News - The Top 5 Loadouts For Resurgence Ranked. Warzone Ranked Loadouts

All right, we're going to check the stats and see about a 11% increase in gun control, a 12% increase, and then a vertical recoil control of about 4% for the mag. As I said, this thing does have a lot of ammo. We're putting on the six-round mag. I promise you, you need it. This thing will wipe absolutely a bunch of squads just with one magazine, and lastly, for the stock, we're using something to help with the recoil, just gun control, making it more predictable.

hrm 9 best class

It's going to be the HVS 3.4 pad, helping with recoil control and the gun kick control, but that is all I have for the build. Take a screenshot of this class, and as I said, this thing is absolutely insane. As you guys can see, this thing does not move at all once you control recoil with your thumb for this next weapon.

I was kind of stuck on what route I wanted to take just because the first three loadouts are really the ones that everyone uses. But another meta I'm using the BP50, but I'm using it as an SMG build. This thing has a lot of ammo, has great mobility, and it's such a fun gun to use, starting off with the muzzle.

The best muzzle to use for all of these subbuilds is going to be the Zen-compensated flash hider, which just increases vertical reco control, horizontal firing aim, and stability. We're going to see an increase of 5 to 15% on this thing for the barrel. Go ahead and toss on the Lore 9 heavy barrel increasing, all that stuff.

meta loadouts

The recoil control bullet velocity on this weapon and the range Check the stats; we see all greens up top in the range and recoil control sections. We're going to see about a 15% increase for that damage range, 18% for that blow velocity, and about 8 to 5% for those recoil controls, whether horizontal, vertical, or gun kit control for the magazine.

As I said, this thing does have a lot of ammo. 45-round mag, and we're using this as a sub. This thing absolutely shreds the stock. We're using the CON 30 padded stock, which helps us with movement speed all right. Sprint to fire speed, giving us that SMG feel on this assault rifle man. Finally, for the last attachment, we are using the first.

IV grip for the rear grip, helping us with recoil control and gun kick control, but that is all I have for the build. Try this class setup out, take a screenshot, whatever you need, and let me just show you about this thing in the firing range. All right, as I said, this thing, Has absolutely no recoil, all right, and the movement thing.

mtz 762 best class

This thing gives you is absolutely insane, so make sure to give it a try, but let's head out to our last load out this last load out on this top five article, all right. A lot of you guys aren't going to predict this, but the striker is all right. It's such a fun gun to use. It has great mobility, has a lot of ammo, and it's just such a fun gun to use.

All right, hopping on for the first attachment, we're putting on a muzzle, and we're putting on the Zen compensated flash hider. However, for this weapon, right here, I am using the DR6 hand stop instead of the FTAc MSP, just because I really don't need that much recoil control on this weapon for the magazine.

I have a 50-round mag. This thing is an absolute tank for the rear grip. We're using the sck and ZX grips to help us with the reco control. Gunk control and firing aiming stability—we go ahead and check out the stats; we're going to see recoil control increase. By 7% for both horizontal and vertical and about 10% for the recoil gun KCK control.

ranked best loadout

Finally, for the last attachment, the FSS, or priority tactical stock, as a stock on this thing, increases movement speed and recoil control. Just Best of Both Worlds, as I said, whenever we could get attachments like this, we want to make sure we're tossing them on just because it gives you what you need for that recoil control, making it easier to shoot your enemies hopping into the firing range with this thing.

This thing absolutely fries; as you guys see, it has damage and mobility. I'm just finessing around, and I'm not losing a lot of mobility on this thing, but that is all I have for you guys, man. That is the best of the top five loadouts to use right now in the war zone. Also, don't forget to drop a sub on the channel.

Catch you guys in tomorrow's article. Have a blessed one.

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