News - This Is The Modern Warfare 3 Dmz Update

dmz cancelled mw3

That is the exact answer that I got when I asked this behind the scenes and when other creators also asked behind the scenes as to what the future of DMZ holds now.

What is dmz outside of beta though?

It's unfortunate that DMZ isn't going to come out of beta. I'm not sure when that would have happened. I don't know if maybe MW2 got a second support that would have meant that DMZ got taken even more seriously, and they would have taken it out of beta and updated it a little bit differently.

Or maybe when Infinity W comes out with the new Call of Duty in the next couple of years, they'll bring DMZ back, hopefully still free to play, and it won't be labeled as an in-beta experience; instead, it'll be out-of-beta and will be handled differently. I'm not sure what that could entail, but for now and moving forward. DMZ is going to remain in beta and is not going to be shut down, which I'm happy about because I know I mentioned this previously on the podcast if they're going to cycle out, mazra for urzikstan.

The likelihood of dmz shutting down next year, nah

The likelihood of dmz shutting down next year, nah

And let's say you couldn't optionally uninstall DMZ from your Cod HQ app. I know you could do this on a console or PC now.

If you weren't able to do that. I would say well, at that point, they're probably just going to shut down DMZ support; it's a service experience and it's considered an in-beta one; they can shut it down at any time. I mean, look at multiverses, for example, or other games out there that were in beta for a while and were free to play had you know preseason, or season 1 updates, battle passes, support for months, and all of a sudden got shut down, and I know in Multiverse's case that game is coming back at some point, but for now it's over and you can't play it anymore, so I was thinking that DMZ could possibly receive that same treatment.

I didn't want that to be the case, but I speculated about it, and thankfully, that's not going to be the case. DMZ is going to remain online but will just remain in beta as it is now, obviously.

Mw3 zombies bringing back a lot from dmz explained

dmz mw3 season 1

Modern Warfare 3 zombies is an extraction type of experience from the usual zombie iterations we get, and it's essentially a sequel to both the outbreak from Cold War and DMZ from Modern Warfare 2.

It's combining the best of both outbreaks and DMZ, in my opinion, and with the fact that we're going to see the return of insurance weapons. Contraband, And a bunch of features that we had in DMZ inside of MW3 zombies now just tell me that it wouldn't really have made sense to even update DMZ. Throughout the MW3 life cycle, I would have been down for it, but it would have been awkward to see two different extraction types of modes updated at once.

dmz mw3 zombies

I know you could argue that DMZ is free to play through War Zone. MW3 Zombies is not an on-disk experience, so it would have made sense. I get that argument too, but I just couldn't have seen that many resources going into it. But you can play Devil's Advocate and say, Well, what else is Infinity Ward really going to be doing for the next couple of years if their next CoD isn't until 2025 or 2026?

That's a while away now.

Do the dmz benefit bundles confirm the mode won␙t shut down

Do the dmz benefit bundles confirm the mode won␙t shut down

I've also seen the argument that because a lot of bundles in Modern Warfare 2 offer the benefits you know people consider them pay to win because of that fact alone, there would be no way they ever shut DMZ down. I totally get that argument, but in all honesty, none of the bundles that have DMZ benefits are marketed solely around those benefits, so their bundles, such as the classic Ghost 2009 pack, would have sold great anyway, and the focus of that pack is not on the DMZ bundles; it's just a bundle that happens to have DMZ benefits, so I don't think that was ever a real reason that they would have had to keep DMZ online.

dmz new boss

I honestly wouldn't have been surprised. I mean, you still get all the content from those packs usable in MW2 in War Zone; you just won't have the extra ability to have that fast and up-and-down cool-down slot or the ability to then spawn in with the gas mask anymore. Whatever the benefit was, that would have gotten messy, but again, considering war zone Caldera shut down and people that bought bundles during that era can no longer use them unless they own the games that those bundles came from, that's already something crazy that's happened before, so that wouldn't really have surprised me if something like that happened again, but people have also asked if the benefit bundles from DMZ would transfer over to zombies, especially, you know, insured weapon cooldown bonuses, and being able to spawn in with a certain type of vest or gas mask a self-revive.

Do dmz benefit bundles transfer to mw3 zombies?

Do dmz benefit bundles transfer to mw3 zombies?

As of now, no information has been provided about how those benefits would transfer to zombies. I highly doubt it's going to be the case, and I'm sure if anything, there'll be new types of bundles throughout the MW3 cycle that do offer similar types of benefits, but that are exclusive to zombies only now, as I talked about in previous articles and over on the podcast.

The Haunting is essentially the final update for DMZ.

The haunting is the end for dmz, temporarily though

I mean, it kind of is because the haunting festivities being added in are only temporary, right? All the limited time modes and the map update the boss fights, challenges, and rewards. That's really it, but is about it.

Closing statements

Closing statements

This has been DK Dynamite. Leave our thoughts down. I really hope you've enjoyed it. Peace

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