News - These Warzone 2i Weekly Unlocks Worry Me. Aftermarket Parts & Fomo


That other people have and are using against them, and presumably at that point the only way to match them would be to probably buy a blueprint, because I'm assuming they're also going to have blueprints with these aftermarket parts in order to really capitalize on that fomo, so if you do miss out on that week, maybe you will cave and spend $20 on a blueprint that has that aftermarket part unlocked.

To me, that sounds pretty horrible. Like I said earlier. I have no problem if it's cosmetic only content because it's not like you're missing out on things that actually affect the gameplay and you're not competing against people that have this thing that you can't get unless you spend real money at least at that moment in time, so yeah, at least as far as I can tell based on how they've described this system.

How bad will it be?

How bad will it be?

I really don't like the sounds of this. I am hoping that perhaps they just weren't detailed enough, and maybe it won't be as bad as we think. Maybe those weekly challenges will keep popping up week after week, and sure, you have to complete them within a one-week span. But you could at least have a shot at it every single week, like there's always some way that you could potentially be progressing toward that.

I don't think that's going to be the case, but it's not completely out of the question with how they described it. Additionally, I think the severity of this really depends on several factors. The first factor is the timing of this weekly challenge. If we go back and assume that this is just available for one week out of an entire season, if you miss that week, you're screwed.


Well, it would really stink if that one week to unlock was really early on in the season, and therefore, if you miss that weekly challenge, now you have to play for potentially a couple months. With no ability to progress toward this item that a bunch of other people are using against you and that would really suck whereas it would be less severe although I still wouldn't like this it wouldn't be nearly as bad if this weekly challenge came toward the end of the season so if you do miss out on that then like at most you're looking at like a week or two where you have no ability to progress toward that but the next season, right around the corner and you'll have access to that challenge that never goes away, as soon as the next season drops, an additional factor that comes into play here as far as how severe this would be is, what kind of weekly challenges are we talking about how much dedication.

Is going to be required in that week to complete that challenge. Is it something that's going to require a bunch of dedication and multiple play sessions throughout that week, like even if you're focusing on it 100%, is it going to take you more than like 6 hours to complete in a week, or is it going to be reasonably easy where if you put your mind to it, you can have it done within like a 2-hour gaming session?

Again, this is just another factor to consider as far as how bad this could potentially be.

Wrap up

Wrap up

Get , and that's pretty much where I'm going to have to leave it here. I'm really hoping that I'm overreacting a little bit, and it's not going to be as bad as I think it could potentially turn out to be, but I definitely wanted to talk about this topic because it is something that has me a little bit nervous, and I don't like the sounds of it based on what we can tell so far.

Of course, time will tell how severe this is going to be. If they handled it right, maybe it will only be a very minor annoyance and not really a big deal by any means, like if they bring this weekly challenge back multiple times throughout a season so you have multiple shots to get this or they make that weekly challenge relatively easy to complete within a couple hours.

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In Modern Warfare III, it appears many of the Aftermarket Parts conversion kits will be unlocked via weekly challenges and if you miss that week, you may not have an opportunity to get that part until the next season starts. Today, I wanted to share my thoughts and concerns with this system.
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