News - They Buffed The Swarm Killstreak Warzone 2. Hidden Change & More Streak Feedback


I provided this exact same feedback a couple months ago, and while it's not a gamebreaker by any means, it's just one of those little things that I think could go a long way. And then just one last note here: when we're talking about high-end streaks, something I've been noticing a lot of people post about is getting kicked for inactivity while controlling a kill streak, most notably the gunship.

This appears to happen quite often with a gunship, and I really hope they can fix it so that it should be impossible for you to be kicked out of the game for inactivity. If you're actively controlling a kill streak in the game and it's obviously frustrating to get kicked from a match when you're actively playing the game and you're just using a kill streak, so there we go.

Wrap up

Wrap up

That's going to wrap it up for today's article. I just wanted to keep you guys updated on the fact that swarm streak is now significantly more powerful than it once was, and you may want to give it a shot again if you're someone who's capable of earning those higher-end streaks.

Also read:

First off, how do you guys feel about this swarm buff so you can no longer just simply outrun it with an lmg in your hands, and you'll actually have to switch switches over to hijack a strobe if you want to counter the highest streak in the game? I'll talk to you guys

The Swarm Killstreak in Modern Warfare III was quite weak when I first tested it back in January but now, it appears they've given it a hidden buff because it performs noticeably different and I wanted to share this change with you today.
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