare 3 honest impressions

They're going to be releasing new weapons in season 1, probably tied to the battle pass like before, but they say there are three brand new core 6v6 multiplayer maps with additional maps and modes. What does that mean? They're going to carry forward. Modern Warfare 2 maps the newer Modern Warfare 2 I know that's confusing.

I mean, these names are terrible. They are not going to replace any new or remastered maps that we're going to be getting throughout the different live seasons of Modern Warfare 3; they're just additional content, like literally, they're just porting over some Modern Warfare 2 maps into the game and then putting them in an exclusive playlist at first, and then I imagine over time they're going to be added to regular playlists as well, but basically, it just means more things for you to do more content, essentially, like you may, if you're like me, you may just be bored of these maps, but I think at the same time it will be interesting to play maps like Farm 18.

modern warfare 3 honest review

With Modern Warfare 3 weapons. Modern Warfare 3 loadouts, and Modern Warfare 3 movement. I wonder how it's going to play out and how much better those maps are going to play because, again, the entire selling point of Modern Warfare 3 is basically Infinity Word Sucks at their job. We fixed all the things that they broke, came on in, and now we can try out all those changes on the Modern Warfare 2 maps while still having all the other things that are releasing with Modern Warfare 3.

I think that's pretty good. Honestly, I don't think I see how that's possibly negative. They're adding more content to the game even though it's recycled, but they're adding more stuff to the game in addition to the stuff that they already plan to release, so I think that's a good thing overall. I'm definitely pretty excited to see how that is going to play out, and I wonder just how many maps they're going to add, they say, like shortly after launch we're going to get four Maps Farm 18 Ricardo and Shoe House.

modern warfare iii multiplayer

I like to do all the weapon camos, and if I have a good match, like while I'm going for those challenges, then cool, but if I have a bad game, at least I have some form of progression in the sense that, like I'm working towards camos. I'm working towards unlocking things and whatnot. That's how I personally have fun, but recently they have been creating the game's challenges.

So grindy that you just feel like you have to grind your shipment 24/7. Non-stop, you know, we had the same thing in Vanguard; we had Nuke Town. Back in Black Ops Cold War, like every year, it's like, I guess I'll just grind the one map over and over all year. Most of these are going to be unlocked via challenges in either the multiplayer or in the campaign, and when it comes to the campaign, keep this in mind, ladies and gentlemen.

It's going to be launching early, on November 2nd. If you digitally pre-ordered any edition of Modern Warfare 3, you'll be able to preload the Modern Warfare 3 campaign. And then play through it before the game even comes out, and here are going to be the campaign rewards, and in addition to these rewards, there's also going to be extra ones.


Keep in mind as well that your XP tokens, weapon XP tokens, battle pass XP tokens, all that stuff that you may currently have in Modern Warfare 2, that also carries forward into Modern Warfare 3, so maybe don't blow all your tokens right now, maybe start saving those things up, but then again, we're only a couple weeks away from the launch of the game.

If you have tokens, you've got them; if you don't, then you probably don't. And one final thing here, and I know it's like it's a weird way to like end cap the article off here; it's like such a small feature, but something that like bothers me because when I made that article for Exify, right? has an incredible firing range.

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